Palworld is at least honest.
Palworld is at least honest.
Palworld is at least honest.
The difference is Pokemon makes it clear that the Pokemon enjoy battling and do it voluntarily
Are these the same people who accept JK Rowling's "the house elves are slaves but they like it so it's cool and even the idea of emancipation is a joke" with no further introspection?
Literally a pro slavery argument...
"The slaves got free housing and learned important job skills!"
Taking my Charmander down to the Pokemon center to get electroshock treatment for her drapetomania and then trauma-bonding afterwards with pokemon treats that are basically like heroin
You would think, but in the lore Pokemon do just casually form fight clubs and have small wars. In addition, something about teaming up with humans allows them to unlock power boosts or just having access to a coach. Granted, the levels of intelligence and similarity to human psychology can vary from Mon to Mon. One example is that Basculin in the lore is basically just a violent trout, making it less of a moral concern to many in-universe gourmands. Meanwhile other Pokemon like Alakazam or Orangaru is effectively a human with magic powers.
The curtin is only blue sometimes
I think the difference is this, JK wanted to write a serious, complex fantasy world that touched on actual real world issues like fascism and racism, but sucked shit at world building and kept dropping random crap in there that she then later had to scramble to justify. Examples being easily accessible time travel, and institutionalized chattel slavery. A more clever fantasy author could have dreamt up a race of fey creatures who enjoyed doing favors for humans in exchange for little gifts or something, but then greedy humans abused the relationship, and while these fey beings still wanted to be helpful to humans they objected to the ones who grossly exploited their natural kindness. But JK ain't smart enough for that, she just put a fully sentient, basically the same mentally as a human, slave character, who is explicitly called a slave, in her story to make a villain seem more evil and then didn't want to deal with the implications world-building wise.
Pokémon was just like "hey a game where you collect cute little monsters and have them do little battles would be fun". Then people tried to write serious stories in the setting and people realized that any real world allegory of this were kinda fucked. Buy Pokémon has never had very robust or serious world building, and is the work of a variety of authors, not the sole vision of one writer. It's in sort, kind of a mess, so trying to do a serious breakdown of it is a bit of a folly, since it's design is resistant to that sort of thing, it's a silly world designed to sell fun toys and games. We can do these little nerdy deep dives for shits and giggles but we're not really deconstructing anything serious.
I'm sure the godly and legendary creatures I keep in a capsule in a bank are feeling good about it. Oh you're the god of space? Enjoy the luxury ball it's the only thing you'll ever see again
Why shell out for the luxury ball?
Last one before i ran out completely
That always bugged me with the Pokémon defense. "Oh, but they like that im the master and tell them to do things. We're all friends, just a big family!" Is the exact argument you would use if you were subjugating others but didn't want to feel bad about it.
Are we gonna start a struggle session on keeping pets?
that would be a completely ridiculous struggle session to have, no one is against banning pets, unless you're a bastard landlord or have justifiable reasons due to allergies (but even then its usually 'keep them out of this area' not 'ban people from having animal friends')
so hexbear will stay free of such things
As a massive Pokemon fan, Pokemon's lore is just straight unhinged. They even say Pokemon used to live as equals to humans, and some would even have romantic involvement with humans. And GF expect me to believe that they want to be in the ball?
I IMPLORE you all to read this, diegetic essentialism is a waste of time and infantilizes you. Please, stop it.
Fuck you... making me read a thing and learning shit...
I’ve read this. It really does not work in this context. Nobody is defending or genuinely attacking Pokémon due to its incidental inclusion of cockfighting. What we are doing is defending Palworld, because it’s implicitly referencing this sort of fucked up aspect of Pokémon when you think of it too much, as a shitpost.
Not to mention the fact that there is genuine cultural analysis to be made about the fact that we just... have games about collecting sentient creatures and putting them into tiny spaces and don't comment about it at all.
The main series pokemon games have a move called Frustration which increases damage the less friendship the user has with their pokemon.
Why does this move exist in a game about friendship and loving the creatures you capture against their will?
This problem could just be solved by making pokemon not real creatures in the world but just spirits. Unfortunately, it seems that pokemon society is not vegan so it's also canon that people just eat pokemon.
One game's villain has a pokemon that uses a maximum-damage Frustration. Friendship's default value isn't zero, meaning gamefreak has gone out of their way to say "this guy canonically abuses his pokemon"
Or just sucks at battling, since a Pokémon loses friendship when they are KO’d. A giant loser trainer would have a bunch of Pokémon who hate him
Unfortunately, it seems that pokemon society is not vegan so it's also canon that people just eat pokemon.
