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Lemmy, is there a treasured piece of content that you stop yourself from going back to "too often" so as to not dilute it?

I do this for a few things, movies in particular. For me most recently, I'm planning on watching Bo Burnham's Inside this weekend, for the first time since I watched it shortly post-release. I wasn't really intending to wait checks watch* nearly 3 years on that one, but I definitely felt it needed some space before a rewatch.

Anyone else treat certain pieces of media similarly?


    I'm not even a WoW fan, but as a gamer I appreciate the sentiment.

  • Most comedy specials, the George Carlin post today reminded me of that. If you listen too frequently they'll lose their punch, and you'll stop listening to what they're saying. Every few years I'll listen to him (and a few other comedians) and it reminds me of everything

  • Definitely the band "Heilung."

    I refuse to listen to them outside of live at a concert. It's old Nordic style viking goodness and the live shows are more of a ritual than a concert. When I go, I want a full immersive experience and I feel listening to them in between the concerts takes away from the experience.

  • Ehhhh, to a limited extent, Christmas movies. But it's only partly so it doesn't get diluted, it's also because they're kind of meant to be something to make the season a bit happier. They don't work as well outside of the holidays, so why bother?

  • The Dark Knight movie. Goddamn that is good. Maybe my top film of all time.

    LOTR trilligy. I have extended versions on DVD and love them.

  • For me it's Aliens. I hadn't watched it in probably 15 years and did recently when the 4k version came out.

    It was so, so worth waiting for. Watched it with my 3 oldest kids and it was their first time. Amazing time was had by all.

    Edit: Oh and this song by Sylvan Esso. I listen to it about once every three months and get goosebumps every time.

  • I do this with any new song I discover. When I first listened to Radiohead I consumed their albums like opioids, now I'm being more careful with The Smile, I listen to Bending Hectic once a week max.

  • Watched animes that I really liked. I plan to rewatch them every 3-5 years.

  • Toy Story 2 for PS1, I still need to try the Dreamcast version though.

  • The dub of "The Touch" (from the Transformers animated movie) over the scene in End Game where Cap picks up Mjolnir

  • The book Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart. Maybe everyone has a book that's just perfect for them. This one is mine.