My aunts been with her wife for 30 years. They're still "roommates"
My aunts been with her wife for 30 years. They're still "roommates"
My aunts been with her wife for 30 years. They're still "roommates"
When my now wife spoke of her "two unmarried aunts who live together in the same bedroom", I wasn't expecting that they were sisters who just kept living together in the same bedroom with different beds on either side of the room, even splitting it sitcom style with a clearly defined line down the center, for 60 years.
And when I explained to her that my friends "aunts" are not actually sisters, they are in fact lesbians who have been together since long before marriage was legal and now just don't see the point in a piece of paper when they've spent the last 35 years together, she had her own moment of realization.
I explained about Sappho and her friend, how that was basically what you had to be among older generations that had to hide it, just roommates. Then promptly showed her that video.
What video? Pls, Im stupid
You're only stupid when you stop being curious.
Here you go:
city street, woman walks by talking on the phone
voice fading in "And they were roommates!"
camera swings around to film phone holder
"oh my good they were roommates"
Funnily enough on of the various places I've lived while working in tourism really was a small room with two beds that would've been split straight down the middle if they ever gave me a roommate but there were only ever 3 people living in the place at any one time and nobody else wanted to share the smaller room with me, which is fair since that was the most even division of the space.
I was in my thirties when my aunts stopped being roommates. I had the good fortune to go to their wedding.
I mean they're probably still roommates. Just roommates with (tax) benefits.
Well he's not wrong.