Wrong explanations only
Wrong explanations only
Wrong explanations only
Even Muad'Dib started out small.
Usul has called a small one! Again, it is not the legend
Usul has called a small one.
Worms prepare for the crucifixion of the holy worm son circa 0 b.w.c.
Your feeble attempts to start a fire have attracted the ire and distain of the local worms.
Roll initiative!
Worms being converted to Christianity
"They just left him out in the sun to die? He does get us."
You can see the wololo-waves radiating from a cross if you put it in the earth.
Rub the stick back and forth against the other to generate free wifi for the worms. They can't repay you in away way but they will be very thankful
They can show their thanks by crawling into your bed at night when you are at your most vulnerable deepest stage of sleep.
I love how they feel
We learned the secrets of firemaking from helpful friendly earthworms.
Your girlfriend (whom you still love even though she got turned into a worm) introducing you to her new family.
Fking tiktok trend.
*introducing you to her new male friends
Worms are centrists and loooove debating in the marketplace of ideas. You can lure them out with a makeshift political compass.
For some reason most of them turn out to be fascists though.
My two sticks bring all the worms to the yard, damn right its better than slugs, damn right its better than bugs
Stroke without rhythm, and you won't attract the worms.
Well they definitely get bigger when the rhythm is right. Do it enough and they can be your weapon of choice.
Clearly how you summon Shai Hulud.
This comment has been reported. OP clearly stated "Wrong answers only."
Bless the Maker and His water
Hand-training baby Shai-Hulud to come when called
Heeeeere wormy wormy, nice wormy. I have some spice for you
Tremors prequel
This is how we mine for the spice.
Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masterbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masterbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.
tagged this post NSFW
Not Safe for Worms?
Norfolk Southern Fans, Wanking
No, it stands for "Nethers Seriously, Furiously Wet"
Worm Jesus is about to be crucified.
Running sticks together creates subterranean earth WiFi, which earthworms love.
Rub without rhythm, and you won't attract the worms.
How-To: Teach Worms About Christianity for fun and Profit!
Thats the 5g signals summoning the microchip worms
Worms rush to the surface in anticipation of a tiny Jesus corpse.
Crosses when mounted* in the ground allows christ to communicate with worms and summon christmas.
*the horizontal cross must be aligned perfectly parallel with the surface of the earth.
You think rubbing sticks starts a fire, but in reality it's the worms that start the fire with their Annelid Magick.
Walk without a rhytm, and you won't attract the worm!
Worms emerge to worship Jesus
The power of Christ compels them!
worms are attracted to jesus being crucified
Figure 8(a):
The worms are summoned to protect their creator from being exorcised. In this depiction, you can see the exorcism waves being emitted from the cross.
Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.
Wooden cross in uterus attract sperm (but only if you have green pubes).
How to entertain people on social media.
Hey I said wrong answers only
Recruiting for the next Tremors film has begun.
Thumper prototype obviously
If you try to light the Earth on fire, the worms that live in it will come stop you.
In three days, Earthworm Jim was resurrected, more powerful than ever.
jesus uses a christian forcefield to stop snakes
How prangent is formed.
Would you still love Jesus if he were a worm
Sea Gulls do this but with their feet and not sticks. The worms think it's raining from the sound and come up to the surface to get eaten.
Wrong explanations only
How to introduce religion to a new civilazation
Adjust garlic-infused crossed stake until sharp end is directly above the heart of a vampiric earthworm, then thrust.
How to convert worms to Christianity
Summoning bait for the Tremor worms.
I was going to say this is the opening scene to the next Tremors movie. Maybe they’re summoning an army rather than bait?
What the heck is even the right explanation for this?
Not sure if it's a genuine question but I'll try to answer, I think when worms detect vibration they associate it as rain, that is why they go up ground to prevent drowning.
Edit: I got curious and it turns out my assumption was false, looks like it might be because it's easier to migrate, then there is also to avoid predator.
Wow, that meme picture is a real thing? TIL;
The power of christ compels you
The power of WORM compels you
It's showing how to start a ground fire.
They feel the vibrations and think it's your mom
The vibrations are too weak for his mom
🎶 "Use 2 sticks to make it in the nature." 🎶
My 2-sticks bring all the worms to the yard
Summon worms for your Tom Waits cover song by playing the Earth like a bass.
It's worm morse code, "my parents aren't home today"
Sustainable exorcism using rainforest certified materials only
It's a new and ingenious method to cure constipation
"We're trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty"
If you do this, the system will bug out and an explosion will happen underground which makes worms and other animals blast out.
Stephen King's latest novel, "Worm Semetary"
How to clear out any excess debris in your leach field!