Steam adds "Boomer Shooter" as an official tag
Steam adds "Boomer Shooter" as an official tag
Steam adds "Boomer Shooter" as an official tag
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So "boomer" just means anything that's older than the person viewing it now? Boy they've sure killed off any power that word ever had lol
Its especially annoying in this case since it was the boomers who actively were trying to get DOOM/Quake/whatever banned. It is the GenX/older millennials who got off on shooters with any sense of urgency or movement.
It is on the level of deciding Taylor Swift's sub-genre of music is "Kanye-core" because Kanye was a dick to her in the past.
It is the GenX/older millennials who got off on [that].
Doomer Shooters? /s
I thought doomers were largely young millenials/Gen z?
Dude who cares? It’s funny and catchy and makes it easy to find exactly the genre you’re looking for. Also a lot of boomers did play doom.
Certified zoomer here to explain. This boomer games tag is not about old games. It's about games that match what a boomer thinks of as an FPS (as viewed probably by a zoomer). The top 3 most popular games are made in 2020, 2023, and 2023.
Basically if the game play for the game was the style of a pre 2000 shooter it would qualify for the tag. But it could have come out yesterday.
Boomers didn’t and still don’t think of video games at all unless they’re trying to moralise it and outlaw it.
Jack Thompson Is the perfect example of a boomer and their relationship with video games.
“Boomer” has changed meaning to “old” which I view as fine. Like the popular phrase “okay boomer” started out intentionally aimed at actual boomers and now it just refers to an outdated opinion or view. I don’t think anyone who says “boomer shooter” thinks that boomers played these.
So "in the style of" ?
I do think it's interesting that the almost fundamental definition of being a boomer would be the significant dividing line of having access to video games growing up or not, but alas, culture is what culture is.
Can you give a longer form description?
Would this be like a "fixed perspective" fps ( like of doom or quake or Wolfenstein)?
I’m thinking more arena shooters like quake and unreal.
A strict definition is hard. The first thing that came to my mind was 'like quake'.
Fps games have come in phases. Most recently looter shooters, before that battle royals, before that hero shooters. And quite early in that chain you had boomer shooters.
Fixed pov would certainly be a step down that path but I wouldn't call it a requirement. If Quake got a faithful remake with all the advancements of 2024 and non of the industry trends that'd be a boomer shooter.
If you made a brand new arena shooter with no classes and an array of ~8 distinct weapons (think one rocketlauncher, one SMG, one pistol etc.) laid across the map focused on something like TDM or KotH, that could be a boomer shooter.
It's kind of like porn, you know it when you see it.
Ok makes sense, if it feels like a remake or reimagining of something that predates halo 1 it’s that
From my comment to the first guy:
They're just shooters that are mechanically similar to old shooters like Quake and Doom, so you're typically gonna have a mix of these traits:
Would this be like a "fixed perspective" fps ( like of doom or quake or Wolfenstein)?
That's what "first person" means in the context of videogames lol. That's the FP in FPS
fixed perspective fps means you can't look around separately than your can move your character. The original doom and castle wolfenstein were like this. You can rotate your view but you don't have an independent camera ( that came with the quake engine ).
I'm not sure I'm following. I've never known Quake or Doom to have a camera independent of your player character's perspective (at least without console commands or demo tools)
I’m not sure I’m following. I’ve never known Quake or Doom to have a camera independent of your player character’s perspective (at least without console commands or demo tools)
That's exactly the point. Your perspective isn't independent of your plane of movement.
In doom and the at the time doom clones you couldn't look up and down. The world looked 3d but technically wasn't. They couldn't even have rooms above each other because of this. The games were at a technical level top down shooters but viewed from the first person perspective of your character with graphical renderings likely using raycasting to give the illusion of a 3d space around you.
Just because you only had one axis of camera movement doesn't mean the camera was fixed.
I'm just explaining what they meant, that's just being pedantic now.
I don't think the youngsters realize that you couldn't always strafe. In fact, the word "strafe" in the sense used in video games had to be invented to describe the mechanic. It never refered to walking until FPS got a new groove. Here's a small reddit post about it.
