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How to constructively protest against AI voice transcription at work?

As a medical doctor I extensively use digital voice recorders to document my work. My secretary does the transcription. As a cost saving measure the process is soon intended to be replaced by AI-powered transcription, trained on each doctor's voice. As I understand it the model created is not being stored locally and I have no control over it what so ever.

I see many dangers as the data model is trained on biometric data and possibly could be used to recreate my voice. Of course I understand that there probably are other recordings on the Internet of me, enough to recreate my voice, but that's beside the point. Also the question is about educating them, not a legal one.

How do I present my case? I'm not willing to use a non local AI transcribing my voice. I don't want to be percieved as a paranoid nut case. Preferravly I want my bosses and collegues to understand the privacy concerns and dangers of using a "cloud sollution". Unfortunately thay are totally ignorant to the field of technology and the explanation/examples need to translate to the lay person.

  • Will they allow you to use your own non-cloud solution? As long as you turn in text documents and they don't have to pay a person to transcribe, they should be happy. There are a number of speech to text apps you can run locally on a laptop, phone, or tablet.

    But of course, it's sometimes about control and exercising their corporate authority over you. Bosses get off on that shit.

    Not sure which type of doctor you are, but there's a general shortage of NPI people. I hope you can fight back with some leverage. Best of luck.

    • It will not be possible to use my own software. The computer environment is tightly controlled. If this is implemented my only input device to the medical records will be the AI transcriber (stupidity).

      I'm a psychiatrist in the field of substance abuse and withdrawal. Sure there's a shortage of us too but I want the hospital to understand the problem, not just me getting to use a old school secretary by threatening going to another hospital.

      • I was afraid that might be the case. Was hoping they would let you upload the files as if you had typed them yourself.

        Maybe find some studies / articles on transcription bots getting medical terminology and drug names wrong. I'm sure that happens. AI is getting scary-good, but it's far from perfect, and this is potentially a low-possibility-but-dangerous-consequences kind of scenario. Unfortunately the marketers of their software probably have canned responses to these types of concerns. Management is going to hear what they want to hear.

      • my only input device to the medical records will be the AI transcriber

        I understand that you keep steering away from legal arguments, but that can't be legal either. How could a doctor not have direct, manual access to patient records?

        Anyway, practical issues:

        You need some way to manually interact with patient records in the inevitable event the AI transcription gets it wrong. It only takes one time messing up transcription on something critical and you have a fucking body on your hands. Is your hospital prepared to give patients the wrong dosages because background noise or someone else speaking makes the AI mishear? Who would be held responsible in the case of mistreatment due to mistranscription? Is your hospital willing to be one of the first to try and tackle that legal rats nest?

        A secretary is able to do a sanity check that what they heard make sense. AI transcription will have no such logic behind it. It will turn what it thinks it heard into text and chuck it wherever it logs to. It thinks you've called for leeches when you said something about lesions? Have fun.

        Whenever there's an issue with the transcription service you'd be screwed too. That could mean network outage, power outage, microphone breaks, any part of this equipment breaks, and this whole system falls apart.

  • I would have work sign a legal discharge that from the moment I use the technology, none of the recordings or transcription of me can be used to incriminate me in case of an alleged malpractice.

    In fact, since both are generated or can be generated in a way that both sounds very assertive but also can be adding incredibly wild mistakes, in a potentially life and death situation, they legally recognise potentially nullifying my work, and taking the entire legal responsibility for it.

    As you can see in the most recent example involving Air Canada, a policy has been invented out of thin air. Such policy is costing the company. In the case of a doctor, if the administration of the wrong sedative, the wrong medication, or if the wrong diagnosis was communicated to the patient, etc; all that could have serious consequences.

    All sounding (using your phrasings, etc) like you, being extremely assertive, etc.

    A human doing that job will know not to derive from the recording. An AI? "antihistaminic" and "anti asthmatic" aren't too far off, and that is just one example off of the top of my head.

  • It would be worth finding out more about how exactly the training process works, namely whether or not the AI company stores the training audio clips after training has been completed. If not, then I would say you don't have anything to worry about, because the model itself can't be used to clone your voice to any useful extent. Deep neural networks aren't reversible like that. Even if they were, it's not just trained on you, it's trained on hundreds of thousands of people then fine-tuned to you.

