Shout out to the oil, meat, and shipping industries
Shout out to the oil, meat, and shipping industries
Shout out to the oil, meat, and shipping industries
Slight inaccuracy, the data only goes back to 1979 and has not yet been verified by NOAA which has data going back to 1880.
It’s also worth noting that this is based on the Climate Reanalyzer which is intended for forecasting temperatures, not record keeping.
It would be more accurate to say it was the hottest day ever recorded by the Climate Reanalyzer.
This. It's also not accurate to say it's the warmest we've been in the past 10,000 years, it was likely warmer during the roman warm period, and potentially a couple of other points. So we can only really say it's the warmest we've seen in the last couple hundred years.
That's not to say this isn't concerning, we're on track to smash the roman warm periods average temperatures within our lifetimes and make the earth the hottest it's been since the paleoscene, which would have massive ramifications. But we're not there yet, the problem is that we will likely get there in the next few decades.
You act like you use the word Paleoscene like you know when it was.
I don't.
I did however hear on the BBC News Podcast that Nerds are saying we should change the name of the period we're in now to be the "Time of Man" and I realised that I have no idea what Epoch we are currently in.
So I thought I'd ask you. Then I'll memorise your answer and be less dumb.
Please help.
Edit: I know how to use Google but this way is more fun sometimes.
the data only goes back to 1979 and has not yet been verified by NOAA which has data going back to 1880.
There's a whole hot world outside of America who don't need to wait for its underfunded organizations to get around to validating the data.
But I get it. The news is dire. It's neat to cling to uncertainty in times like this unless you lived in Lytton
Welcome to the coldest summer for the rest of your life :)
Why would you do that?
Thats a nice way to put it. Thank you.
And just a week ago I was talking to these boomers that were explaining me how "we should all stop being so attached to climate fear" and that "everything will just sort itself out and we'll live just fine".
Yea, no shit boomer
They meant that they'll live just fine. You see, they will be dead before climate change decimates our planet. 🤷♂️
Looks less likely every year, they're running out of time quick
Boomers: "We had hot days in the 60's and 70's as well and you didn't hear us complain"
My parents' go-to is that everyone was freaking out about an incoming ice age in the 60s (they weren't), and thus climate experts are all completely clueless and have no clue what they're talking about.
And they wonder why I visit less than before.
So far.
So true it burns.
...enjoy this summer; it's the coolest one you'll experience for the rest of your life...
Vermont just had flooding that was on par with Hurricane Irene.
They're calling it a 1000 year rarity. It happened 12 years ago. Only this time there was no hurricane.
There are ocean temperatures in the fucking 90s.
This hurricane season is gonna be batshit crazy, y'all.
The concept of seasons will also get super fucked. Already feeling it in North-East India - weather trends are not very predictable any more.
I think, as individuals; we all need to pick up our game and do our part in polluting and destroying the planet more. We can't let the corporations do all the heavy lifting after all.
Edit: I don't think I came across properly here, given the replies. This was sarcasm saying we need to fuck up the planet more to keep pace with the rate the corporations do.
Yes. Our 12% will really make a difference vs corporations' 80%. And we can get to that 12% if so 8 billion of us work together. I'm doing my 0.0000001% part!
I personally plan on returning my rechargeable AA batteries and going single use from now on. it's the little things that help
Mine aren't quite dead yet, but I've used them for over a day now. I should throw them out and buy some more just in case, I don't know how accurate that little meter on the battery saying it's still at 90% is.
Honestly corporations are only producing what consume. We are using corporations as scapegoats. If we don't realize this soon and don't change it ways...
If you haven't seen it, The Good Place is a great show and they discuss this basically. Should we be responsible for tracking the output of every company before we buy any product?
(The answer is: of course not. We don't have enough time in the world for that. The correct solution is regulation and taxing for negative externalities during the production process. If the cost of negative externalities is built into the cost of the product, then it will be less benificial to purchase a product with a dirty supply chain.)
Well, we kind of have to get basic necessities, so often buying stuff from corporations is necessary. Yes, we shouldn't buy useless shit, but why are we making useless shit in the first place?
I do agree that we as inviduals should take some responsibility, such as not littering and trying to minimise our waste, but we have to hold corporations accountable for their actions.
Also there are a lot of more ethical and responsible ways for corporations to produce their goods, but they choose to not to. Why? Because it would take more money, and they don't give a shit about anything else than their money.
Shipping? Shipping is about 2 % of global CO2 emissions.