It's way funnier than that. The Pokémon company has anthropomorphized Pokémon so much that they feel icky about killing them. But they also have chronic carnism brain. The result? They've recently designed a Pokémon with a limb that falls off so humans can harvest their meat without feeling bad. There's a scene in one of the shows where a character straight up drinks Shuckle juice from its orifices. Actually, that carnist design goes back a couple decades. People will literally come up with the most ridiculous explanations in their FANTASY world instead of just making it vegan.
Roast slowpoke tail
In that game the frustration move is bc the badguys did some evil techno-magic to the mons that makes them angry and aggressive, and if you treat the shadow pokemon well it will "open their hearts" and they'll lose the frustration move. It exists bc the bad guys hurt the pokemon's feelings to weaponize their alienation.
And making them spirits isn't any better. Kami aren't any less individuals with feelings than animals or pocket monsters.
I'm gonna brutalize one Pokemon for every dumbass comment in this thread. Sorry comrades but I've already stomped a Maushold to death and that's basically 4 pokemon in 1
also the whole debate over this shit is basically a veiled form of the vegan struggle session so lets just stop pretending we're concerned for the rights of pixels in the shape of an orange dragon
chill out, people want to have fake monsters fight each other
chill out, people want to have fake monsters fight each other
thats the point they're making yeah (the person replying in the post, not OP)
SMT negotiations are by far my favorite monster-collecting methods. Just equal parts philosophy, flirtation, and gibberish as they vibe check you.
Jack Frost has joined your party without your consent!
i only deal in absolute Maras
It's frustrating that it can be totally random at times, but that's also what makes it so good
Pokemon is cockfighting, Mario massacres Goombas and turns by the hundreds in any given game and we know from Paper Mario they're fully sentient and about equal to human intelligence, the star fox team are a PMC, Samus has blown up 3 planets, maybe more ans wiped out 2 species, sorta 3 if you count Evil Beak or whatever from Dread, he was likely the last Chozo. None of this shit really makes any sense and it's pretty senseless to go thst deep into it. Especially if you're being serious.
Meanwhile the chad
saves animals and the environment from the capitalist, imperialist Eggman by destroying polluting robotsDiegetic essentialism 101, it leads people to ask deeply unserious and frankly stupid questions like: "is superman actually a socialist?". Like, no , unless superman is written as such, he's not. These fantasy worlds you escape into? Theyre written a certain way by its authors, and no amount of nerd slapfighting online will change that, please stop wasting your time.
deeply unserious vibeo game lore
Mario has a heart attack whenever he just bumps into one on the street because he's racist and can't stand the idea of touching minorities.
ironic for an it*lian.
What a weird game, the more I see of it the more baffled I am.
It's a power fantasy for babies, that's all.
It's Pokemon mixed with Rimworld. That's it.
And this is why Digimon was always the proletarian choice!
I'm sorry, I'll see myself out ...
fool the correct choice has been and always will be BEYBLADE
Moses used a bayblade to split the red sea.
Digimon slaps so fucking hard
Never really tried the games but the Digimon anime was objectively better than the Pokémon anime and I will fight anyone who says otherwise
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is quite good.
Hot take: game is fun, not great but it's early acess so it could get better
Honestly feels more like the Pokémon anime than the games in many ways but in a good way, little things like letting out my fire pal as a light source while mining at night feels better than anything gamefreak has done in the last 20 years
PoKeMoN iS aBoUt CoCk FiGhTiNg is baby's first edgy media interpretation. There are multiple storylines over the decades of the franchises existence that deal with Pokemon not wanting to fight and they all conclude with the message that you shouldn't force them to fight - and in the games it's stated that when they "attack" you, it's because they want to test you to see if you're good enough to be their trainer.
"The author wrote the text so the victims are happy with their lot, so criticism of their treatment is invalid" is also an immature media interpretation, and worth about as much as "All characters depicted in this work are 18 or older even if stated otherwise".
As I've mentioned elsewhere in this thread, the house elves in Harry Potter are explicitly written as content with enslavement, but everybody sees that as transparently problematic. What's the difference?
It's fine to like pokemon (I liked/still kinda like it) but that doesn't mean I'm blind to the iffy nature of the premise
god I miss using diagetic explanations to justify morally questionable shit is just plain fucked.
When Hexbears needed his
mostTechnically pokemon is about Japense kids catching goliath beetles and making them fight, which afaik mostly involves them flipping each other over.
Like this is what inspired pokemon. Japanese kids catch beetles and make them fight. There's no "the curtains are blue" here. It's a pastime to catch beetles, carry them around in little containers, and have them fight each other.
The small bugs, birds, and mammals that I obliterate with my god-dragons after I stomp through their homes are just testing me and are actually having a really good time!
Slaver cope
Actually, Pokémon is about cock fighting. The original sprites even had whips. The problem is, it became so popular that they started writing actual storylines, so they had to come up with bullshit to cover for this completely unserious world they've built.
