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  • When you make a website and perform SEO tactics like the ones in this article, Google isn't providing a service to you, you're providing the service to Google.

  • Part of this is also our fault for how we allowed our browsing habits to change and adjust and make the issue worse. Like how many of us will just search random things even if we want to search in or go to a specific website as a goto?

    In the old days we might search once or find the website through word of mouth or links on other affiliated websites, and then bookmark good website and search there first before turning to google. Now? Lord knows I immediately google even if I know I can go to another website. Instead of browsing websites directly we sit on social media, be it reddit twitter facebook and are spoonfed our content without actually going to the original source or if we do just to the page and never to check. g like rolling stone reviewing air purifiers.

    Some of this is the result of convenient access, some of this is thanks to addictive predatory design, and for those who held out as long as possible the companies in charge of content sites would pivot to cater towards social media and search algorithms and enshitify their homepage making it harder to bother.

  • It's frustrating there are so many bad reviews when it's not like basic material testing is that complicated. If a few of these media conglomerates just ripped off the things Project Farm does to branch out what products are tested, that would be immensely helpful. As a bonus, much of his testing is actually interesting to watch, so you'd actually be generating double the content, the review and the test itself.

    I do enjoy Project Farm is testing more household items these days. The trashbag torture tests this week were good. He tests enough catagories that with whatever item he's testing, you can see what is the best value for daily use or what to get when you really need something to work no matter what you throw at it.

    • I've purchased a few things after listening to him yell at me for 20 minutes. The reviews are useful, but I wouldn't watch for pleasure.

      • Lol he is loud I guess. I'm surrounded by louder people, so I don't notice. 😁

        You can always skip to the results chart at the end. I do that for things I'm kinda interested in but will probably never buy.