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That's some sweet racism
I genuinely thought it was a joke about what the west thinks China is like because of their racism
I thought it was a joke about what the west thinks China is like because of LiveLeak
I really thought we were going to get to the end and have a "wait, im american, this is america". Because the places I know that have infrastructure literally collapsing are all in the US. I can think of a parking garage, an apartment/condo building, and an interstate off the top of my head.
You should visit another country.
Idk, comrade. You're saying that a post regarding the inferiority of a nonwestern country posted on a notoriously racist website is racist? Have you ever considered that China bad?
Amazing how hexbear users make themselves known. Also, Chinese isn't a race or ethnicity, its a nationality. Uyghur is a ethnicity for example.
Ah yes, it's really horrible when someone correctly calls out racism as being racism.
And it's even worse when it's done by a hexbear user.
Also, fuck you and everything you believe in.
jesus christ, is there a way to do a built-in client side tagging system like RES for
so I can tag racists/fascists/libs/ or would this need to be a browser extension?If you see pronouns it's a comrade. That's my system.
Shoutout to the people who did it on their own on the other instances.
No, it's only bad when someone calls something racism when it's not racism. It's a false alarm, it whitewashes actual racism. Tell me, is what the CCP is doing to the Uyghur people racist?
The CPC isn't genociding the Uyghurs Adrian Zenz, and you wouldn't give a crap even if they were. This is nothing but a convenient gotcha for you, you don't know a single Uyghur person. Don't know their names, their struggles, even their language, much less the language of the people you claim are genociding them. Which is why you're an intellectual hostage to the fabrications of a religious whackjob.
Anime profile banner, opinion disregarded
7 day old throwaway account, opinion disregarded
Bitchass disengagement. No opinion to discard.
Its called the CCP in English.
It's called the CPC in English by China, and has been the whole time. Chinese people, including their government, also publish in English.
Folks that say CCP are demonstrating one of two things: Starts on the 4th paragraph.
lol. lmao.
Follow your sources and compare them to the claims.
Don't need to know hebrew to know the holocaust was bad.
Neat antisemitism. The holocaust was carried out against people who spoke a variety of languages, including Germanic and Slavic languages, Yiddish, etc. Hebrew was often limited to specific religious events. Jewish people spoke the languages of the societies they were part of.
The corrolary, if you still wanted to make one, would be, "you don't have to speak Polish/German/Ukrainian/Russian/some baltic languages to know the holocaust was bad".
Still wouldn't fit, though, because the holocaust is extraordinarily well-evidenced, well-established fact. In contrast, the claims made about the treatment of Uyghurs are an active matter with dubious characters with clear anti-China interests making most of the claims and with very little evidence. It is germane to point out that most roads lead to a casually antisemitic anticommunist (literally part of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation) that can't speak or read Chinese, let alone Uyghur. That this guy is who is the trusted source for the ever-escalating but poorly-evidenced claims, including and up to genocide.
Libs using wikipedia to support their claims
The premise of the joke is that they're inferior...
Oh hey I saw you yesterday on our instance. You're the fascist who was doing holocaust denial. Wild they removed your comment and didn't ban you. Wouldn't have been my call. Can I suggest you follow your leader?
Okay, Adolf
Oh wow, the little baby is learning to take our legitimate points about his holocaust denial and throw ghem back at us in a way that is literally continuing to do the exact same shit proving that he in fact learned absolutely fucking nothing
All China and the CPC did to the Uighurs was liberate them from a small group of reactionary religious extremists who had locally outlawed dancing, alcohol consumption among others repression due to the outside influence of
and Saudi Arabia pushing Wahhabism which itself was an actual cultural genocide of the Uighur cultureYou can cry crocodile tears for the Uighurs all you like but it doesn't change the facts and you don't know dick about the facts
Uighurs are Muslim but traditionally they're not particularly conservative aside from not eating pork; alcohol consumption had never been prohibited in Xinjiang before this
The reactionary Western backed leaders are the ones trying to change Uighur culture, all China is doing is protecting the Uighurs and their culture from outside agitation by reactionary forces
What China has done in Xinjiang is good just like it was good when they liberated Tibet, just like it would be good if we were to do the same to reactionary Christians in this country
Lmao ten years ago you guys were saying this about islamophobia.
Race doesn't exist, it's a social construct. Racism, however, definitely exists (as does sophistry).
Also, Chinese isn't a race or ethnicity, its a nationality.
Now seriously, what are they even go for when they say shit like that?
Same energy as "It's not a democracy it's a republic"
USA is not a democracy, it is an oligarchy. And it is a republic (as it is not a monarchy).
Of course, but you're not deploying that fact as a reason why we shouldn't have an affirmative right to vote
Yeah, I'm sure your racist ass is really worried about how the Uyghurs are doing lmao
race was constructed. they made it up. it was created by the ruling class to incite division among the underclass
Amazing how hexbear users make themselves known.
Yeah it's on our usernames.
I can't see the hexbear part of your usernames on jerboa.
lol app L
Also, Chinese isn't a race or ethnicity, its a nationality. Uyghur is a ethnicity for example.
Oh fuck off.
You would recognise that it's racism if it were about Nigerians or some shit:
The FIRST thing you would recognise is that it's being racist. Regardless of the fact that it says "Be Nigerian which is a nationality not a race".
Stop being such a pathetic defender of racism, just because it's targeted at a country you dislike. It makes you a massive loser.
You would recognise that it's racism if
We were introduced to this person on our own instance yesterday by way of a frothing 'ARG! TANKIES!' where they did the old 'double genocide' thing at us. I checked their profile and it seemed like they made an account to agree with a guy praising Sweedish fascists for doing a Koran book burning.
I don't think they would recognize that as racism, or at least wouldn't disagree
Weird how all these anticommunists turn out to be frothing at the mouth fascists
Are you serious? Being Chinese just means you are from China. Unless you are dumb enough to think everyone from China is the same ethnicity, your content makes no sense.
See this comment:
Thats not how that works. Is American a race? Is racist a race? Is do-gooder a race? Is big metal fan a race?
You can put all those after "be" and itll still make sense because they are all nouns.
And yet you do this about America and watch this neonazi pissbaby start scream-crying about racism against white people.
Uyghur is a ethnicity for example.
Not if the CCP has anything to say about it