You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a woke criminal.
You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a woke criminal.
You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a woke criminal.
Folks, the world use to be fully of 30 year olds making music for 15 year olds so giant record companies could sell CDs. Then woke happened.
You may not like it, but American Pie style college comedy movies are actually where US culture peaked
You’re right, I don’t like it lol
On a level plain, simple mounds look like hills; and the insipid flatness of our present bourgeoisie is to be measured by the altitude of its great intellects.
I've always been saying this
Sum 41, Blink 182, American Pie, Van Wilder, Smash Mouth, Super Troopers, all had basically the same vibe
Probably 100 other things I could add to this list
Back in my day black hole sun would wash away the rain but not anymore because of WOKE
Black hole sun won't you come?
Tough being a RETVRN guy these days if this is the barrel they're scraping the bottom of.
Reject Harry Styles RETVRN to the Offspring.
Thinking about it, I kind of unironically believe this.
Even though The Offspring is weirdly reactionary for being a punk band, I still agree with this.
RETVRN to the age of looking like smash mouth
The guitarist wore a hammer and sickle shirt to a live show and it didn't seem sarcastic
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Leftists made it illegal for guys to be dudes
Sargon is the most deranged fascist on youtube. Didn't he have that tweet about mexican food being low quality, so that's why they spice it?
CW: shrimp meat
Europeans having bad opinions about cuisine from central and south america always gets me riled up
The whole "Acting repulsed by foreign foods while actively plundering said foreigners for spices" thing the British had going on with India always reminded me of an old Jane's Addiction song.
One must eat the other who runs free before him
Put them right into his mouth
While fantasizing the beauty of his movements
A sensation not unlike slapping yourself in the face
These people make millions just making content about how white people are royalty among the rest of humanity, and I have to work to pay taxes to child predators.
In a just world these evil shitheads would've been put against the wall a long time ago
food tastes of something, anything at all
What an assault on the senses!!
Not beating the accusations of being English huh
Mexican food is famous the world over for being delicious.
American food is famous for being unhealthy and addictive slop.
British food is famous for being a joke.
Bro is literally british
He once asked someone to send him CSAM so he could use it to own the libs
Mexican food is designated UNESCO world heritage along with only Chinese and French food, its recognized worldwide as culinary excellence.
Anglos talking about "poor quality ingredients," lol
I remember 2001 well, the entire USA was just one giant music video set
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Alien Ant Farm would be canceled today for being white, just white alone. FOLKS
I never listened to them much except that sick smooth criminal video, I was going to find woke lyrics to quote to show how they were always woke but damn, their lyrics are really not great and basically just whining about relationships from what I have skimmed
the year is 2024 and persons of pallor are barred from making music, music videos, or any type of artform.
This is what the world looked like before mass immigration
How did immigration prevent any of this?
Widespread racial and gendered guilt activism
You tell non-whites and women they are innately evil and I know damn well you salivate over legalizing honor killings every day
Bankers had totally screwed the economy for their own gain.
You voted for that because they thought they'd save you from gay marriage.
People were just allowed to be themselves, and they did fun, wholesome things for their own sake.
You people think this is the most immoral thing one can do.
Brits: The Americans of Europe.
You voted for that because they thought they'd save you from gay marriage.
Let's face it, "bankers" is probably just an antisemitic dogwhistle.
One of the guys is the son of an illegal immigrant, so immigration was really necessary to make this
It's so funny that this loser is reduced to tweeting about music videos from 20 years ago.
White men like this (pseuds, basically) love to eulogise something that they think is neat.
You... can just say "I think Alien Ant Farm's cover of Smooth Criminal is pretty neat!" and that's it. You don't need to provide some big philosophical or historical justification for why you like something, and if you're doing this often then it speaks to a pretty deep-seated insecurity.
This tweet has big "old man yells at cloud" energy.
I like the idea that retvrning to tradition means listening to more Simple Plan or giving Carson Daly another show
Oh you mean the people who covered a Black man's song as a tribute to that said Black man? A
AF Black man?Akkad are you ok? Are you ok Akkad?
a music video from a time, and a place, made by a situated people with particular characteristics.
