rule of stealing
rule of stealing
rule of stealing
In other words, if you see someone stealing food.
For us filthy yanks, the equivalent of the Church of England in the US is called the Episcopalian Church, and I think they're pretty alright over here as well. They were one church that said yes when I was looking to marry my husband.
I didn't realize that the Episcopalians were affiliated with the Anglicans. TIL.
They stole from you first, and the bible don't say nothin about stealing it back
bible says an eye for an eye
Bible also says if a man lay with a man as he would a woman, that he should be put to death. So maybe we just kind of decide on our own morals instead. I agree with you regardless of the text though in that an eye for an eye can sometimes be justified
… is a badass way to live lmao so go nuts
I believe that’s the back half of that phrase
The head of the Church of England is a billionaire king, does the church thinks it's okay if the British homeless squat one of the king's properties.
That priest just might. CoE has always had a fun mix of voices, they’re not good at following a party line (which imo is the best thing about them).
The church of England is a little late to the liberation theology party, hope it catches on over there
It's interesting that's coming from Deseret News, which is a publication owned by the Mormon church
Steal from bad stores to make them leave, buy from good stores to make them stay
He's in good tradition with cardinal Frings, bishop of Essen, Germany, 1942–1969.
Who gives a damn 'bout the profits of Tesco!