Posted this a while back on Reddit. Still holds up, watched another one today.
Posted this a while back on Reddit. Still holds up, watched another one today.
Posted this a while back on Reddit. Still holds up, watched another one today.
Combs can carry a show so hard. Imagine if they'd actually gotten to that 5th season of Enterprise with Shran as a main cast member. The show might still be on the air.
Still hoping he shows up on Strange New Worlds.
They've shown the Jeffries tubes, and as they are his domain he must eventually show up
They better do it!
Jeffrey Combs as Brunt
Jeffrey Combs as Weyoun
Jeffrey Combs as Weyoun and Brunt
Jeffrey Combs as AGIMUS
Jeffrey Combs as Thy'lek Shran
It's Brunt, FCA!
At least I'm not the only one!
Nope not just you. His characters are on point.
His Question in JLU was brilliant
He owned that character.
What if it's the one where he's a creepy perv that wants Kira's likeness made into a holosuite sex program?
He creeped on Ivanova on B5, too. Jeff’s got a type.
Kira and Ivanova? Dude likes to be dominated I guess.
"Staring Jeffrey Combs as Brunt": HELL YEAH!
"Staring Jeffrey Combs as Weyun": HELL YEAH!
"Staring Jeffrey Combs as Brunt and Weyun": LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOO!
He was good in Re-animator too
I wonder if star trek writers ever even hesitate if they come up with a new weird alien guy that's gonna have more than couple appearances or if they know the role is gonna go to Combs anyway lol
He was also delicious in From Beyond