Time to bring that back
Time to bring that back
Time to bring that back
That literally isn't true. There's an entire separate sin for that called greed.
Very true but in the end it's all just marketing religion to the poor. Look at those sinners over there eating fantastic meals and living in lavish estates. If you get a little extra money instead of living in nicer houses or eating better food, you should really be donating that.
That's kind of a strawman considering that's not at all what Christianity says. Jesus was in favour of taxing the wealthy and talked shit about the rich all the time. You ever hear the story where he trashed a temple because people had set up a gift shop in it? Or the time he said "it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven".
Christianity caught on because it was popular with the poor.
Well, every sin is just about selfishness if you think about it long enough.
not really, every sin is about pride. It's a fine but significant distinction. I.e. a purely selfish person has no reason to be envious in a distinct sense from being greedy.
Wanting more vs having more. Not the same.
I don't think that's true, unless someone wants to find a better source. But the bible passages listed on Wikipedia are pretty clearly about food.
Wow there are some silly reasons for gluttony:
Eating at the wrong time
Wanting a particular food
Enhancing taste of food
Enjoying taste of food
Having opinions about food preparation
Liking Eating food
Making bad trades for food
Although some of these feel made up. Someone doing one of these and then eventually dying doesn't mean it was caused by gluttony, but there are examples in the wiki where that's the case. Others feel like cases of 'committing other sins while interacting with food or while it is around' and someone tried to make it about the food
Yeah, these are made up. The Bible is a higher authority than the opinions of saints.
My god Gordon Ramsey will be furious with that list.
Deadly sins are not in bible, but a later invention in catholic church
I think the closest thing is Proverbs 6:16-19,(went with... NIV I guess?) Haughty eyes A false/lying tongue Hands that shed innocent blood A heart that devises wicked schemes Feet that are quick to rush to evil False witness who pours out lies And... a person who sturs up conflict in the community.
I grew up JW so NWT had different wording, but most of those are lies, attitude, and people who start shit. The most specific one would be the innocent murder and lying ones.
Gotta remember that back when the things that make up the Bible were written, fat people were pretty synonymous with wealth. Hard to get fat when you barely have any food.
This is unfortunately not true, but like the Bible the deadly sins were made up. An omnipresent being with no concept of humanity and life wouldn’t give two sharts if you had some ice cream twice in a day
An omnipresent being with no concept of humanity and life
Whose Bible were you reading?
Some Christian denominations don't follow the trinity and consider Jesus and God as completely separate beings, with Jesus being the only creation God did without going through Jesus (only begotten son). For anyone who learned based on that, God couldn't possibly have experienced human life, though at least the ones I'm familiar with God still uses Jesus as more the judge than himself.
A bit of a tangent but the year of jubilee is an interesting concept in the Torah. The idea is every 49 years they did an economic reset. Slaves were freed, debts forgiven, and land returned.
Unsurprisingly the concept was very appealing to enslaved people. During the US Civil War, many enslaved folks used it as a justification and rallying cry to escape to the north. In Defense of Looting argues that this was one of the most effective instances of mass political theft in history. This also had the effect of hollowing out the South's economy, swelling the North's military ranks, and scaring the shit out of racists everywhere.
I don't think reconstruction would have gone as far as it did without this mass political action and the power it gave formerly enslaved people.
Moses originally had 3 tablets with the divine Commandments, but broke one in anger. A disciple would later recover a fragment, containing the start of the 13th Commandment: XIII THOU SHALT LIGMA...
It’s so sad that Steve Jobs died of divine retribution
Who the hell is Steve Jobs?
Thou shalt ligma what?
There really is a story about him breaking the old laws in anger at the worship of a golden calf and bringing new laws.
Such a coincidence that story happened to parallel the alleged reforms of Josiah who got rid of the golden calf worship in Bethel and Dan while instituting new laws he 'discovered' excavating the temple.
God (or at least his editors) truly do work in mysterious ways
Yo mama
You mean which rulers decided peasants eating enough was a sin.