The island that imports almost all of its fuel and most of its food will rely on the country that can't even protect commercial shipping from the Houthis in the event of conflict with the producer of the world's most sophisticated anti-ship weapons.
The US is counting on them to become a desperate vassal state that they can turn into a military base just like Australia and a bunch of other struggling island nations
I wonder if the US will learn any lessons from the current situation in the Middle East where a bunch of forward bases which are difficult to resupply and cannot mutually support each other are more of a liability than an asset.
They will continue to keep losing wars until they collapse under their own weight like the Roman Empire, because they believe in some spiritual and/or pseudoscientific woo about manifest destiny, wealth, and whiteness making them the world's main characters or some shit. They really believe they're the world's chosen people.
Ah, but you see, the anti-ship weapons are Chinese. This means they are cheap and ineffective. Just like how Ruzzzzzzzzzzzzian hypersonic missiles keep getting intercepted by patriot systems. This is totally a thing that is actually happening and not just propaganda to make a paper tiger seem like a flesh and blood tiger.