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  • Sure, whatever, I guess.

    The past he wants to RETVRN to never really existed so 2003 is as good a time as any for him to wax poetic about.

    Carl Benjamin peaked when he called a press conference and then threw a fit when the press turned up to it and asked questions. Smartest right winger.

    • Wait he did that? Lmao what a dweeb

      • Yeah, it was during his 2019 run for UKIP MEP.

        Desperate to escape this controversy, a press conference was held with Carl, PJW, and Nazi pug guy all present to answer questions.

        Except Carl didn't want to answer any questions, especially not the one you can obviously see coming by now.

        He fumed at the journalists present for coming here and questioning him, at first for asking about what he viewed as irrelevant subjects, but soon all questions were off the table. All the while PJW looked on in confusion and Nazi pug guy looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there.

        Carl called off the press conference early, red in the face.

  • 2001 was not, in fact, the completely different world Sargon implies it is. You could have already had DSL speed internet if you were in a relatively well developed part of the US. The "Terkahjerbs" episode of South Park would air within three years of this song's release

  • Wait until sargon hears what wokesters want to do to bankers and other assorted piggies

    • When these people say "bankers", they just mean jews, they do not actually care about what capital does to you if the capitalist falls outside of their to gas list

      • Kinda, but as nazism is socialism of unwise or whatever that quote goes, its kinda easy to push them (not idealogues, but followers) on this. Bill gates, that opium merchant family, dupont, dimon, buffet

  • It's really before the imperial core lost its goddamn mind when it found out that actions have consequences.

  • "This is what the world looked like before posting the age brackets for pedo-, hebe- and ephebophilia made people ask me hurtful questions about the distance i'm required to keep from schools."

  • Alien Ant Farm singer Dryden Mitchell is facing a misdemeanor battery charge for an alleged incident with a fan that took place in October of last year. The 46-year-old nu-metal singer is being accused of grabbing a male fan's outstretched hand during a show in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and allegedly forcing the hand onto Mitchell's own groin area.

  • Usually when these fascist dorks talk about wanting to RETVRN to a decade, they talk about the '50s or something. This being about the fucking '00s makes it even lamer than usual.