Exactly. Kids these days.
For clarification if you dont get it:
You had four keys for motion: wasd
Two for rotation: q and e.
You couldn't necessarily change your perspective independent of your plane of movement. This had to be done simultaneously.
Strafing as its currently understood didnt exist until your 'perspective' became un-fixed from your ability to move. It was at this point that the shooters became 'truly' 3d.
It's about games that match what a boomer thinks of as an FPS.
Can you give me an example?
I can't think of anything in the last three years that have massively changed what an FPS looks like.
I think it is more just general trends.
Assume all dates are wrong because time has no meaning and what little grasp I had was destroyed by 2020-2022.
DOOM (1994? and especially Quake) era FPSes were very much about running into a room and murdering everything. Health was a resource and it was about combining reflxes with resource management skills. Also, the average game speed was actually really fast. I think someone did rough math and DOOM Guy was sprinting at like 90 MPH? Arena Shooters like Unreal Tournament came out of this where it was about different players seeing who can react fastest while managing those resources and the item spawns. And the level design was generally "a whole level of enemies" as it were.
Then, in the early 00s we started seeing a heavy rise in third person shooters. In large part because it was a way to show off character models and minimize the fine grain details on consoles. This, combined with REALLY shitty AI in FPSes like Iron Fist or whatever the alternate reality WW1 g ame was, very much birthed the "cover shooter" gameplay. Advance to a choke point, snipe enemies and funnel them, then hide. Lather, rinse, repeat. Which, like Half-Life before it, very much turned level design into " a series of rooms".
Which... led to Call of Duty (and, to a lesser extent, Medal of Honor before it) where the gameplay was exactly what. Stop, take out every enemy you can, and advance. Which also was because of greatly shortened time to kill and an emphasis on leaning and going prone. And multiplayer followed suit with generally much slower gameplay and a focus on "pre-firing" and "camping". And level design became "a series of set pieces"
And... that more or less gets us to where we are today. Something like Infinite Warfare or even Titanfall are "fast" relative to Soap waiting in a shitter for the enemy to run past, but they are still REALLY slow relative to the "boomer shooters".
In recent years (I guess since 2016?), we have seen a rise in something "else". I like to think of them as "puzzle shooters" (and Bulletstorm was one but Bulletstorm was shit so let's ignore it) and they are a lot closer to Hotline Miami. You are still treating every room as its own encounter, but those encounters are very frantic and more about adapting your plan depending on RNG and explosions.
Whereas the modern "boomer shooter" are almost exclusively quake-likes masquerading as doom-likes. But they are w hat we remember Quake to be, as opposed to Quake itself. Movement isn't necessarily as fast as it used to be but it is still a LOT faster than a Call of Duty and is more about whole level encounters.
And as an aside, take a look at the Rise of the Triad remake like ten-ish years ago. That is the game which broke me and realized how slow CoD et al had become. That game is fast even compared to DOOM 2016 (and most DOOM Eternal encounters, but not all). Shame ROTT was always a mid game though.
A game like Tarkov stands in drastic comparison to a game like Quake. Compare the weapon selection (many guns for one role vs distinct but limited) or gameplay loop (enter zone->loot->fight to extract vs spawn->kill->die)
Quake, Battlefield 4, Rainbow 6 Siege, PUBG, and Tarkov are all FPS games but they're drastically different in design.
So arena shooters Ala quake and unreal basically.
And Doom(2016)
Nah because it covers stuff like Duke or Shadow Warrior, which are large sprawling campaigns on, for their time, large open maps.
It’s literally just all FPS games from before like 2003 and those that look like those generations of graphics.
The "boomer" in "boomer shooter" refers to the style, not the release date lol. Most games with that tag are actually pretty new. They're just shooters that are mechanically similar to old shooters like Quake and Doom, so you're typically gonna have a mix of these traits:
I recommend Dusk or Ultrakill if you wanna try a really good (and cheap) boomer shooter that came out in the last few years.
It's shooters in the style that Boomers and Gen X (but no one ever addresses Gen X) played. Like Doom, Wolfenstein, etc. Sure millennials played them too, but they weren't the target age demographic.
