Dude who invented the frisbee?
Dude who invented the frisbee?
The fuck?
Dude who invented the frisbee?
The fuck?
"Navalny was actually just a really cool, xenophobic, ultra-nationalist guy. Nothing like that despicable, xenophobic, ultra-nationalist Trump �*"
showing him in a casket is really telling
Sir or Madam: Yes, this is about [recent story in the news]. Because [event] is so [recent] we have decided to to canonize [the story] as St. [Recent Story in the News]. Please have a corresponding cartoon drawing submitted before the usual publication deadline.
And they say humans can't compete with AI-generated content
Praise for Navalny is a good way to tell someone knows literally nothing about Russia other than "Putin bad"
Lets be honest, liberals would absolutely be onboard with his "exterminate muslims" policy.
They are onboard and doing it right now. Why do people here still talk in hypotheticals? American empire has been murdering millions of Muslims and is actively genociding them
If only Hitler had stuck to killing communists and the Slavs, he would have been crowned as the greatest anti-communist hero in the Western world.
“Yes, Hitler was brutal, and perhaps excessive, but in the end he succeeded in stopping the invasion of the Mongol horde and their pernicious ideas from the East”
Yup I'd love to ask this person what nevalneys political beliefs were.
But of course this is liberals were dealing with he's a hero for being not putin the same way Biden is abhero for being not Trump.
Surely this is a bit right? He's in a coffin because they're making fun of him, right?
The coffin is because the artist didn't even bother to look up what he looked like
Couldn't risk googling his name and finding out that his politics might not be that good, after all.
label your axis god fucking dammit
They're following the r/dataisbeautiful house style.
The freeform jazz of statistical brainworms
it's the Hitler-Jesus axis
At least the dude who invented frisbee didn't put Japanese Americans in concentration camps.
Liberals finally have their own Rosa Luxemburg I guess
What do liberals think Navalny even did except die
Watched Rick and Morty as he flew to his doom
wubbalubba dub dub
Rosa at least actually did shit, even if she never got a chance to lead and fuck up.
No mention of Lincoln because liberals can’t even pretend not to sympathize with slave owners anymore
I love that the loser who made this didn't know what Navalny looked like and couldn't be bothered to look it up. Really shows how much these guys care about their martyrs and how much they actually know about them as people.
These political compasses keeps getting weirder and weirder
These dipshits love nothing better than mindlessly lionizing rivals of their most hated opponents, regardless of who they are
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" but it's their actual foundational belief.
reddit watermark = opinion invalid
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I thought this was satire
This is satire.
Source: my sanity requires this to be satire or else I'll take a fatal amount of psychic damage.
No one person invented the frisbee, the main inventor guy invented it with is at the time girlfriend, eventually wife. It was a partnership at Wham-O that decided on the name "frisbee". co-invented I feel would be a more proper term. But this is just pedantry.
source: the Internet
Jesus Christ I can't
Honestly saying "source: reddit" makes the whole thing accurate.
But it would be like citing "the big book of ideas that are dumb as fuck" unironically
Did they draw Putin with devil horns or orc ears I can't tell?
I think it's devil horns, but now that you mention it, it kind of looks like he's trying to make him look like an orc or a goblin or something.
at first I thought this was satire on libs, but then I check yts (movie torrents) and the movies listed is Navalny 2022, wtf they actually made a movie on him?!
The fall
ok admittedly this is funny as fuck. what is this guy talking about?
Too dumb to be real, too unfunny to be satire.
Could be a perfectly dry bit, like a finely smoked bit jerky
I'm a nobody and I've met other nobodies that have talked about brutality and violence that would make Hitler blush. What the actual fuck fairy land dies this person live in?
Jesus belongs either off the chart, or on the other end. He's either an entirely fictional character, or was just another delusional human that formed a cult.
I wouldn't talk about "belonging" on the chart considering how nonsensical everything else is. As far as Jesus goes, he's no more fictional than the creator's idea of Putin and FDR.
he isn't a fictional character, he was a real person. whether or not he was the son of god is dependent on what you believe, but jesus existed
edit: just read your comment again im a fuckin idiot my bad
I'm not sure what you mean read it again, that is what I was saying. Show me a shred of evidence he ever existed. I haven't seen it yet. Best I've seen is "historians" creating a new "logic" that says no one would write a fictional story where the main characters lose, therefore... it must all be real? There's no physical or written evidence to suggest this miracle makin' magic man is even loosely based on a real person.
I've encountered a shit load of people that belong outside of that { } box. Plenty of them belong right next to Hitler.
This has The Oatmeal energy
if there's no link, it's not real. link it you :LIB:
You need to label your axes if you are doing a line graph! I assume one of them is good/evil, but what's the other one?
It's not a line graph, just a weirdly-formatted spectrum