Truscums = transphobes (rule)
Truscums = transphobes (rule)
Truscums = transphobes (rule)
dawg you can be trans for funsies, gender can eat my entire ass. everyone is better off when we aren't gender-policing every goddam thing
Being trans is sufficient for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria in the DSM, so yes.
Ultimately it's none of my business. It's between the trans person and their doctor, as long as they're following best practices and the plan of care is agreed to by the patient and the doctor, I'm good. I don't pretend to know better than someone living that reality. I wish them well and hope their transition goes well and they can find happiness in their body.
...they can find happiness in their body.
See I think that's the most important part and you hit the nail on the head. I transitioned 20 years ago and it was a lot different then. Nowadays everyone has the freedom to just be themselves, and people are getting too hung up on labels and pronouns. If everyone just pursued their own happiness and comfort in their own body, while ignoring the expectations put upon them by social media and society, they'd be a lot happier.
It's like these younger folks feel like there's a check list of things they need to do to "be trans". My brother in Christ just be yourself, and if you wanna call yourself trans in the process then more power to you. There's no rules to happiness beyond not hurting anyone else.
Tl;Dr "An ye harm none, do what ye will."
Thank you... Omg I really needed this comment today 💙
Honestly, I've been feeling this way a lot lately. Especially with the labels and and pronouns part. I'll call anyone what they want, and I'm not gonna beleive they're not that, but some things are getting a bit ridiculous.
Like not to long ago I learned a new term, I don't remember what it is, but it was basically a word to describe somes sexuality when you don't know what their sexuality is. Like someone asks Bob what sexuality Greg is, and they don't know for certain.
But A) The term used an acronym for not/non and put it at the beginning of asexual, so it was not not asexual... or just sexual... I guess.
B) If someone asks, you can just say you don't know. We don't need a word to describe someone's sexuality as "I don't know."
I'm trying not to sound like an old person, and I do get why a lot of terms are uses. But it seems like every few months I hear about a new one, and it just seems like someone made it just to have a new term. I like that people are exploring and we are learning more
Other posts I've seen are things like "Can get guys/lesbians be gay guys/lesbians if they like non-binary people?"... Sure, why not? If someone wants to still use the term gay or lesbian, cool. If they think that puts them more towards bi to an extent, cool.
"Bi is transphobic, and if you would date trans people you're actually pan" Or they just grew up with the term bi, and that's how they identify. It's not an issue.
I'm just waiting for the day when I get called transphobic for being gay, which means I only date men and not trans men, so that I can point out that trans men are men, and we don't need to make it more complicated than just gay.
It’s between the trans person and their doctor
A trans person can shoot dutasteride directly into their eyeball if they want or gurgle horse urine against the specific advice of a physician and it would still be fine.
I think the thrust of their point is it's between the individual and their doctor if they want to pursue medical things. The state should not be prescribing what they can/can't do in this domain and getting in the way of their relationship with their doctor. Much like the argument that keeping a pregnancy/aborting is between a pregnant individual and their doctor. It's a shorthand way of putting it we all sort of get. Yes they should be able to do it because it's their body but generally the whole thing involves a doctor one way or another.
Not trying to pick fights here.
before i was officially out, the first person i told was my mechanic... and they brought it up. and you know what they did? they asked if i went by a different name and they changed it and called me that with the new pronouns
basically what im saying is that if that complete stranger can do it anyone can so stop being a dick to trans people, transphobes
How were you so intimate with your mechanic? Do you drive a Range Rover?
maybe a volkswagen
Man I wish I had time to worry about shit like this. Like get a fucking hobby if all you can think about is other people living their lives.
One time a truscum told me "I can't me Transphobic, I'm trans, you're stupid" she was incorrect, and she was one of the biggest transphobes I ever met (she insulted many trans women claiming they "sound like men" and that they "weren't even trying" what an absolute asshole she was SMH.
The first rule of being trans is to always have fun :)
That's why they call it trans B-)
We get a little silly :3
Imagine trying to fit the infinite variations of self into only 2 boxes. Be yourself, the world is fake.
Kids sexuality, who they choose to fuck and how they want to look, just isn't anyone else's business, always has been a perfect signal later for broken toxic people, and now right wing bigots won't shut up about it. Grow up. Yes I am telling an entire political party to grow up. It's been an issue too long, if you really can't stop your poisoned voter base and media followers to stop being this cringe, you just have to start over then. Disassociate with them. It's over, this is such an annoying childish issue to be hearing over and over and I don't even live in your country. Please for the love of God stop allowing wounded babies to politicise kids sexuality. It's so tiring that none of you stop the fucking madness and approach normal political discussion when this happens. Just don't engage. Say "no" to the bigot and engage another more grownup in debate instead.
Yes, e.g. if you have transitioned you should ideally feel less yo no dysphoria. Then again, I have very little life experience on that subject. I would guess that someone who actively does what they feel like should also feel less since they are not forced into something they do not like. And some base amount of dysphoria in life is "surely" normal.
You don't even have to experience dysphoria before transitioning
In my case, I never felt distress from my agab but have experienced euphoria. For info, I am trans NB, but still relatively early in transition.
Oh I see, trans here means like "not cis" rather than having transitioned from some assigned or assumed gender identity.
I can certainly see how not experiencing dysphoria is rare for binary trans people, because the two gender roles are pretty heavily enforced in most societies.