Oh boy. Someone let Akkad know his bois are woke AF too
.. 2003 LOS ANGELES — A rock band crashes the Justin and Christina tour, a gay pride parade and the BET Awards to play their new single? It might sound like an episode of "Jackass" or "PUNK'D," but it's not. It's the setup for Alien Ant Farm's next video..... On Sunday, the band dressed the truck as a giant ant — complete with mandibles, antennae and legs — and entered it as a float in West Hollywood's Gay Pride Parade.
"We thought it would be funny to just go down the parade on a float, appreciating diversity and jamming on our instruments," Corso said. "And it was a really long parade, too. We did multiple takes of the song going down Santa Monica Boulevard."
And how did the crowd react? "It was wonderful! We didn't 'belong' there, but it was cool. There were a couple of like 'Blue Oyster Bar'-type biker boys on the side of the street, in full garb, like a couple of Rob Halfords. [They] threw me metal horns.
"The most negative response we got all day was [from] the [anti-gay] fanatics," he continued. "All those ignorant bastards were corralled in [one area] with megaphones, placards, everything. When we went by, we stopped playing and started gesturing at these people, if you know what I mean. They were gesturing back at us, and they were yelling. And all the people attending the parade were cheering for us."
I found YouTube links in your comment. Here are links to the same videos on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Link 1:
Link 2:
before "mass immigration"
When you understand the passage of time.
There's no way this is an actual response of his to this clip. This has to be edited. I simply can't believe it.
Uh but anyway the AAF version of this song is okay but I felt like it was overrated and overplayed at the time.
It's not a particularly memorable cover but it really completes my 13yo self's favorite scene in a movie, Jason Biggs with the glue in American Pie 2....
Sure, whatever, I guess.
The past he wants to RETVRN to never really existed so 2003 is as good a time as any for him to wax poetic about.
Carl Benjamin peaked when he called a press conference and then threw a fit when the press turned up to it and asked questions. Smartest right winger.
Wait he did that? Lmao what a dweeb
Yeah, it was during his 2019 run for UKIP MEP.
Desperate to escape this controversy, a press conference was held with Carl, PJW, and Nazi pug guy all present to answer questions.
Except Carl didn't want to answer any questions, especially not the one you can obviously see coming by now.
He fumed at the journalists present for coming here and questioning him, at first for asking about what he viewed as irrelevant subjects, but soon all questions were off the table. All the while PJW looked on in confusion and Nazi pug guy looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there.
Carl called off the press conference early, red in the face.
Limp Bizkit was a cia op to make Rage Against the Machine seem lame
Honestly not too far fetched
lmao imagine thinking bankers waited until after 2001 to start fucking everything over for their own benefit. Who was Ronald Reagan? What was Enron?
I think 'bankers' is doing some heavy lifting as a euphemism for him here.
who are the Keating Five
People used to do weird pop-punk covers of Michael Jackson songs on every street corner back in my day
Now you'll be lucky to see a Janet Jackson cover
Furiously completing the mandolin track for my Beat Nation bluegrass cover
The 2000s were garbage and this cover was a terrible one-hit wonder that was mocked relentlessly when it was released
The 2000's and the 1990's are easily some of the most overrated decades. This age of unchecked American triumphalism produced some of the most mindless consumerism, some of the most cringeworthy music, and some of the most dogshit politics.
You need to have amnesia to be nostalgic for this period.
I was a tiny baby child during the 90s and 00s and should be the prime target for 90s nostalgia. Yeah, sure, I like some 90s stuff, retro games and tech etc. But the culture? Fuck no. I would never god back.
The shit I endured from growing up in that era cannot be stressed enough.
we're 5 years out from this being the new nostalgia craze
2009 internet though…
Finally someone who remembers the 2000s for what they were. I swear when I talk to people it’s like they have amnesia. If I could depict the 2000s as an image it would be a hot rod flame Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts. That’s what the 2000s we’re like.
I fucking love cargo shorts. They're for me to carry things, not for you to look at.
don't forget the bloodthirst!
lmao yeah i distinctly remember being in Music Appreciation in like 2006 and our teacher playing this & the entire class basically going "wow that was shit!" so it is funny seeing the 180 this cover and Alien Ant Farm in general has gotten
I remember everyone liking it but ok.
Can ww3 happen already so the world is reduced to ash and I don't have to hear this shit anymore
damn that sucks I was just about to do wholesome fun things today before i remembered about gendered guilt activism
2001 was not, in fact, the completely different world Sargon implies it is. You could have already had DSL speed internet if you were in a relatively well developed part of the US. The "Terkahjerbs" episode of South Park would air within three years of this song's release
I wonder what "fun, wholesome things" he wanted to do that the wokes disallowed him from doing.
