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Nowadays, which band, musician or music give you goosebumps or made you cry?

Trully question. I cannot be the only one who cries when listens music. I was the privellege to see my favourite artists live, but since last year, all lives I assisted on YouTube by Fred again.. , I cry . Has been my favourite musician since last year. Almost all songs, for me, are amazing and give me a bunch of emotions.

  • Green Bird by SEATBELTS/Gabriela Robin is a fantastic example of music that's a bit inherently moody but nearly everyone familiar with it has a strong emotional tie...


    I think your question is a difficult one - the common answers are likely to be tied to shared media moments as a multimedia experience creates a much stronger memory than sound alone.

    Did the radio happen to be playing "Little Green Bag" as you pulled into the parking lot of the church for your father's funeral? Well then "Little Green Bag" might make you break out in tears. When my partner's mother was passing away she was listening to Dancing Queen on loop by request... my partner has difficulty listening to Abba now.

    So we've got three ways (maybe) songs can get emotional - they can be inherently emotional, they can have a curated multimedia experience or they could have a personal multimedia experience. The last factor is absolutely where you'll find the strongest emotional ties - the middle factor inherently produces softer associations but ones that are more likely to be shared experiences (and dip into personal experiences... i.e. I was watching Cowboy Bebop when my girlfriend was growing more distant and I associate it really strongly with loneliness)... as for inherently moody music, I'd argue that's just a more vague form of a curated experience. We have cultural associations with instruments and chords and those "written to invoke X emotion" songs are playing into those associations.

    Anyways, I did want to clarify that it's still super interesting to see other people's emotional associations. That dive wasn't meant to lessen the question or be dismissive in anyway - I just find the why extremely interesting.

  • Steampowered Giraffe reminds me of a friend who died a couple years back because she really loved them.

  • I don't have any musicians that consistently make me feel that way, so have a list of songs instead:

    • The Price of a Mile (Sabaton)
    • Doomed (I Prevail)
    • Let Me Be Sad (I Prevail)
    • Soon You'll Get Better (Taylor Swift ft. The Chicks)
    • Wildest Dreams (Taylor Swift)
    • Tess-Timony (Ice Nine Kills)
    • When the Party's Over (Billie Eilish)
  • Patience, sung by Chris Cornell. Makes me want to cry that I'll never hear anything new from this incredible singer even again.

    Also, Johnny Cash's cover of NIN's Hurt.

  • As cheesy as it may seem, travelin soldier, by the chicks (when they were still the Dixie chicks) gets me every time.

  • A song called “Paper Wings and Halo” by Lori McKenna always makes me teary-eyed. I hadn’t heard it for years - just played it. Still works.

    Also, “The Circle Game” by Joni Mitchell. Apparently, songs about years and life passing by are what really choke me up.

  • Citizen Soldier is a rock band that has a lot of songs about mental health issues. A lot of the songs have hit me hard and made me bawl because someone finally put how I've been feeling into words.

    My favorite of theirs so far is Scarecrow and I highly recommend it.

  • I don't think I've ever cried because of a song but I love pg.lost's album "oscillate"