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Preparing a megathread about android FOSS apps – Part six (Web Browsers, Important utilities and forgotten apps)

Thread to discuss webbrowsers, important utilities, and apps that we have forgotten about previously but cannot live without. In short , all apps you want to see on the final megathread.

Next week, I will open a thread to discuss some details and thoughts with the entire community to build the megathread.

Previsouly discussions

Discussion about Contacts, SMS and Dialers app is here.

Discussion about Calculators, Cameras and Calendars apps is here.

Discussion about Manager files, Recorders, Galleries and Video editors apps is here.

Discussion about Keyboards, Notes, Maps and Music Players apps is here

Discussion about Weather, Stores, social media and related stuff apps is here

Little context

  • How about free and open source money? Bitcoin has been around for 15 years. Some default suggested wallets for users might be worth including in a list of must-have FOSS apps. Many users just use google to find their first wallet and that can send them down some wildly unsafe paths. The more users know about which are the kind of "standard" open source wallets, the less they'll end up installing some closed-source 'trust me bro' nonsense or worse download a wallet which is an actual scam and just steals their funds.

    For custodial wallets for Bitcoin I would suggest Strike (supports the most countries) and for non-custodial I would suggest Phoenix. Custodial means the app developer control the keys to access the Bitcoin, non-custodial means you do.

    Strike: custodial, most countries of any custodial wallet, can connect directly to bank account/debit card, closed source (I'm not aware of any open-source custodial wallet)

    Phoenix: non-custodial, all countries, can't connect to bank account which means you can't buy BTC with it, you need a custodial wallet or exchange account to do that. That's true of all non-custodial wallets.