Something about your comment isn't right. I cannot understand it. Maybe you have misspelled something
Don't push it to kids. If a kids really really has dysphoria the kid would show signs of it and most people around it would understand its differences. All those drag queen story times, parades, books about sex for kids, flags all over cities are uneeded. At most they are going to make a straight kid without any dyphoria think he might be she. This kid would probably later kill him self when he gets to an adult age because he made the wrong choice, he can't handle his female and he can no longer reproduce.
That is what we are trying to prevent. Not all those rare cases of real dysphoria.
It doesn’t matter if you think they’re unnecessary. That’s something all of you have in common, you can’t think about anyone else’s situation whatsoever.
There has never been a single case of a kid being “convinced” they’re trans or gay and then commit suicide because of that. So shut the fuck up about it
Same reason kids need to be taught about the round earth, physics and other natural phenomena. How crazy that we teach kids that being how they want to be is fine. Come back to me in 40-50 years when your kids stick you into a nursing home because they can’t be bothered to deal with their abusive parent.
Then stop teaching kids about biology, cancer treatment, antidepressants, anti conception or going even further don’t teach them about nuclear weapons, bleach, cyanide, guns, knives. In your logic, kids will definitely want to end their bloodline when learning about the fact that people are allowed to be gay or transgender. You also think kids will shoot up schools because of video games? Surprise surprise, guns, healthcare and climate change will end your precious inbred bloodlines mate, not homosexuality or transgenderism.