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  • "I ignore infant mortality rates in the poorest states" "wow someone who shares my views"

  • Why would Emily Miller post this? Only thing I can think of is that she's communicating to her base and warning them it's satire because she's unsure they (and herself, apparently) are smart enough to realize their stances are comically evil.

  • More like highlighting the hypocrisy of evil.

    • Yoo, that Neverwinter Nights pfp takes me back. Such a shame that the recent remaster plays so bad on consoles.

  • It would be so amazing if someone like that suddenly would turn around and realise they've had harmful or stupid believes and change them. But I've never seen that happening. At most they switch from one extreme viewpoint to another. But it always has to hurt people.

  • I was kicked out of r/selfawarewolves (but not r/leopardsatemyface) and hope there are Lemmy equivalents or similar communities I can find. That was good day to day copium.