What are your must-have packages?
What are your must-have packages?
I’ll start:
- Tmux
- vim
- ghidra
- okteta (hex editor)
- speedcrunch (calculator with bit manipulation)
- python3 with IPython for nice reply and embed(), pwntools
42 2 Reply- ZSH (Shell)
- Ripgrep (alternative for grep)
- Bat (alternative for cat)
- Exa (alternative for ls)
- Fd (alternative for find)
- Fzf (fuzzy finder)
- Micro (editor)
- VS Code (editor)
- Jq (sed for JSON data)
- Mercurial (version control system)
- TortoiseHG (graphical interface for Mercurial)
- Terminator (terminal emulator)
- KeepassXC (password manager)
- CopyQ (clipboard manager)
- Vivaldi (browser)
- SchildiChat (matrix client)
- RSS Guard (feed reader)
- FileZilla (FTP / FTPS / SFTP client)
- Double Commander (file manager)
- Hugo (generator for static websites)
- DBeaver (database tool)
- And maybe a few others that I can't think of right now.
32 1 ReplyI see a lot of the good ones are already mentioned. But I can't use a linux system for more than an hour without 'thefuck' installed
27 1 ReplyDepends on what the machine is for.
13 0 ReplyFor everything:
- vi/vim
- ssh & sshd
For everything except firewalls:
- C, C++, Perl, Common Lisp, Scheme programming tools
- lynx
- wget/curl
- git
- ksh (on *BSD)
- telnet (yeah, there's equipment that still uses telnet out there)
For a desktop:
- Emacs
- xterm
- GNU plotutils
- TeXlive
- X11 utilities (xcalc, editres, etc.)
- Atmel and Arduino toolchains
- xpdf
- KiCad
- Inkscape
- Firefox
- Chromium
- Kerbal Space Program
11 0 Reply• git
• vim
• openssh
• openssl
• fail2ban
• curl
• byobu
• webmin (to give limited access to non-Linux help desk technicians)10 0 Reply- Kitty
- fish + all the shell builtins
- LunarVim (Neovim)
- git + lazygit
- openssh
- npm
- cargo
- docker
- wget
- httpie
- tar & (un)zip
9 0 ReplyAm I really the first.
10 1 Reply- htop
- docker
- zsh
- tmux
- ssh
- git
- rsync
- curl
- dnsutils
- jq
- nodejs (managed via fnm)
8 0 Reply- jq
- vim
- ag (silver searcher)
- kubectl
- k9s
- oh-my-zsh
- go
- xclip
- openssl
- tcpdump
8 0 ReplyOne that I didn't see on here that I've added to my list
- tldr
- simplified man pages with common example commands.-
If on desktop
- distro-box
- yakuake
7 0 Reply- tldr
- neovim
- alacritty
- zsh
- oh my zsh
- starship (promp)
- zellij
- btop | htop
- ripgrep
- fd-find
- exa
- fnm (nvm alternative, since nvm starts too slow for me)
- yt-dlp
- bat (batcat)
- the usual base-devel / build-essential
7 0 Reply- docker (What, you never wanted to use a optimized version of cmatrix that uses only 512KiB of ram while barely scratching your CPU?)
- foot
- brave
- (on docker) btop, cmatrix, lynx
7 0 Replylinux-headers
8 1 ReplyAs boring as it is, gcc.
7 0 Reply- exa
- ripgrep
- tree
- difftastic
- fzf
- git
- neovim
- zsh
- starship
- direnv
- bat
6 0 ReplyTo add to all great comments here I have one that I’ve used for ages and not seen mentioned here: lftp
It supports many protocols for ftp like over ssh and allows for shaky connections with resume and back in the days when this was more common I used to just run it in the background to download huge files that took days to download and it would gracefully just reconnect/resume/retry until done.
5 0 Reply- Tmux
- NeoVim
- Git
- Fish
- ssh Lots of others, but these are the day-to-day
5 0 ReplyEvery time I setup a new system, I always install these:
- vim
- zsh
- git
- rsync
- tmux
- mosh
- btop
- autossh
- mc
- direnv
- asdf-vm
If the system is a desktop/laptop for personal use, then I'll install these too:
- virt-manager
- vscode
- firefox
- filezilla
- mpv
- yt-dlp
- kdeconnect
- onlyoffice
5 0 Reply- zsh+ohmyzsh
- tilix
- neovim
- fzf
- exa
- pv
- htop+iotop+nethogs
- iperf3
- nc
- socat
- nmap
- python3
- ansible
- lolcat
5 0 ReplyDesktop:
- distrobox
- brave
- flatpak
- neovim
- nix
- fish
- tmux
5 0 Replybase-devel
6 1 Reply- neovim
- fzf
- ripgrep
- Firefox
- git
- lazygit
- wezterm
- zsh
5 0 ReplyAdding to that:
- neovim for workstations
- curl
- wget
- zsh
Edit: So essentially for me, I forgot to include it: vim, my beloved, always and for ever
4 0 Reply- ardour
- kdenlive
- vscode
- kdenlive
- gnome
- xmrig
- fish
- element
- telegram
4 0 ReplyA few from the top of my head:
- git
- neovim
- nix (package manager)
- mpv + yt-dlp (stream music from yt with
argument) - unbound
- caddy (quickly spin up local web servers with https)
Edit: almost forgot, I've been using zsh + znap package manager and loving it.
