In the same sentence he says that it's a slow time of the year, too. Sure, he probably has other work, but is it that much that he couldn't take an afternoon and square the big important order away?
The employee is fulfilling his obligations under the U.N. Convention against Genocide, namely not providing material assistance to genociders. Fuck the company for not cancelling the order in the first place.
This guy is not American. All these answers to write him up and take him to HR probably doesn't work in OPs country. In gonna guess he is European and his employees are unionized. Going to HR probably isn't going to solve shit. The company will have to face the union which most companies would rather avoid.
You're better off talking to someone who knows the dynamics of the country you work in.
That comment section is wild. Even the comments that aren't outright telling him to fire the employee are only doing so because "it will make you look bad on social media" or "Dealing with unions is too much of a hassle".
Thinkin bout thos things that made this particular member of staff difficult. What did he mean by that I wonder? I'm going to bet it leans more towards "not willing to work for free" rather than "gets in drunk fistfights with other employees in the parking lot"
I've said it before but I'll say it again. I've come to hate the word nuance because of posts like this. They act like just because they have "nuance" their take is automatically more based than anyone who, for example, thinks genocide is bad.
The idea of "nuance" has joined the ideas of "logic and reason" in the pantheon of concepts that have been gutted and flayed by reactionaries who now ritually parade around wearing the skin as a religious totem to confer a veneer of authority to their omnicidal depravity.
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"Sorry Hans that you're not willing to pack the supplies for our Wehrmacht, but you can express your political views on your personal time, not company time, so back to work with you."