Script kiddies
Script kiddies
Script kiddies
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If they just asked kindly those "stupid smelly nerds" would've gladly helped bit no you have to be an idiot and an entitled little shit.
Considering the nature of the tool, if you can't understand how to use the tool. You should be banned. Its not something for laypersons.
This person has interacted with stupid smelly nerds, confirmed. It's a feedback loop, in any case. The elitism is going to naturally spin out from the power imbalance created by the stupid smelly nerds also being the ones that have access to all the knowledge. For all the commitment to open source principles and ideas, lots of people just kind of don't understand that one of the most critical aspects of open source is making your shit accessible.
10000% this. If someone tells me to compile from source, nahhh. Gimme a executable or a dpkg or something I can run with one line. Heck, you can make Python builds with Poetry that will dump your app to the path so you can just run it.
I tell the Linux crowd this constantly and they don’t get it.
Your OS is trash if I have to chmod +x a dpkg I downloaded. No it isn’t just double click to run a new program.
No, pointing to the terminal isn’t a viable solution for end users… because most of them uninstalled when they opened terminal.
People want shit that works. The FOSS community is unwilling to make that happen but wants market share.
Stupid smelly nerds.
Stupider jocks like you don't understand that there are different types of open source. There are bigger projects that are production ready and big enough to have a following and they DO provide all that a limited brain like yours needs to run the software. There are other smaller and early stage projects that get released to github and elsewhere and are there for smarter kids to access early if they can. You can't be both a brainless amoeba AND on the edge of technological advancement. Grow up and start wearing glasses.
Some of them yeah but i would've helped him and i know there are some others who will do the same . Also i bet thats what this aproach yielded too .