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  • pizza.

    ya, you know what happened. it's still peeling off on the inside of my mouth.

  • I work in a kitchen. Obviously we regularly handle very hot items (food, pans, oil, etc).

    My coworker had just pulled a metal pan from a 500°f oven and even called out "BEHIND, HOT!" as she attempted to place the pan on the make table. My stupid ass decided our (mainly clear) make table needed cleared off. So at the very moment she tried to set down a 500°f pan, I shoved my arm directly into her path, causing her to press the pan into my forearm, causing instant second degree burns.

    I still have the burn marks and it's been a week and a half 🙃

  • Cut the pad off my index finger chopping slippery tomatoes with 2 days no sleep, during busy hour at work. It looks normal now but no sensation :(

  • Poured EXTREMELY hot oil on my scalp and burnt my scalp. Skin came peeling off, lost more hair' -already got male pattern baldness. Took a few weeks to heal.

  • Not really any injury, and rather more awkward than painful.

    There was a smaller branch hanging from a tree, mostly broken off. I managed to break it off completely, but as it fell and I was holding it, it bent back my left pinkie and ring finger a bit too much, enough to make them painful for 2 days. The awkward bit is that it also bonked me on my empty head.

    Better than the other one though. There's one larger branch that's completely broken off, but it's still hanging on the other ones. I tried to pull it off, but I am too weak. It got even lower now so perhaps I should try again. I mean, it's fairly horizontal, so it doesn't leave me standing under the heavy part while pulling it.

  • This was a few days ago, I peeled my thumb knuckle with a potato peeler again

    • I've done that trick, I've had a scar on my thumb ever since I was a kid from missing with a potato peeler. Gotta watch out for those things!

  • I was cotting carrots in to carrot sticks, at the last cut I put my finger in between the cutting board and the knife ant started cutting in to my finger tip. Instant regrett.

  • I managed to cut myself with my table saw the same day I shot myself with a nailgun.

    The tool wasn't running, and I wasn't cut with the blade. On this particular saw the fence rides on a pair of extruded aluminum rails whose sawn edge the factory did nothing at all to dress. I reached under the table to retrieve the miter gauge from its little scabbard under there and scratched my hand real good on the corner of the table.

    Earlier that same day while attaching the face frame to a cabinet with an 18 gauge brad nailer the brad went a bit sideways and nicked one of my fingers.

    Both of these were booboo grade injuries. I went to bed that night with a band-aid on each hand.

  • Literally happened tonight, I was trying to break one of these chicken jerky treats for my dog by folding it over on itself and somehow smashed a finger inside the two halves when it snapped over.