Honeyed healing is better for a playstyle at the margins. The ideal would be if you spent a lot of time hungry to maximize your damage output, and your health takes a hit as a result. Honeyed healing kicks you up to full satiety and almost full health simultaneously, so that marginal playstyle is much more reliable. Still, I never have much trouble with standard potions and food, so I usually hold the bees "for later" then forget about them...
being hungry maximize damage? now that's new for me, also didn't knew that honeyed healing satisfy hunger and doesn't it protect hp from depleting? but you are saying that it will provide almost full health,confused if it heals or protects health
edit:also the reason i shattered the pot was because i found three honey pots else i keep them dm 300
Oh, sorry I misspoke. No, being hungry does not increase your damage. Choosing not to sate your hunger to find another badguy maximizes your damage at the expense of your health. You can choose that strategy more safely if you have honeyed healing.
I make honeyed healing mainly to get the shattered pots out of my inventory. HH is useful when you're spending satiety searching for secret rooms or backtracking to a shop/blacksmith/alchemy pot. I just let myself starve down to about 1/3 or 1/4 and pop HH to recover.
HH turns a broken pot into free food, there's no reason not to use it.
If you're sufficiently geared that you're not taking a ton of damage from fights you can starve down to ~1/2 or 1/3hp pretty safely. I do this fairly regularly. One thing that helps make this less risky is carrying darts. I always make sure I have blind and/or paralytic darts ready in case I get caught out without cover when a warlock or shaman comes through a doorway.
Honeyed healing converts one HP pot into a full HP bar worth of starvation time that can be ended at will, I make as many as I can.
Save wells of health until you're starving and cycle through as many unid'd items as you can before stepping in them. I try to uncurse at least 2 if not 3 or 4 items as well as clearing starvation when I use one.
Potions of purity can be upgraded to potions of cleansing at the alchemy pot. Cleansing has the same "clear all debuffs, including starvation" effect as a well of healing.
Save pastys and cooked blandfruit for when you're fully starving, they clear 450 hunger points as opposed to the 300 from a normal ration. The hunger counter maxes out at 450 so eating one of these when you're not starving wastes satiety points.