Remember when people said "epic bacon" whatever happened to that?
Remember when people said "epic bacon" whatever happened to that?
Remember when people said "epic bacon" whatever happened to that?
Became endemic and the marketers moved onto another thing to implant in westoid consumer-consciousness.
I’d like to point out that I’ve seen the same commercial featuring bad luck Brian over a dozen times today at work. Marketing people are still stuck in the early 2010s
Marketing people are still stuck in the early 2010s
If this is true, why am I not being bombarded by 10 guy memes when I'm subjected to advertising?
Yeah, didn't the "le epic bacon" thing happen in response to a huge slump in bacon sales? I could have sworn reading somewhere that the whole thing was basically an astroturfed social media marketing campaign by the pork industry. Or maybe I'm just being conspiratorial.
Massive heart attacks, I reckon
the pork industry stopped their astroturfing campaign.
Did evidence of a viral marketing campaign ever come out? Its believable because of Edward Bernaise and all.
idk if the epic bacon thing actually was astroturfed or not I was just being glib
The cake is a lie xD
holds up spork penguin waffle dooooom (that's me being random)
I made you a cookie but I eated it
We epic baconed too close to the sun
Holy amazeballs
Hyuck hyuck this made me belly laugh heartily good sir you are a gentlemen and a scholar enjoy your Reddit gold
CW: Cum Town
The narwhal bacons at midnight
skibidi bacon
I think those people were hunted to extinction
By who?
Carnists still use "Bacon is epic tho" as an argument against veganism
Those jokes were almost as random as llamas! I miss those times ROFL!
it really whipped the llama's ass
Those were the days
requesting a Bunchies emote
I remember a time, long long ago, where we'd insult people on the internet by calling them llamas.
We all have back issues now
holy shit, I forgot about this. It was a stupid youtube channel that made grotesque "meals" that centered on bacon and whiskey. Imma go find the channel.
Edit: it was called Epic Meal Time, and it's still gross.
2nd edit: oh, epic bacon had nothing to do with epic meal time, this post just sparked my memory of this dumb shit
Ever since the Woke takeover of social media and the corrupt "defund the police" movement, people no longer see bacon as "epic". Thanks, liberals!! 🤬
Stopped because Woke
le bacon
Not that it makes a difference to a largely vegan group, but bacon isn't even the tastiest part of those less-than-kosher oinkers.
Yeah I've always thought the same thing, like okay bacon is pretty good, but if I'm gonna eat a chunk of a pig I'd rather have ribs any day.