ITT we sign my cast and post the images here
ITT we sign my cast and post the images here
ITT we sign my cast and post the images here
Feel better, buddy
I'm signing it with this
Sorry it was the first thing that came to mind. Hope it heals quickly!
[NSFW ish]
of course this is the first one. fuck you lol
I'll help you point at things!
↓↓ Everyone click on here ↓↓
I used to use this when we had to teach the kids online. We can all draw here. Just click the option to not sign up.
i put biggs on the cast
Viewing as a desktop site kinda works, but it's a bit of a pain
some updates from discord
So you can identify me by my handwriting and connect this profile to my Etsy that does bespoke calligraphy? Nice try Langley
If I posted my handwriting...
CIA Analyst #1: I think in a highly stylized abstract way it says "Death to America" in Persian.
CIA Analyst #2: It's not Persian. It might read "Eat poop devils" in quasi-Arabic.
CIA Analyst #3: Both of you are wrong. It's clearly English but we'd need the ExperimentalAI to decipher it.
ExperimentalAI after 63 minutes of processing: [Unable to decipher]
You did the crime, now do the time
~~ ←I sin-ed your cast