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  • UK perspective. Unironically socialism with feminist characteristics. More women support socialism than men, that translates in reality to succdem for the most part but it also translates to actual support for actual socialism as well. Entries into radical politics are typically feminist oriented, equal pay, equal holiday, time off, bodily rights, personal space/sexual assaults, etc etc.

    The big trend I see on tiktok among younger teens is girls posting videos of the catcalling and car horns they get. Some of these girls are sort of posting it as a cutesy "this is what it's like walking around dressed as an alt-girl" type video for views and algo... But in a few years time those same girls will not look at it as cute anymore they will hate it and talk about how much they hate it and how much every grown ass man overtly sexualises 14 year old girls walking around the streets.

    This behaviour later translates to getting actually groped and inappropriately touched by gross and scarily intimidating men in nightclubs and their transition to overt feminism happens fast as fuck. I've known a number of pretty regular basic ass girls that, upon having their first experience of a complete and total strangers they're not even dancing or doing anything with thinking it's appropriate to put their hands on and in their privates unannounced in a nightclub start their path into politics and activism real quick.

  • I don't think there's anything for women that is anywhere near equivalent to what manosphere shit is to young men. Most young women I know are some color of liberal or radlib to varying degrees. White feminism is big among white women. I think if there was anything to compare, it would be trad stuff or that sort of new age granola fascism (unsure of what else to call it). But these are extremely niche, I only know a bunch of weird new age reactionaries due to a horrible former job. Ultimately these people are rare and most people will maybe know or know of like one woman like this. Most young women are more likely center left or radlibs. Meanwhile a man does not even have to be really explicitly into manosphere stuff for that rhetoric to have seeped into his subconscious it's become so common in male circles.

    • I firmly disagree with that. Toxic feminine discourse is just as prevalent for young women it's just that because of the shrinking categories of masculinity (basically down to be rich or be buff or both because it is about an air of protection), there is a wider range of 'acceptable' feminine behavior. And that is besides the point that if you are a woman and you choose to default towards perceived masculine behavior that is socially acceptable outside of the the most conservative circles. And as you say, because of this freedom most women are either radlibs or libs.

      That said, there are two forms of generally feminine toxicity that I see from online that are translated into bar culture. The first is generally libertarian feminism, or 'girl boss' mentality, who are incredibly destructive to anyone around them for the sake of personal gain, but generally fight their own battles. The second is the opposite which is a 'helpless' mentality where they either act like they can't do anything or shouldn't have to do anything, or literally go out of their way to antagonize others so that way they have to be constantly 'saved'. And these behaviors span both avowedly liberal and conservative women because the vast majority in the U.S. do not have an actually ideologically consistent political worldview, so attempting to assign them one is a fool's errand. They are all libs insofar as they are picking and choosing from the buffet of ideology.

      • Yeah I actually did consider bringing up the gatekeep gaslight girlboss mentality in an edit to my comment, however I decided against it since I don't think it can really be equated to the manosphere. It is absolutely toxic, but the manosphere represents a whole multitude of extremely socially regressive stances and attitudes, whereas girlboss mentality is mostly just capitalist ideology, and even can in some instances represent some socially progressive stances. And ultimately the girlboss is probably center right to center left (as you say), and I think is more likely to be cautiously radlib than embrace the weird esoteric fascism of the manosphere. I think you're spot on with the causes.

        I don't really understand your second toxic mentality point. Is this the same as the tradwife, the desire to be some 50s housewife with her husband as the breadmaker, or do you have in mind something else? I sort of understand what you're saying, I just can't really picture this person in my head as a "type."

        edit: the other reason I didn't bring up gatekeep gaslight girlboss is because it didn't seem as prevalent to me. It absolutely is a common type, but to characterize it as the young women ideology seemed wrong. I know a lot of women who buy into it, or at least its sister, that sort of women-centered hustle culture, but I know just as many women who reject it and make fun of the girlboss. Whereas with the manosphere, I talk to my male friends and even being pretty basic liberals they'll say shit that makes my ears perk up as I can hear the manosphere attitudes seeping into their thoughts. And there's less explicit rejection of that stuff. So manosphere attitudes just seemed more prevalent among men, whereas there was nothing I could think of with a similar prevalence among women (although I am a man and have more contact with men so maybe I'm just not in the know). This wasn't to dismiss any toxic attitudes among women, just that none of those attitudes seemed as prevalent nor did I feel they occupied the same extremely socially regressive space as the manosphere.

  • i don't think americans have coherent politics regardless of gender. They probably have sympathies that bend in certain directions, like a solid majority of women seem on board with abortion rights. But otherwise everything's so atomized and exists as a consumer identity that no one knows what the heck is a politics.

  • My niece is early 20s. She loves Trump, hitting her dab pen, is staying off of harder drugs now, gets roped into MLM shit every so often, is going back to community college "next semester" for a couple years now.

    She comes to me and my partner for advice knowing we don't have the same values, then proceeds to not take the advice she sought out. No fucking clue what's going on in her head.

    Next oldest niece is still in HS, but her parents are very wealthy libs... She's going to be a lib.

  • Didn't the Tumblrverse skew heavily female? I would suspect that if there's any good answer, this is maybe a start or a correlate.

    • I think that zone was loud more than numerous. Think leftist shitposter guys on twitter, there's an endless stream but that's because you're where they hang out.

  • Generally further left than older women and similar age men, but it's not like they're all communists or anything. I know Trump supporting young women and I know radical young women that are in orgs.