harry du bois meets a trans woman
harry du bois meets a trans woman
YOUNG WOMAN - Actually, detective, I'm a woman.
[Easy: Success] - She says it so insistently, as if arguing with you. You may have upset her. [Formidable: Failure] - You feel a pit in your stomach. You did something wrong, but you don't know what. [Trivial: Success] - Her way of dressing, the feminine name, yet deep voice - it should have been clear to you sooner. She's transgender. [Formidable: Success] - Almost imperceptible, the lieutenant anxiously twitches his eyebrow.DAMAGED MORALE - 1
- Transgender? What's that?
- This doesn't have any bearing on the investigation.
- Gender is rather bourgeois, anyway.
- Why would any proud Revacholian discard their masculinity?
- Changing your gender? That sounds like quite the hustle. Maybe we can learn a thing or two from this woman.
- That's cool. I have no opinion on this one way or another.
- "Oh, I didn't realize. I'm sorry."
- "I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'll leave you alone forever now."
- "I haven't been a good representative of the RCM. We're here to help the people of Martinaise, no matter their identity. I'm sorry to have let you down."
- [Drama - Legendary 14] Try and come up with an elaborate, heartfelt apology in the style of the turn of the century thespians.
+1 Found testosterone ampoule on nightstand.
+1 Homo-Sexual Underground.
+1 Read about the turn of the century thespians.
-1 Recovered your gun.
-1 Masculinity challenged.
This is a Red Check.
It cannot be retried.
YOU - You try and come up with the words to convey your apology to the young woman, but you come up blank. It's hard to fit, "transgender" into iambic pentameter, as it turns out.
- I'm sorry, sire. I have failed you. - "Detective? You've been standing there for a whole minute. Are you okay?" - Shit, the lieutenant is onto us. We have to say something soon, or we could lose him. [Trivial: Success] - Don't worry, we can still salvage this. Anyone have any ideas? [Heroic: Failure] - Let me handle this. - "I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. I'm such a fucking failure. Do you want me to kill myself?"