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  • Whoever wrote this article must’ve just got on Reddit.

    • Seriously, this is hardly a new trend for Reddit. There've been tons of hookup subreddits for years now.

      Sounds like a disappointment speedrun to me.

  • Years ago, I had some success with these subreddits. In recent years, not so much. IF you could meet the various requirements to post, you would be flooded with some combination of OnlyFans accounts, literal scam attempts, and/or occasional actual prostitutes. But mostly the first two. More than one girl I reached out to had a long list of rules for guys who wanted to message her. Just a whole bunch of bullshit. And the "local" subreddits are 99.99999% spam accounts.

  • If Reddit gets seized and shutdown due to solication under FOSTA-SESTA I will laugh

    • I won't. That's a terrible law and its use should never be celebrated, even against someone we don't like.

  • To be fair, reddit for me was always about getting to know like-minded people. And I met my wife through the 40+redditor seeks redditor group so if that's what it is I'm fine with it. Not in the least as I left that toxic waste dump with the exodus and have not missed 95% of it. (Yes, I miss /r/AskHistorians but I am strong, if I allow myself one subredit it will suck me back in so clean break is for the best).