they're pretty adamant about communism but everyone thinks the USSR, CCP, etc are fascist dictatorships pretending to be communist.
How has anyone possibly come away from here with that takeaway? Most people I've interacted with here will have specific concrete criticisms with all of the above, not just "oh it's fascist". That kind of critique is more what you would see in sectarian ultra or trot spaces. I swear people just gossip about us or something.
We have got the be the worst place to troll. Every time some tries we just put them on blast till they get banned and then sit around laughing at how dumb they were.
I can sometimes feel a bit sorry when a young, politically clueless person sees us talking about the evil that whiteness is and starts thinking "damn, my skin is kinda whitish, why they hate me :(", but also, that's not being the target of racism. One of the few cases where the typically right wing retort to grow a thicker skin is the actual solution, that and stop associating your light skin tone with the inherently racist conception of "the white race". But I find that once someone goes beyond that to being insulted by the word cracker, it's no longer such an innocent reaction.
It would be hilarious if the thing about us not being tankies was an intentional troll...but this cracker was still butthurt about being called a cracker and couldn't help complaining about it
Listen, I don't go into predominantly black communities and start lecturing them on their use of the N-word, so don't come in here and spill your spaghetti over the cough liberal use of the word cracker.
Oh so that's where that cracker came from. "Wah they rightfully called me out for crackery after they wouldn't humor my Maher-assed, Colbert-assed, Stewart-assed debate-me headassed crackery" lmfao
Oh hey! I remember that guy from the modlog! Seems he's done a sequel.
I love the "everyone knows that socialist countries are (insert generic evil thing here)" stuff they do. Nothing showcases the lib herd mentality more than insisting that everyone either agrees with them or secretly agrees with them and is just brainwashed or something. They literally cannot fathom someone else having a different worldview or understanding than them.