We Might Be Able to Fix the Suburbs
We Might Be Able to Fix the Suburbs
We Might Be Able to Fix the Suburbs
I dont mean throw out zoning entirely, but reducing the way they promote single family housing only. I live in a county with a million people and 84% of the land is single family zoning only, I want to throw that bit out.
Also if done right you dont need to zoning for all those things. Transit development will drive denser, walkable areas all on its own if its legal to build those kinds of areas. All the city has to do it manage transit as these areas develop.
Zoning lets us banish hazardous or noisy industry from where people live, it lets us specify features like sidewalks and trees, it lets us size development appropriate to the area and to the infrastructure. It lets us protect society and future citizens by specifying minimum standards for health, safety, livability.
While it’s up to the market to decide, local government can’t abdicate its responsibility for shaping the market to best serve the citizens
I don't disagree, but where I live zoning is a large part of the problem
The zoning in my area perpetuates unwalkable, uncyclable, parking lot infested sprawl, because single family houses take up 84% of the available land.
I don't want industry to move into neighborhoodseither , but I wouldn't mind commercial or retail, currently prohibited.
That would ne ideal, but sadly city planning in the United states is too political.
We'll never get anything done relying on city planning, so the only thing that seems possible is to improve the city organically, through markets.