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This specific pop-up is one of my greatest annoyances with Windows 10

It's completely inconsistent with traditional Windows design language and there's no "Cancel" button or an X in the corner to click on so you can't cancel out of it with your mouse and have to reach for Esc on your keyboard

It also tries to funnel you into a shitty Microsoft service

  • It also likes to forget what programs I've already designated to open what files.

    • 'Hey, we know that you've set your favourite program as the default for this file type, but we want you to use our program. Here's the choice yet again, with our program highlighted'

  • Another example of the fact that the sooner you switch to Linux, the sooner your personal computer becomes "personal".

  • there's no "Cancel" button or an X in the corner to click on so you can't cancel out of it with your mouse and have to reach for Esc on your keyboard


    It also tries to funnel you into a shitty Microsoft service


  • That's because it's the Windows 8 design language and they didn't update it in a decade!

    It's not the worst offender. There are older and worse screens that you see every day.