Pokemon makes it clear that the Pokemon enjoy battling
Mewtwo simply has drapetomania then?
I’m pretty sure the Pokémon died in the comics but that also may have been a meme idk
back in my day we just made a 3 panel sprite webcomic about johto's labor laws, not a whole shit game with I'm assuming nfts two years after anyone cares about those
No NFTs afaik and first impressions are surprisingly positive from what I see online. Apparently there's a lot of factorio-lite automation gameplay???
This is less true for me than others because I spent 80% of my time in Pokemon X in Pokemon Aimie playing games with, petting, and feeding my Pokemon rather than battling with them
But yeah.
pokemon is basically a shonen
i think the difference is that palworld is a bad game
amazing that the first comment is "you see, these races simply enjoy being slaves, its their natural condition!"
Shin megami tensei still winning, alway winning
I'm just waiting for chuds to call it woke because the character creator uses body type 1/2 instead of "male" and "female".
Lmao such a Liberal response to say “hey we pretend the slaves are our friends so that makes it better”.
No that makes it worse you fools
This is fine from a media criticism angle but you phrased this post kinda like the Pokemon are real and actually your (like you the player, nor your avatar in game's) literal slaves.
I’m talking about the text and the comments in the OP justifying it. Weird derailing and overly defensive comment.
There’s nothing immoral about being evil in a video game. I love doing evil playthroughs in RPGs and killing innocents and stealing and all that. I don’t come up with an elaborate ideology for why I actually am a good guy though out of character online, why it’s actually fine to slaughter the weak. That’s what people who defend the Pokémon universe from a moral perspective online are doing when they say stuff like “Pokémon are actually our friends and volunteers”.
Just say “yep we are enslaving em and battling em because it’s fun”
It’s the difference between someone who likes playing 40k and the lore vs. someone who spends all their time literally arguing online why the Imperium of Man is justified and good.
slaves loved working thus it was morally correct to enslave them = pokemon love fighting
And this is why Destiny of an Emperor (1989, NES) is the best Pokemon game.
Other than the imperialism part.
Or the problematic/ahistorical "the Shu Han are the heckin' Avengerino good guys" narrative.
Caowei for life, the wrong side won the Red Cliffs
Join a pvp server and beat people up and release their pals
i think they should make it more explicit actually, they would be able to claim satire with more creedance
From the library in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
A young man, callow and foolish in innocence, came to own a sword. With it, he smote Pokémon, which gave sustenance, with carefree abandon. Those not taken as food, he discarded, with no afterthought. The following year, no Pokémon appeared. Larders grew bare. The young man, seeking the missing Pokémon, journeyed afar. Long did he search. And far and wide, too, until one he did find. Asked he, "Why do you hide?" To which the Pokémon replied... "If you bear your sword to bring harm upon us, with claws and fangs, we will exact a toll." "From your kind we will take our toll, for it must be done." "Done it must be to guard ourselves and for it, I apologize." To the skies, the young man shouted his dismay. "In having found the sword, I have lost so much." "Gorged with power, I grew blind to Pokémon being alive." "I will never fall savage again. This sword I denounce and forsake." "I plead for forgiveness, for I was but a fool." So saying, the young man hurled the sword to the ground, snapping it. Seeing this, the Pokémon disappeared to a place beyond seeing...
Long ago, when Sinnoh had just been made, Pokémon and humans led separate lives. That is not to say they did not help each other. No, indeed they did. They supplied each other with goods, and supported each other. A Pokémon proposed to the others to always be ready to help humans. It asked that Pokémon be ready to appear before humans always. Thus, to this day, Pokémon appear to us if we venture into tall grass.
I've always interpreted that Pokemon choose to show up and challenge humans when they want to join them, and will flee/not show up if they don't want to be with people. Pokemon are clearly stronger than humans and will straight up not listen to you if you don't have enough badges.
Also, battles don't seem to be "real fighting' in the way that they get injured or anything. Real sickness and injury, death, etc are presented as something completely different from status effects and fainting.
Okay, thats my incredibly nerdy take.
Anyway, I'm not so offended by Palwords "animal exploitation" joke as much as it makes me roll my eyes in a "Mario is high on mushrooms lololol Mario is possessing people with cappy lolol" way. It an old and easy joke. I feel like entertainment is nihilistic enough as it is.
I think a better idea would be a game where the Pals are being exploited by the bad guys and you free them and lead them in a bloody revolution for freedom lol.
Didn't Nick Mullen make this joke in his stand-up?
me and my friends made this joke about pokemon when we were kids. i think it has independently occurred to a lot of people that it's just a romanticized fantasy dogfighting cartoon.
Yeah the "Pokémon is cockfighting" joke has been floating around since the early internet. There's old ass YT videos making the exact same joke.
why did i read that as dick mullen