Prepare your Firefox desktop extension for the upcoming Android release
Prepare your Firefox desktop extension for the upcoming Android release

Prepare your Firefox desktop extension for the upcoming Android release
Niceee, Firefox Android needs more attention. It's such an underrated browser. It's non chromium, search bar on bottom by default, uBlock Origin, https-only mode, cookie banner reduction (soon), the best reader mode of all browsers, and addon support.
For me it's the ability to install extensions. I can't browser without the dark reader extension. If I look at bright screens for long time, I get a headache and won't get sleep
Cookie banner reduction already exists usint uBlock. You just need to enable some additional lists
uBlock settings > filter list > annoyance > AdGuard/uBO - Cookie Notices
I really did not like the search bar at the bottom. Thankfully, you can move it back up!
I found it unexpectedly appealing on the bottom, but good to know you can move it up! Extra point for Firefox.
Can I log in to my Google account though, in the actual browser? Firefox is fantastic,l and those features are amazing, but I keep all my browsing, bookmarks, and so on in one place, my Google account.
I need to be able to look something up on my pc or tablet etc which all run chrome, and be able to find that quickly on my phone by typing into the address bar, etc.
I don't usually care much about integrations but this one is too convenient to give up.
And I suppose, thinking about it, it would have to support multiple profiles too, because I have my personal Google account profile in Chrome, then my work Google profile, etc. Different sets of bookmarks and settings and so on for the different needs.
No, you won't get Google profile sync built into Firefox. They have their own Firefox profile sync.
Firefox has its own syncing system via a Firefox account that'll sync your bookmarks, open tabs, history, logins, etc..
Firefox on desktop does support multiple profiles, but they are nowhere near as convenient as Chrome's which is just a few clicks.
That's the reason why I use Firefox on Android.
Fr. Chrome on android is much more stable in my experience. But Firefox still wins due to adblock + sweet sweet dark mode.
Glad I made the switch back to FireFox a year or two ago. As a Dev, I was entrenched in Chrome and it wasn't an easy move but with the path Google are currently treading around ad serving, blocking the ad blocks etc. I feel I made the right choice.....
I use Firefox on Android and it's great. Ad blocking is the big one but it's just a good browser. I deleted the Twitter and Reddit apps recently and Firefox lets me bookmark the sites on the launcher so it's like a separate "app" but not taking up 100s MB of space and I can block ads on these sites. I'm hoping that I'll be to use the Twitter desktop extension that prunes even more junk out of the experience - recommendations, what's trending and other clickbait garbage
Can someone TLDR please ?
Are you a developer? If not then the only thing you need to know is that Mozilla is essentially announcing enabling desktop extensions to be able to work on mobile
Firefox Mobile supported add-ons for many years, but due to having to change some things under the hood a few years ago, add-ons got restricted a bit (though you could still use them).
They're basically announcing they finally fixed the issue and they're coming back.
More than just a bit, they only approved a few at all as far as I could tell fron the years of using the browser but yea.
Firefox for Android previously only supported a limited number of select extensions. They're finally opening it up so you can use any extension.
Fuck yeaahh
*opening it up again!
Does it mean I can install any desktop extension which was not available on android?
They don't spell this out, but my interpretation is that extension devs will be able to publish extensions for use on Android, without Mozilla explicitly approving each one of them.
Many desktop extensions work as-is on Android, so when this goes live, we'll likely see dozens, if not hundreds, of extensions becoming available in the following weeks.
Reads like they are finally returning to full addon support. I've been using Firefox for Android long enough to remember that, before the grand redesign, they supported all addons and let you access about:config.
Back then, I was using uMatrix on FfA, now I am forced to use NoScript, which is more fickle to use and less stable.
Finally. You've been able to use desktop addons this whole time, but you have to do a whole runaround:
Yeah, and it only worked on some add-ons, for some reason.
Fortunately IceRaven supports pretty much all extensions. Only few of them actually work however.
Hopefully it won't break too many forks.
Woah that’s awesome. So ublock origin on android Firefox? Freaking nice!
uBlock on Firefox mobile has been out for a while now
you can use ublock origin on android firefox right now.. been using it for years.
I use it since maybe a year now on Android and it's amazing. The toggeling of the overlay and weird zap objects/overlays function takes some getting used too but otherwise its just like on the Desktop.
Yeah, the way Firefox manages addon interfaces on mobile makes it really unintuitive to use ublock's tools, but you can absolutely use them with some practice and patience. Personal filters makes so many websites usable.
Hopefully whatever this update is will make using the element zapper/filter easier.
Is there an extension for hiding the annoying attempts of reddit web app trying to get you to install their app, then login through Google? Still find myself there when it's from a Google search.
This might not be a proper solution but having old reddit redirect extebsion seems to almost all attempt by reddit to get me to use the app.
Yeah, just an addon to automatically redirect all Reddit links to the version would already make Firefox addon support on Android super useful for me!
Since Reddit threads are still sometimes the only results when searching for questions to uncommon issues.
Possibly some of the non-default lists in ublock origin? Worth having a look!
This is great news, I've just switched to Firefox & Firefox Focus on Android as a longtime user of Mobile Chrome and Desktop Firefox. It always felt weak on mobile, but things have changed. Still hating the purple though, and the placement of the new tab button but that's a small price to pay.
I'm already using extensions on Android with Firefox Nightly but yeah I guess that's nice
Yeah it's been nice but it has come with a bit of a learning curve. The process now is much more straightforward. Maybe devs will be more inclined to build since the userbase has future.
Nice, no more nightly and beta for me...
Fennec from F-Droid is a way to go. It lets you enable extensions and is based on stable release
If this comes through, I might no longer need Iceraven (andoid firefox with full addon support, like before they tore it out; I use it for Singlefile)
You know, I always thought Android Firefox always had full addon support. I've got uBlock Origin now, and I remember having Stylus/TamperMonkey.
