Film studios demand IP addresses of people who discussed piracy on Reddit
Film studios demand IP addresses of people who discussed piracy on Reddit

Reddit says First Amendment rights protect it from having to disclose users' info.

Film studios demand IP addresses of people who discussed piracy on Reddit
Reddit says First Amendment rights protect it from having to disclose users' info.
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I believe under the first amendment in the US Constitution and section 2 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada you cannot silence someone’s freedom of speech/expression just because they discussed something you don’t like. This legal claim is bullshit right from the start due to constitutional protections
Also, online discussion is not evidence. To wit:
I murdered seven people before breakfast today. I love murdering so much!
Even confessions are not necessarily airtight. For example:
I shot JFK.
Police, when you get here, please knock; the doorbell's broken.
That's not really how that works.
The Constitution only protects you from the government.
Explain to me then how two US Federal District Judges upheld the first amendment during this entire fiasco with film studios
Are you talking about Burstyn v. Wilson (1952)?
Because that was about the state of New York attempting to censor a film. Not sure what case you're referencing.
Freedom of speech also means that individuals and companies cannot sue you for protected speech, cannot get your private data unless they have a very good reason