He wants to listen to music originally produced and performed by black people, but covered by white people.
Move into neighbourhoods without having to tell the neighbours about the list he's on
I like the cover
it's a good cover!
Sargon of Akkad is so dumb and smug I can't even watch dunking videos of him because he's that unbearable. Tim Pool dunking vids are great because he's dumb in a funny way, Sargon just makes me groan.
It is the self-assuredness of being so confidently wrong. Why can't I be that confident about things?
Actual footage of every country the US bombed to submisison
People were allowed to be themselves, and they did fun, wholesome things for their own sake
Such as paying homeless people to compete in amateur bloodsports on film and causing trauma to friends testicles for clout and whatever the hell "wholesome" shenanigans Tom Green was getting up to at the time.
Come on jackass isn't on the same level as bum fights
Neither is Tom Green lol what the fuck is this guy on about
Weren’t there entire talk shows designed to make the black community seem like a bunch of single moms who don’t know who the baby daddy is?
Wasn’t there an “expose your tits, possibly underage girls” video series?
Hasn’t most news been “America good foreign bad” since like, well always I guess?
Point is, there are much better examples to go along with Bumfights than “Stunts and Pranks” and “Man behaves abnormally to confuse people”
I'm just saying that there's plenty of examples of people doing non-wholesome things which were extremely popular in the same year that this song dropped, I'm not saying that these are all equivalent.
Wait until sargon hears what wokesters want to do to bankers and other assorted piggies
When these people say "bankers", they just mean jews, they do not actually care about what capital does to you if the capitalist falls outside of their to gas list
Really fucking strong contender for hot take of the year holy shit.
People treating periods of time I was around for like they're completely different eras is like a emotional heimlich. Especially since I have coworkers who are over twice as old as I am
I saw a Youtube comment that said you couldn't make The Amazing World of Bubblegum now because of snowflakes and it's from 2011
We're only 20 days into the year. There's still 345 days left for us to see even more radioactively hotter takes.
It's a leap year!
It's really before the imperial core lost its goddamn mind when it found out that actions have consequences.
"This is what the world looked like before posting the age brackets for pedo-, hebe- and ephebophilia made people ask me hurtful questions about the distance i'm required to keep from schools."
you've been licked by, you've been sucked by
a pube criminal
Given there exists a gay p0rn featuring the Semen Arsonist, I can see a pube criminal who leaves behind pubes after getting off on his dirty fetish be a thing.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Men really dressed like shit back then. Somehow worse than today
I hope people keep posting what people from the 2000s looked like so we can stop looking at that time with rose tinted glasses. Literally 90% of culture and even aesthetics were bad then. Genuinely the worst time of my life.
Music videos from that era were actually very good. Michel gondry did a lot of cool stuff around then
I miss when Missy Elliott was still dropping music videos.
Me too
Creating a corporate music video for MTV for its own sake
O no see those white guys totally set up a boxing ring to play their hit song (that they covered off a blank man) spontaneously and there happened to be $60,000 in camera cranes with fisheye lenses there to capture the moment authentically.
I agree Sargon the world was better when I was a littol dumb babby
I see Carl of Swindon is as coherent as ever
Cant we just have a society with woke and nu metal covers coexisting?
Alien Ant Farm singer Dryden Mitchell is facing a misdemeanor battery charge for an alleged incident with a fan that took place in October of last year. The 46-year-old nu-metal singer is being accused of grabbing a male fan's outstretched hand during a show in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and allegedly forcing the hand onto Mitchell's own groin area.
This guy is such a a nonce.
A child molester? Why?
Has anybody seen the whole frutiger aero aesthetic? Terminally online babies diagnosing the world by comparing it to software design and cheesy wallpapers twenty years ago.
It’s not the inevitable decline in profits as capitalism but minimalism and consumer dystopia bad vibes that are causing our misery.
Frutiger aero genuinely slapped tho
it's just fucking word salad at this point.
Usually when these fascist dorks talk about wanting to RETVRN to a decade, they talk about the '50s or something. This being about the fucking '00s makes it even lamer than usual.
Woke culture ruined being a white fratboy looking mother fucker.