4 0 ReplyPermanently Deleted
3 0 ReplyI always made sure my laptops had tlp installed. Now it seems openSUSE has cpu power profiles daemon or something by default, which it says conflicts with tlp when I tried to install it. So, I'm giving that a shot.
3 0 ReplyIn order of use:
- Firefox
- Nvim (with a slightly modified kickstart.nvim)
- Minicom
- Python3
- Git
- CopyQ
- Curl
- Wget
- Tmux
3 0 ReplyI don't see enough of these here:
- fzf
- z (or zoxide)
Check them out
3 0 ReplyStuff that I insist on regardless of platform (that is, I install these even onto Windows systems if I'm forced to use them):
- Pale Moon (web browser)
- Claws Mail
- vbindiff (command-line hex editor + diff utility for binary files)
- mercurial
- perl
Stuff that I require only on Linux systems for desktop use:
- Pan (yes, really, I still use a Usenet newsreader on a daily basis)
- qemu
- conky
- Aqualung (music player—I like odd software)
- Inkscape
- Scribus
- PySol ;)
- rdesktop (less a favourite than a regrettable necessity)
- various TDE built-ins: konqueror (as file manager only), kedit, kate, konsole, ark
3 0 Reply- tmux
- screen
- autossh
- mosh
- rsync
3 0 Reply- vim
- git
- rust (via rustup)
- codium
- pycharm ce
- nu (shell)
- starship (shell prompt)
- firefox
- sway
- alacritty
- python
- iproute (or whatever package has ip in distro)
- keepassxc
- gcc/g++
- make
- podman (or docker)
3 0 ReplyThe first 3 things I always add after a fresh install: aptitude emacs (-nox for servers) tree
Then it depends what the machine is for.
2 0 ReplyLets make a list!
- zsh
- tmux
- htop
- ranger
- helix (if i can get it)
- fzf
- fd-find
- python-pip
2 0 Reply- vim
- bashtop
- cmus
- ghidra
- jq (pretty print Json)
- screen
- hexedit
- python3 with pwntools
- GCC, g++, make & libc6-dev
- gdb with pwndbg
- alacritty
2 0 ReplyPermanently Deleted
2 0 Reply- asciiquarium
- cowsay
- tty-clock
- mc
- nano
- btop
- htop
- vscode
- vivaldi
- mariadb
- apache
- php
- python3
2 0 ReplyMust have p7zip and p7zip-gui
2 0 Replyyay
2 0 ReplyFirefox, only office and spotify. That's all I need.
2 0 Reply- alacritty
- neovim
- tmux
- vifm - terminal file manager with vi keybindings.
- zathura - pdf reader with vi keybindings.
- inxi - prints information about your hardware.
- tldr - cheat sheet for common commands
- qalculate - the most powerful calculator I've seen. There are qt, gtk and cli versions of it.
- moreutils - collection of tools. My favourite is vidir, it opens directory structure in your terminal text editor, so that you can rename multiple files easily.
2 0 ReplySince I'm not sure where to ask what is probably a basic question, what's a Linux package?
2 0 ReplyMcFly, can't live without it anymore.
2 0 Reply- tmux
- emacs
- okular
- pipx
- calibre
- lutris
- hakuneko
- yt-dlp
- git
2 0 Reply- OpenDoas
- Emacs
- Git
1 0 Replytmux kak / vim ssh gcc python3 curl nc
'taint much, but I get by
1 0 Reply- socat
- ngrep
- vim
- pv
- htop
- jq
Generally, everything else I need is there by default depending on the distro.
Home workstation-wise.. maybe:
- meld
- kdenlive
- openscad
- Qtvlm, zygrib and OpenCPN
- gimp extras
- golang
- Inkscape
- Wireshark
- audacity
1 0 Reply- fzf
- git + lazygit
- neovim
- ranger
- cargo
- btm
- starship
- tmux
- fish
1 0 ReplyKpat.
1 0 ReplyNot to duplicate some of the entries, I will keep it short
LF file manager (seen ranger mentioned but no lf)
Ytfzf for finding yt videos and playing them in MPV without the need of web browser
1 0 Replyyt-dlp alacritty zsh vim
1 0 Replyneovim, zsh, firefox, vlc, mpv, zsh plugins for autocomplete, ripgrep, zerotier vpn,fzf, pip3, htop, i am not sure what else
1 0 Reply- ranger
- openssl
- aria2
- fzf
- nitrogen
- w3m
1 0 ReplySuicide linux
1 0 ReplyIn addition to what was already mentioned: reptyr
1 0 ReplyNone of those are must-haves...
Shouldn't you have posted this to /c/archlinux or other meme-distro communities?
5 8 Reply