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  • 10 Days that shook the World is a great, concrete, on the ground account of the days surrounding the October revolution in Russia when the bolsheviks seized power, I think it's very important to read

  • The Origins of the Modern World is a solid materialist account of how Europe came to be the dominant global power and the profit-driven mass violence that led to the rise of modern capitalism.

  • i don't think there are any. you ought to know the history of where you live & work, probably the country at large? who knows if you've had a marxist writer do that for you though?

    theory needs to be/should be sufficient for you to be able interpret an account of events, even biased, if it isn't outright lying.

    • I strongly disagree with this. Studying historical revolutions is as important if not more than theory. Theory only is how you get ultras.

      • i don't think there's an essential stable of history books for everyone. if you're uruguayan the Tupamaros are pretty relevant, elsewhere substantially less. what i recommend and talk to people about around where i live is definitely not the same as what's important to someone in pakistan or angola.

        i wouldn't want to discourage anybody from taking an interest or lessons from far afield, but if we're approaching this from what someone absolutely NEEDS to know, it's got to be local first.