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  • Military guy: 'I have realised that the army I am part of is committing genocide and I am ending my own life painfully to make a statement in defiance of said genocide'

    This fuckin lib: "he wanted attention for this"

    • The thing is, they're almost right: it was a spectacle, he did want attention - ATTENTION TO THE GENOCIDE. They just can't (or refuse to) understand that anyone could take any action to benefit a larger cause instead of benefiting themselves as individuals.

  • To the liberal brainpan, sincerity is a trope in fiction, or perhaps a long-obsolete custom from bygone times

    • Liberals can't even analyze fiction anymore without assuming that because you consume it, you cosign it (and honestly even I still have occasional knee-jerks in this direction despite knowing better)

  • I hope the death of the Amerikan liberal, as an identity, as a class, and even as an individual, dies as slowly and agonizingly as Aaron's flames ate away at him. I want the Amerikan liberal's last gasps of air to be a cursing of whatever artificially-constructed god they worship; because they worship at the altars of no divinity with actual dogmas beyond greed, viciousness, and consumption.

  • Surprised no one commented on how moronic it is to think the US military just lets people quit when they aren’t feeling it anymore lol. They will laugh in your face. They own you the minute you sign the contract, barring extraordinary circumstances not including conscience.

    • Dude casually dropping the “just be Muslim” like that’s a thing

    • Not intending this as a "uh, acktually" but just to add information on this front.

      This is basically true across the board. If they, meaning your direct commander and their commander, feel the need to keep you around until your contract is up, then yeah, you're not going anywhere. Beyond your commanders there are others in basically like "HR" types whose job is to keep every job in the military manned at a certain leveled based on criteria that someone figures out. So if they need 10 people in your specific job and currently there are 10 or less, well, you ain't getting out even if your command does agree to let you be released early.

      The only small exceptions to any of this are the obvious ones: you become disabled in some capacity to the point that you can no longer perform your duties and also can't be retrained into another less demanding position. Pretty rare, but it does happen to active duty sometimes. People use the term "med board" or medical board because a board of military doctors and others decide if you're fit to stay, etc.

      But as far as voluntarily exiting early you can get out of an enlistment contract a few years early with commander approval (and beyond) to attend college and then officer training. I think this is more of a pause than an end though because you intend to reenter service as an officer in a couple years. This is also rare as fuck.

      You can also get out early by being (or becoming) a conscientious objector. This is actually somewhat "dangerous" to do once you're active duty though since you are either saying you previously lied during enlistment (false enlistment carries some punishment possibly) or you have to prove that your mind has legitimately changed and you aren't cynically claiming the status simply to get out. Again, commanders hold nearly all the power here. They can rubber stamp it if, for example, some dude converts to Islam and marries a Muslim woman and they appear to now live/want to live a devout lifestyle. If he was previously not known to hold beliefs that prevent him from military duty, but has undergone a period of change and now outwardly holds different views, this is enough to get out. Assuming the commander(s) approve, of course.

      You can also get out for failure to adapt type reasons eg inability to regularly maintain physical fitness standards. For the chair force this was just a simple honorable discharge (the normal default status). That may be different now for them and other branches. This still takes time to fulfill though since they'll force you to do extra PT, go to diet courses, might take over a year of failing to even get recommended to get kicked and you'll lose rank and put on shit jobs the whole way down as punishment.

      You could also just straight up desert. They usually don't put much effort (now days) into finding people who do this HOWEVER it's like living life with a giant sword shaped warrant over your head and if you ever get picked up somehow you may be spending months in prison. Probably depends if you did anything else and all that stuff. Pretty sure desertion would make it impossible to be legally hired until it's resolved as well. Like it will pop up during initial onboarding at a new job. So you'll be working under the table forever or forced to leave the country.

      So yeah, basically all of these are undesirable or extremely hard to pull off scenarios. Most people just end up doing the time. They basically got your ass.

      • This is what stopped me from going through with signing up when I was 18. The recruiters kept telling me more and more fanstical jobs I could be doing as the conversation went on until I just stopped believing them, and knowing they could just put me whereever and I wouldn't be able to leave for 4 years was very unappealing.

        Side point: They made me take some computerized test in a back room and when I was finished that's when the stories got all fanciful. First they said I could be a nuclear engineer, then they said a cryptographer, then they said I could be in intelligence where I'd be writing the news that the networks run. Each time they had a different job the pay went up and up and up. Once they hit the intelligence thing writing the news and said I'd be making at least 100k I completely stopped believing them, though not that they don't have people writing the news, just that they'd pay some dipshit from the midwest $100k to do it.

    • Pretty funny how they think you can just convert to Islam and the army is islamophobic enough they will just let you leave after that and cancel your contract, but also it’s good and normal that our military is this racist

  • the soldier was literally an anarchist, right? that was how their twitch was themed

    • anarchist troop

      How do you even square that circle, unless the politics was a very recent development?

      • Most people join around 18-20 years old. Not much more than children. By 25 you're much more developed mentally and might see the world totally differently than 18.

        We may learn more, but just guessing, this guy probably just joined because the military functions as a jobs program for young people, mostly young like lower middle class men, to move up the economic ladder. (This is not an endorsement or saying it's good or saying people have no agency in all of this.)

        once he got older he became disillusioned and was waiting to get out. Oct 7th happened, he probably heard some utterly puke-worthy rhetoric about it at work but had to remain mostly silent. Fast forward to yesterday, apparently the day he could no longer stay silent and complicit.

        Again, I don't know for sure beyond his final statement. But that doesn't feel like too much of a fantasy to imagine.

        It honestly makes the libs dismissing his act even more gross. This guy is the last person on earth basically who is supposed to feel empathy for Palestinians. I have to imagine he thought about a bunch of ways out or how to show solidarity and such. In the end apparently he concluded, correctly I think, that self immolation of an active duty US military member in a direct act of protest would be the most powerful and non-destructive message or action he could send or take. I'm trying really hard to feel the state of mind he must have felt near the end, the last few days, and I can't. I just know it was incredibly brave, sad, and I'll do my part to make sure the annoying libs have to think about his burning body forever. Maybe they'll give a shit about the white airman burning alive since they don't care about Palestinian children burning. If that's what it takes to make them stop signing off on genocide...

      • Economic pressure? Material conditions? Aggressive recruiting? Familial pressure? Nobody is immune to propaganda? Plenty of ways. Though given the age I'd bet disillusionment and. political growth is the most likely answer.