The single best thing I like about Zed is how they unironically put up a video on their homepage where they take a perfectly fine function, and butcher it with irrelevant features using CoPilot, and in the process:
Make the function's name not match what it is actually doing.
Hardcode three special cases for no good reason.
Write no tests at all.
Update the documentation, but make the short version of it misleading, suggesting it accepts all named colors, rather than just three. (The long description clarifies that, so it's not completely bad.)
Show how engineering the prompt to do what they want takes more time than just writing the code in the first place.
And that's supposed to be a feature. I wonder how they'd feel if someone sent them a pull request done in a similar manner, resulting in similarly bad code.
I think I'll remain firmly in the "if FPS is an important metric in your editor, you're doing something wrong" camp, and will also steer clear of anything that hypes up the plagiarism parrots as something that'd be a net win.
I've seen their page and while it seems great, I don't think they'll match Jetbrains in term of out of the box ergonomics. Could be a good VScodium replacement once it gets a bit fleshed out and available on Linux.
It's funny how many people online use VS Code. But I've heard that this might be a US thing. Here, everyone uses the JetBrain products (which are far superior imo).
John fucking Carmack codes in Microsoft Visual Studio, and that's the guy who wrote Doom, the single most important piece of software in history of Man and I'm not even exaggerating.
I don't get why some people argue over text editors... Just use whatever works. I like VSCode, not because it's the best or the fastest or the lightest.
It works and it does all I need it to do, which is all that I need from a text editor.
For the most part it's a business for them, and that's what matters, they target Mac users because they are more likely to pay.
If you need speed and customization there is neovim and Helix (Rust based). From users to users, no business interests here.
Or VSCode just works for almost everyone.
I don't understand the hate for zed here. Because they are MacOs only? Well, platform support is being worked and looking at their business model it seems MacOs users will the cohort that actually pays for these kinds of things. It will be fun to try out once it comes on linux buy my fealty is with nvim.
I liked Atom, performance was tolerable on my overpowered machine, but MS killing it just sent me back to Vim and modernizing my plugins.
Zed positives: Metal rendering. I use a Mac, so one platform's fine. But negatives: Rust, so I can't/won't touch any internals, and I loathe the Rustacean propaganda wing. No extensions yet. Config is another stupid json file.
You know what's great about vimrc? It's easy to put in a few config commands, and then you realize you're working in the scripting language. You don't have to switch to a whole new file format. Thanks, Bram.
I'm hopeful it get somewhere. Lapce was a good idea, but is sadly slowing down. I'm hoping this will generate enough hype to make it live. I'm really looking forward to a IDE without Electron