I also use Iceraven but mobile Firefox has support for some popular extensions
It did, then came the big rewrite, and nearly all extensions went away. Some eventually came back, but Singlefile never did; there's no longer any way to save the html of a site you visit. So I keep Iceraven, which still supports the addons that firefox used to.
So we finally get some major functionality back? I never cared about that redisgn but removing proper extension support was a really shitty part of it that I did care about!
Alright, so what extensions are you guys looking forward to? On mobile I don't think about it too much cause most of the websites I use on Desktop I use as apps on Android, so a couple of website specific extensions are useless for me
@ChristianWS I use ublock origin and dark reader. Sincerely I don't miss anything else. Maybe would be good add Clean URLs to remove trackers from URLs, other than that I wouldn't mind.
PS: Dahora ver mais um usuário do aqui!
Hey, let me enlighten you: uBlock Origin is even better than you think. Among others, ClearURLs is useless with uBlock Origin.
PS: Criei minha conta no mesmo, mas sou brasileiro. Legal ver outros por aqui!
Redirect amp to html, search by image, clear urls, localCDN, web archives, tampermonkey etc.🫡 So many useful extensions.
uBlock and DandelionSprout's filter lists are a must!
uBlock was already available for Firefox for Android
Temporary containers and a tab group manager. Hopefully the firefox devs did not forget about the tab hiding API
Sponsor Block (+ the already existing uBlock origin) for an ad-free YouTube.
Currently using the fennec build Firefox with those add-ons and have since ditched the YouTube app. Works great so far as an ad-free/native alternative to apps like revanced or newpipe
Enhancer for Youtube is great too because it enables so much more UI fixes (and disables auto play :))
I use the Libretube app for that on my phone, it uses Piped to get the videos which tends to be a littpe more reliable than waiting for Newpipe updates and has Sponsorblock build in, for the next release we will even get Dearrow support build in! (Crowdsources titles and thumpnails to reduce clickbait)
Well that's nice. But how many developers will care to make Android extensions at this point? Also will the current unsupported extensions in custom collections stop working?
This is seriously cool. I've been waiting for this for a while.
Does this mean that I'll be able to get temporary containers on Firefox Android?
Some parts of the container API is not available on Android unfortunately. No container extension will work until that is fixed.
I wonder if hidden tabs are. It's not that I want tab groups on mobile, but it'd be interesting to see attempts, specially with how absolute dogshit grouped tabs are on mobile chrome, specially if there's pop ups involved (an inversion from desktop chrome, which has the best grouped tabs)
That extension requires rather deep integration into the UI, which I don't think is possible for Android extensions. So, I doubt, it will become available...
Ooo, exciting news!
504 gateway timeout. Exiting /s
It was already possible to use all extensions on Firefox for Android Nightly
But it was not an activity that an ordinary person was willing to spend time on doing.
That's also true
Great i have been using all my fav extensions for a while in the beta version. Great news nonetheless!
Finally! Been using ancient version due to the addon crap they pulled in the past
Kiwi Browser has been able to use a good majority of the Chrome extension repertoire already though
Please please please don't' bring MV3 to Firefox for Android, Mozilla. 🤞
Why not? Mozilla already fixed the biggest issue plaguing MV3 by continuing to allow MV2 ad blockers.
They are, since there are definitely benefits and makes migration easier, but they are also allowing the support needed for adblockers to be just as strong as they are now. So it keeps the benefits while also keeping adblockers strong like right now.
The issue is that Chrome is trying to replace webRequest.BlockingResponse
which is essential for content blockers, which Mozilla is pointing out and keeping supported.
MV3 existing isn't a problem. MV2 deprecation is.
So we're finally getting official support for most extensions on android?
Wtb this news for iOS.
Unfortunately apple doesn't allow any alteranative browsers on iOS... Everything that behaves as a browser must wrap Safari...
Recently I've heard news that because of a new EU law, Apple will be required to make it possible for the users to install alternative app stores without hacks.
As I know Apple enforces the restriction you have mentioned through their app store, but shipping your browser engine is otherwise probably technically possible.
Good incentive to switch to an android device tbh!
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Will this also affect IceRaven browser, a fork of Firefox mobile? Also, will it allows us to load extensions locally, like the Bypass Paywall Clean extension?
You can already install it using a old version of Firefox beta or fennec and then update the choose browser to the last version.
IceRaven is a close fork, so it will almost certainly apply to IceRaven, too (maybe with a short delay).
Loading extensions from files, I would not assume to work. Even their current developer workflow requires using an AMO collection.
Someone could reupload Bypass Paywall Clean to AMO. As I understand from quick research, the DMCA takedown request was not challenged by the dev. Or you can use another paywall removal extension.
great work and thanks for sharing it
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Could be very very good shit. Shame I'm not using android anymore
Certainly! The information you've shared about preparing the Firefox desktop extension for the upcoming Android release is quite valuable. It's important to stay ahead and ensure compatibility across platforms. For more tech-related insights and discussions, you can visit Chat gpt Français to engage in further conversations. Keep up the great work in keeping your audience informed about these developments!
So, after years of shitting on their users they decided to go back to before?
Not really since the blog post details that the infrastructure is much better and the way add-ons are handled is better too.
Okay, whoop.
Let me fucking download my files to where I want to on mobile, goddamnit.
Android has locked down free access to storage in recent versions. Blame Google.
That's 100% Google's fault. Firefox has no control on over this, Android prevents apps from accessing the full file system now.
There's no need to access the full file system to download to wherever the user wants. In fact the user might not want to use the local file system, but instead a "cloud" storage provider app!
The Storage Access Framework is built precisely for this.