A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us.
A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us.

Vehicles are getting way too heavy to be safe.

A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us.
Vehicles are getting way too heavy to be safe.
vehicles over 5000 lbs should pay a tax, which should be used to upgrade infrastructure. This tax would likely be very steep.
I have to drive a pickup for work, why should I have a very steep tax for helping to build and fix your housing?
@CableMonster @anothercatgirl
Just out of curiosity, what sort of truck do you drive?
IMO, you should be exempt. The vast majority of jobs don't require a truck, yet the F150 is the most-sold vehicle in the US. So you're in the minority.
I mean you kinda have a point. There absolutely are smaller, safer vehicles that would fit your needs. But unfortunately those aren't available in a lot of places (like the US).
I'd be down for a large vehicle tax, but you would need a way for people who genuinely need a truck to have it waived.
Why should I have to subsidize your oversized work vehicle and the extra wear and tear it causes our infrastructure?
Drive a van. Drive a truck that is reasonably sized and designed for human work (like are used in many countries around the world). Pickups don't have to be built on frames sized for semis.
like a knife through butter
"The problem is that thousands of miles of guardrails installed alongside American highways were designed decades ago"
Ah, yes, that is the problem. Cars becoming heavier with little to no added value are not the problem, its the guardrails and not enough tax dollars being spent.
Jesus Christ! Reminds me of those videos where bunker busters smoothly glide through thick concrete walls.
The obvious solution is that cars should habe a maximum weight of 40kg
Sounds like a self correcting problem? Maybe just replace the ones that protect traffic below them....