    If they do store the clips though, then maybe show them this article about GitHub to prove to them that there is precedence for private companies using people's data to train AI without their explicit consent.

    • To expound on this, AI models are extremely narrow in scope. One which reproduces audio it is trained on is entirely different from one that understands what is being said. As Mr. Turkalino mentioned, the transcription AIs are built on a combination of speech recognition and incredibly specialized text data that is narrowly defined by your industry (medical in this case). In fact, they may have tuned specific models for separate disciplines. This included thousands of documents ranging from textbooks to scholarly journals along with thousands of recordings of professionals saying the words in a variety of accents and dialects so it can understand the difference between very important and very different sounding words, my wife is pregnant, so amnioitis and amniocentesis come to mind. They are close enough sounding that a general model might mistake them, and that being transcribed wrong could spell real problems when others may look at the patients chart if there are complications.

      Also, most models are run in the cloud because the calculations can he very taxing. I run Stable Diffusion and other AIs locally on my beast of a machine and it struggles at times. Realistically, the cloud machines are just bugger than you can get as a desktop. Also, under the most ideal circumstances, the audio of your notes does not live in the servers, it is transmitted, stored on a virtual machine (VM) while it is being processed, then after the results are completed the VM is destroyed and the audio recording goes with it. Nothing is kept. Of course, that is where you need to be sure to do the work, making sure that your situation is "ideal". One of the biggest controversies in with AI right now is that data is being stored for doing reinforcement training on the AI models. Example, you send your recordings and the AI returns the transcript. You mark any corrections and go on with your day. The company takes those recordings and feeds them back into the general model with the corrections you made and tries to tell the AI what it got wrong. You are going to want to be sure that you are allowed to opt-out of your data being allowed to be used as training data (beyond the fine-tuning to help it learn your voice).

  • The personalized data model will be trained on your voice. That means that it's going to be trained on a great deal of patient medical history data (including PII). That means it's covered by HIPAA.

    I strongly doubt the service in question meets even the most minimal of requirements.

  • Ironically, GPT can kinda get you started here...

    To present your case effectively to your bosses and colleagues, focus on simplifying the technical aspects and emphasizing the potential risks associated with using a cloud-based AI transcription service:

    1. Privacy Concerns: Explain that using a cloud-based solution means entrusting sensitive biometric data (your voice) to a third-party provider. Emphasize that this data could potentially be accessed or misused without your consent.
    2. Security Risks: Highlight the risks of data breaches and unauthorized access to your voice recordings stored in the cloud. Mention recent high-profile cases of data breaches to illustrate the potential consequences.
    3. Voice Cloning: Explain the concept of voice cloning and how AI algorithms can be trained to mimic your voice using the data stored in the cloud. Use simple examples or analogies to illustrate how this could be used for malicious purposes, such as impersonation or fraud.
    4. Lack of Control: Stress that you have no control over how your voice data is used or stored once it's uploaded to the cloud. Unlike a local solution where you have more oversight and control, a cloud-based service leaves you vulnerable to the policies and practices of the provider.
    5. Legal and Ethical Implications: While you acknowledge that there may be existing recordings of your voice online, emphasize that knowingly contributing to the creation of a database that could potentially be used for unethical or illegal purposes raises serious concerns about professional ethics and personal privacy.
    6. Alternative Solutions: Suggest alternative solutions that prioritize privacy and security, such as using local AI transcription software that does not upload data to the cloud or implementing stricter data protection policies within your organization.

    By framing your concerns in terms of privacy, security, and ethical considerations, you can help your bosses and colleagues understand the potential risks associated with using a cloud-based AI transcription service without coming across as paranoid. Highlighting the importance of protecting sensitive data and maintaining control over personal information should resonate with individuals regardless of their level of technical expertise.

  • You tell them they either have a local person transcribe or you will have no choice but to step down. Tell them that the cloud is no place for medical data. It would also be a bonus if you could a bunch of your coworkers on board.

    1. Go to the Minecraft servers of OpenAI and similar corporations.
    2. Find a room called "AI server room", all while avoiding of defeating the mobs protecting the area.
    3. Destroy everything there.
    4. Go to the offices.
    5. Destroy everything there.