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They really just want to do whatever they want without consequences. What a bunch of fucking toddlers.
Libertarianism follows the belief that personal liberties should be maximised just so long as they do not infringe on the liberties of another. This is of course from the perspective of top down law, and not from the perspective of the court of public opinion.
Beyond that they want to put you in a Clockwork Orange device to keep your eyes and ears open and be forced to hear their insane rants for all eternity.
But with a ball gag installed so no back talk.
I am concerned that you are pulling your argument from misuse, and not from any fundamental meaning.
The Gadsden flag fundamentally represents libertarianism. Libertarianism is anti-authoritarian. This is, by definition, opposed to the idea of the rampant misuse of, and oppression by the police force. Libertarianism is not about some idea of "liberty for me, but not for thee". That is blatantly false. Anyone who follows that line of thinking is not a libertarian.
EDIT: Upon re-reading your comment, your repeated reference to "Liberals" doesn't make any logical sense. Liberalism (this heavily depends on how one defines "liberalism"), and libertarianism are not mutually exclusive ideologies. Nor are conservatism (this also heavily depends on how one defines "conservatism"), and libertarianism mutually exclusive ideologies. The only ideology that is mutually exclusive to libertarianism is authoritarianism.
Thats why they are called LOLbertarians.
Do you have any supportive argument for that statement? What do you specifically have against the idea of libertarianism?
I don't think it's the idea of libertarianism being derided here, so much as the "practitioners" of libertarianism.
Why put quotations around "practitioners"? If you think that there is nothing wrong with the ethos of libertarianism, then practicing it equally would have no issue. If by "practitioners" you are referring to the auth-right, and the like that seem interested in misappropriating the Gadsden Flag,, then why even bother putting them in the same category as libertarians when they are so obviously not? Don't give them any such satisfaction, or wiggle room. They are not libertarians.
It's because so many shitty repubs have jumped to calling themselves libertarians and then flying the Gadsden flag while having a punisher sticker and thin blue line all at once. Just like they co-opted the tea party during the Ron Paul days.
The Dems have the tankies though, don't know which is worse though.
It’s because so many shitty repubs have jumped to calling themselves libertarians and then flying the Gadsden flag while having a punisher sticker and thin blue line all at once.
They are free to call themselves whatever they like, but that doesn't make it factual, nor does it change the defintion of libertarianism, or the history, and true meaning of the Gadsden Flag.
Thus the quotes on "practitioners."
What party do libertarian vote in the elections?
It is not my place to generalize people's actions, or motives. I am only speaking to the idea of libertarianism itself.
No need to generalize. Who did you or your actual libertarian friends vote for?
Of what importance is this information?
They’re describing how people using the Gadsden flag typically act; they fellate the police as long as they’re abusing minorities. “Don’t tread on me” isn’t a statement of principal to most of them. What they actually mean is “tread on others while I watch and cheer.”
They’re describing how people using the Gadsden flag typically act; they fellate the police as long as they’re abusing minorities.
Such individuals have no idea what the Gadsden flag represents, then. By extension, such individuals also misunderstand what "libertarianism" means.
“Don’t tread on me” isn’t a statement of principal to most of them. What they actually mean is “tread on others while I watch and cheer.”
For lack of a more elloquent repsonse, such individuals are idiots, and they should be made aware of their idiocy.
Oookay, well that's what the meme is making fun of, so I guess you agree with it?
As shown int he title, the meme is still founded on the idea that the Gadsden flag is a conservative symbol, which it isn't.
Because conservative idiots use it and they should be made aware of their idiocy. You literally just said it.
I am a little bit wary to agree with your statement, as I am not sure how you are defining "conservatism". Libertarianism is mutually exclusive with authoritarianism, but not necessarily conservatism, or liberalism. But, again, this heavily depends on how such things are defined. Many people have different ways of looking at those terms.