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$3 for a single McDonald's hash brown? Some customers are fed up and pushing back

"Even though we're pushing through pricing, the consumer is tolerating it well," he said in October analyst call.

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$3 for a single McDonald's hash brown? Some customers are fed up and pushing back

72 18
  • As someone who works in a mom and pop restaurant, I understand this. McDonalds is huge and buys/manufactures in bulk, sure, so their prices are gonna be cheaper, but their costs are still going up like the rest of us. It kills me to keep seeing our menu updates, but food is fucking expensive now. I'm not saying that McDonalds isn't pulling down a tidy profit, and if food costs dropped they probably wouldn't drop their price, but I don't put the price increase solely on them. Food costs are rising all over, and it's killing the business. I have a spreadsheet from 6 years ago when I first started analyzing our costs, and my most recent sheet shows anywhere between 150 and 200% increase across the board. That's absurd. So, blame McDonalds for whatever you want, I won't stop you, but make sure to aim some hate at the production side of things as well.

  • Not for me. My fast food intake has drastically shrank. Better for my health anyway

  • For the longest time I knew fast food junk was not good for you so I ate less of it.

    During the pandemic I completely avoided fast food.

    It's been three years now and I haven't gone to any fast food at all.

    Now I can't rationalize eating it any more.

    It isn't healthy, it isn't food, it has no nutrition, it has too much of the things that degrade your health. It's also prepared by people being paid as little as possible to maximize the profit to the people who do the least in the transaction.

    From a health point of view is like investing in degrading your body .... it's like investing in rust for your car or pouring tiny amounts of water or sugar in your gas tank ... it's paying a premium for an unhealthy body in the future.

    And now it costs more ... it costs more to ruin your health. So you spend a lot of money now to ruin your health and then spend a lot more money to fix your unhealthy self when you get older.

    When you look at it over a lifetime, it's far cheaper to just not eat fast food

  • I admit it's been a while since I've been to a McDonalds, but it can't have been more than a couple of years and hash browns were definitely way less than that. Maybe a dollar.