Hate when it happens
Hate when it happens
Hate when it happens
Don't worry, some hero without a cape will appear for you and seed that bitch! (wait, that sound better in my head).
Once or twice I've gone and found another source for the download, copied it into my torrents folder, forced my torrent client to re-scan the file and started seeding it.
Watching a thousand other clients tick over from 99% to 'seeding' is weirdly gratifying.
Sounds fine to me.
Phew, thanks.
Hehe it's coming soon
Check the files included in the torrent. Sometimes the folders include a little readme or something that people set to not download.
Why do people do this? Readmes and nfo files take up literal kilobytes.... even over hundreds or even thousands of downloads, at most it's going to take up a few extra megabytes of download/storage, they're not saving anything at all. And it can be nice when the nfo includes all the releaser's original encode settings and stuff.
Yes I've even had a video file stop at 99.9% and it still played just fine.
For video files I always set it to download first and last parts of files first. You can watch a video fairly well with like 50% downloaded if the file has the first and last section, which contain the data about how the video is stored. It'll have occasional glitches, but it mostly works. At 99% it's effectively all there and you may not even notice that last 1%, let alone 0.1%.
Could be me seeding the entire torrent except the readme file
Lmfao. Hilarious.
The annoying thing about this is that automated systems (like Radarr/Sonarr) will never get notified that it's complete, then.
If you go to your torrent client and disable the missing file, it should get reported as "complete" to the *arrs. Manual and annoying, but it works.
I've done the math for how long it'd take to randomly guess the last several kilobytes until something checksummed correctly.
I was not pleased with the answer.
That would put those crypto miners to better use at least
You know I never thought of that.. but yeah that would be a good very very very very large number.
Like throwing puzzle pieces in the air and getting it to land completed.
wait until you hear about collisions (missing more bits than your hash output length guarantees a collision on average)
If its a piece at the beggining or end of the file it would likely be significantly easier
What's even worse is when a torrent is stalled at around 94%, there's exactly one seeder with a full copy in the peer list, but he has fucked up networking rules (or an intentionally choked upload because he's a dirty leecher) so that despite having an open connection in the peer list, they never send any data...
This seems to happen alot. I always wondered if it is really a peer or some weird spoofed peer that just tries to give you hope before crushing your dreams.
Most likely it's someone who has a VPN that doesn't support P2P upload or has their config messed up.
What do you consider choked? I know a lot of people do not have good upload speeds regardless of what the download speeds are.
i had a similar one, godawful speed (i don't remember how much, but it was measured in single or double digit kbit/s) and turned on their computer when i went to bed, and off exactly when i came back from work.
ended up leaving the computer on the whole day for a few days. this guy owes me 5 bucks.
Want to be honest here, my real pet peeve is that it shows 100%. Ever. At all. Let alone when it hangs there... That's just insulting.
If it is 100% complete, I should not be waiting for anything. If I were ever developing an operating system I would never allow for 100% to display on a progress bar. 100% means it's done. We advance to the next screen. Do not display it. It makes no sense.
I do often desire a "click to continue" option, especially helpful for asynchronous tasks. Start a render, and when you get back it says 100% without you having to look at the output folder, for instance. I get what you mean though, it certainly should say 100% unless it's totally donezo. Probably lazy rounding errors in some cases (Microsoft products are the worst at showing accurate progress bars)
Im 101% done with 100% progress bars
maybe display it for the user for half a second. but nothing else.
my3d printer does this on long prints too, it'll say 100% for up to 10 minutes when it's a really long print. makes no goddamn sense.
probably rounding shit in the software and a lack of care on the manufacturer's side.
Part of why I moved to usenet.
Everything always downloads at full speed (limited by disc write speed in my case), so if there's missing data you find out about it within a min or two instead of after 3 days of trying.
Usenet also includes parity data so you can rebuild missing data to an extent.
Till you're missing that one article.
Yup, point is I find out much much sooner and can move on to a new nzb. A single ~15gb nzb takes 5min max whether it succeeds or not. I'm never ever waiting on slow seeds.
Multiple providers can improve availability, but I've seen no need. Everything myself or my users have requested has been found and downloaded within 25min, including re-tries. Typically it's about 15min from user request to 'available to watch' email notification.
Worse case I can fallback to torrents, but I haven't had to yet with over 31tb out of usenet alone.
I use both. A lot of stuff just isn't on usenet.
For the few things I can't find; there's still torrents. Usenet is just my primary source, and it covers 99% of what gets requested through my systems.
I'm on private trackers and we don't have problems either.
If it's a video, you can probably still watch it
It's usually just an nfo or srt file that one seeder has deleted
One time I added a subtitle file to the download folder, renamed to the same as the movie file, and the download percentage jumped to completed
My point was that partially downloaded MP4, MKV and AVI files are usually playable
You should get your money back!
Force Recheck.
I have a lot of these just go to 100% after checking the downloaded files.
Yarr you need some wind in yer sails matey
What does the 0.1% of the file contain anyway, if it's a video and most of the data is there it might be either playable or if not it probably might be able to be repairable so it can play, albeit with minor corruption in the damaged part.
BitTorrent has partial seeding. So if someone extends a torrent with some files, the original one can still be used for seeding.
Another reason for the last bit being the slowest is because populars chunks are downloaded first.
I call them "zombie torrents"
Easy. Next time just download the last percentage first.
i usually find anything past 98% is just done.