Large ships emit a lot of sulphur oxides (SOx). E.g. cruise ships emit more than all cars of Europe. SOx is not a greenhouse gas, but it’s a nasty pollutant nonetheless.
They emit a lot, but they transport ... a very lot. Trucks are higher emitters per comodity.
Still both should be powered by something else like hydrogen (more interesting for ships I guess) or batteries...
And cruise ships should be IMHO taxed so high (the tax should probably directly go to countermeasures), such that only very rich people are able to (not that I grant them the fun, but they should finance this climate disaster in every possible way...)
Based on what a reasonable carbon price should be, I don't think you would need to tax them to oblivion. They would just need to pay their fair share.
This website suggests that it is about 0.4 tonne of CO2 per passenger per day. Canada's current carbon tax is $65 per tonne. So a 7 day cruise would be $182 per passenger in carbon pricing. This is just ballpark and yes you can argue that carbon prices should be higher.
I looked into carbon offsets of shipping containers from China to the US as part of my job. I was shocked at how little was emitted per container - Probably cost around $40 of offsets for one 45 footer.
Like you said, the bigger issue is the trucks needed for last mile / between distribution centers.
With modern open-loop scrubbers large ships don't emit SOx anymore...
...instead they just dump it into the sea. Science!
shipping is also trucks dude.. and all the other nasty ways we move products around the world..
Sure it is, but I think that's still better than if every individual needs to drive their own car through half the country to buy coffee. Shipping needs to happen in any way. Sure we could order less stuff from the internet, so individual house door shipping would be less, but that's a drop in the ocean, compared to the other named factors
The oil, meat and shipping industries: "It's called a streak, baby"
Thanks, now I got the song stuck in my head. Could be worse though
We can break this record, do like me, burn tires !
Wait, is this true?
Yeah, it’s been in the news 😩 We broke the global average temperature record something like 3 times last week. The graph that accompanies the articles is actually quite scary
Here's a mirror to the chart you mentioned.
And here's a mirror to the article you mentioned.
You weren't kidding about that chart, it's mighty scary and depressing.
Especially seeing the part that we're not even at the typical hottest part of the year yet.
Have you been living under a rock?
What kind of news are you following to be so so surprised about this?
If only we had deflation people would not overconsume so much
bu... buut economic growth > everything else ...?
How else are they supposed to assuage the feeling that they're not some immortal magical beings living some divine simulation/game as the chosen ones players?
Don't forget steel. quick stats
Global temps can't melt steel beams...
I read this as olive oil and meat. LOL. Yum, steak!
Try avocado oil instead to avoid hot boxing your kitchen
I just discovered this my self.
Thanks for the tip. I like avocados as well.
Let's do a klimatekatastrophe any% speedrun
I'm waiting for the hot part of the year to start where I live, and I live in a tropical country! It will be so funny! 🫠
Don't just single out meat. All of industrialized agriculture is massively carbon and energy intensive and built on gradual topsoil depletion.
Meat industry is responsible for most of the farmland. If everyone was vegan we could reduce the amount of farmland we use by like 70%. Thermodynamics says its better to eat plants instead of feeding them to animals and eating animals.
Biology teachers when them teaching the 10 percent law for ecological efficiency to their class 5 years ago is actually useful
Transitioning to plant-based diets (PBDs) has the potential to reduce diet-related land use by 76%, diet-related greenhouse gas emissions by 49%, eutrophication by 49%, and green and blue water use by 21% and 14%, respectively, whilst garnering substantial health co-benefits
Plant-based foods have a significantly smaller footprint on the environment than animal-based foods. Even the least sustainable vegetables and cereals cause less environmental harm than the lowest impact meat and dairy products [9].
If I source my beef or lamb from low-impact producers, could they have a lower footprint than plant-based alternatives? The evidence suggests, no: plant-based foods emit fewer greenhouse gases than meat and dairy, regardless of how they are produced.
Plant-based protein sources – tofu, beans, peas and nuts – have the lowest carbon footprint. This is certainly true when you compare average emissions. But it’s still true when you compare the extremes: there’s not much overlap in emissions between the worst producers of plant proteins, and the best producers of meat and dairy.
Curious: how do they know that? Recorded history is like 5k years right?
Scientists use climate proxy records like coral skeletons, tree rings, glacial ice cores, and sediment layers. For example, the levels of oxygen 16 in a layer of ocean debris and fossils go up as temperatures rise. So a high level of oxygen 16 in sediment from one layer tells scientists that the planet was hot and watery when the sediment was laid down.
So you're saying it's a cycle /s
Sure, it will cool down in a few million years. We’ll be fine.
Meanwhile in Moscow the coldest 12 of July in 75 years is happening...
See?!?¡ This is proof that global warming doesn't exist!
Suck it, Libs.
That's why we have tried to make the change between saying global warming and refer to it as climate change which is more accurate and leads to less "oh yeah but it was cold here" or whatever's. Just exacerbates temperature extremes
Here we stand at this fork in the road, We got no time to waste, Oh which way shall we go? This whole world’s spinning out of control, Oh which way shall we go, Which way shall we go? I can’t believe this, It makes me sick. “Drones In The Valley” - Cage the Elephant
The company I work for makes power infrastructure for data centres and the like, 3 phase 400v conductors, the smallest we make is 1000 amp rated and we go up to 6000 amp rated, that is a hell of a lot of power and we run 24 hours a day 7 days a week pumping out miles of these to power the data centres that run the internet so we can be shitty to each other
Don't worry all of this will soon be over.
I guess this is supposed to be taken as a bleak joke but it won't be over soon. We all will likely experience a direct hit to our quality of life. If you're poor, your survival will get harder. If you have or want children they will have fundamentally worse lives, compared to what we experienced so far. This can go on for decades or centuries, depending on how much we can stsill fix and what tipping points occur.
So yeah, hope that is some motivation to change something. Or at least shout at some people. :)
The solution is not to have children. Everything else is pissing in the wind.
Gotta love them for giving us nice warm weather
One of the three is not like the other, in the way that it can never be eliminated. Let's play guess...
Shipping can certainly be made much less impactful, if that's what you are thinking. A lot of shipping is overland trucking, and a lot of overland trucking can be replaced with trains, and a lot of trains can be replaced with electrified trains. That would make quite a bit of difference
Chat, is that true?!
Surprised by the casual climate change deniers in here. “Oh, but the data….”
OK, now point me to the place I can give money for the food that doesn't pollute/throw it all away.
bullshit, we should be ensure that the countries where a lot of childeren are being bourne, are being economicly lifted... you cannot tell people to have less childeren, if their future depends on it.
No need to single out meat production. There is so much farming going on that annihilates places like the Amazon. I have seen claims of those crazy huge shipping vessels that pollute more than all cars combined over the course of a year.
What they are farming in all that land is feed for livestock.
So yes, even though they’re growing plants there, those plants are being grown to feed the animals instead of feeding humans directly. Which thanks to trophic levels is a massive waste.
The amount of feed needed to rear one animal to kill for food is not even CLOSE to equivalent to how much we would get if we didn’t add the extra step in of feeding animals and just grew plants for ourselves instead.
The meat industry is a massive contributor to global warming, and we could drastically reduce our effects on climate change if we just stopped eating animals.
I heard the production of palm oil contributed to the ongoing death of rainforests a lot too?
wow what are they farming in the (clearcut and burned) Amazon? why shouldn't we single out animal agriculture?
Shout out to all of us who buy anything shipped, any petroleum or oil-based products and those of us who aren’t vegan
I mean, you're technically right but that also isn't a helpful mentality. No one individual can single-handedly stop climate change by living in a more environmentally conscious way, we have to come together and implement systemic solutions in order for things to change.
Systemic problems require systematic changes
The whole "individual carbon footprint" thing is crazy when you look at the amount of emissions emitted by major corporations.
Hell the largest 16 cargo ships emit more CO2 than the all the cars in the world.
I absolutely agree about systematic change. But pointing at an oil company and saying "look this is the organisation responsible for climate change" is to misidentify the problem in my opinion. Setting aside for a moment the misinformation that the oil companies funded regarding climate change, which - yes - I would like to see people in prison for - the main problem, I think is that we are still very dependent on oil.
We'll remain dependent on oil until there is concerted government action. That action will require that we change our lifestyles and are probably a bit poorer, more constrained. No-one will vote those governments in. So, we'll sit here like boiled frogs
I might be erring on the naive side here, but I read the comment you replied to less as holier than thou and more as 'shout out to us all'.
Either that or they don't understand that even posting the comment involves using lots of petroleum products to create the magic box that browses lemmy. And the magic boxes that host the lemmy content. And the magic boxes that connect the previous two.
I'll never understand why some supermarkets choose to individually package stuff like eggplant or zucchini in plastic baggies. Or 'oh, you want some habaneros? here's their weight in packaging as well. you earned it!'
Everything you buy is shipped in some capacity
Cool, I'll continue to get my life-saving medications shipped overnight and eat primarily a vegetarian-based diet and not feel bad about it.