Cultic is a good modern boomer shooter if you want to try one.
Ain't no Boomers playing Doom, Quake, or Wolfenstein back in the 90s. These games were directly aimed at the Gen-X and early Millennial generations. And by god, did we ever play the shit out of them.
Boomers did not fucking play Doom in any numbers, they were in their 50s.
They were playing minesweeper and tetris and solitaire if they played any computer games.
Honestly, yes.
Boomer shooter is a real genre that has defined qualities. If you did even a cursory Google search you would see that.
Just because something doesn’t make sense to you at face value doesn’t mean it’s arbitrary/makes the term toothless. You’re just uninformed.
Is Left 4 Dead a Boomer shooter?
I remember shooting Boomers point blank and triggering hordes...
well played lol
Every single time this comes up: We all understand it is a (sub-)genre. Believe us, we know and we love it. We have loved it since the 90s.
The issue is the name. It attributes a genre to a generation that actively fought against it and tried to get it banned.
It isn't a bad genre. It is a bad name.
I like the name. For me it has the double meaning of a shooter that goes BOOM. Makes me think of what I feel was a better time for shooters. I always think of the rocket launcher in Doom. And I like that it rhymes with Doom.
Just showed my son Doom. He loved it. And he was amazed at how fast Doomguy is. Then he discovered the run button.
Have you shown him strafe running yet??
It’s not about belief. It’s a thing you can literally search and confirm online right now. I don’t know who “us” is either.
I also didn’t say it was a good or a bad genre. I just said it is one that has a definition.
As for correcting me with “sub” I sort of just rolled my eyes and moved on, until I noticed you then called it a genre at the end of your comment. Kind of funny is all.
Ok booner
Kinda seems like point.
Boomer is a state of mind.
That’s a very boomer comment.
Always has been. Nobody was saying "okay boomer" to senior citizens. It was always to Gen X and now it's being applied to Millennials. If you have songs on your playlist from the 2000s and don't watch tiktoks, you've become a boomer.
Okay boomer was an insult for the baby boomer generation, now it’s being used for anyone older. Both are acceptable.
Yeah it was originally shit like “you sound like a 60 year old trump supporter who hasn’t gotten with the times”. It was “I’m not going to bother fighting with you, so I’m going to treat you like the uncle i only deal with on thanksgiving”
Just before okay boomer caught in "shut up boomer" was a bit of a thing.
Ah, so it means anyone who you disagree with who happens to be a few years older than you... So it's pointless?
No they don't have to be older. If I had a friend who was a year older than me and I said "battle passes, looter shooters, and tik tok are dumb" he could call me a total boomer.
It's about someone harnessing an older perspective.
Sounds like it's just become a synonym for a curmudgeon.
Or neither are, depending upon your view of bigotry.
Bigotry requires prejudice, boomers aren’t clumped together, just called out when the situation requires it.
Calling someone a Karen isn’t bigotry so why would boomer?
, said every "I don't see color" White Nationalist I've ever met.
Funny, are you being prejudiced against people who use boomer and Karen and clumping them all together…?
That’s mighty bigot and hypocritical of you.
Context matters, if someone uses the term correctly and not prejudiced against an entire group, why shouldn’t that be allowed? There goes supporting my drag queen friend and gay associates I guess, can’t call them gay apparently.
Few issues with that. And let me preface all of this with: I do think "boomer" is a shit insult but I also don't care since baby boomers can fuck right off for all they have done to humanity.
The use of the term as a derogatory one IS prejudice. If saying "Boomer" was not a negative term, it wouldn't be used. Not sure what the equivalent to godwin's law is, but it is comparable to the people who insist the n-word isn't about black people and is only about the black people who are acting like n-words.
Also: "Karen" actually IS a rather problematic term with a lot of roots in misogyny. It very much is built around the idea that women shouldn't complain and when they do they are just being contrary/annoying/nagging and so forth. I don't think everyone who uses the term is a misogynist, but they are making the world a shittier place.
Also "Karen" in particular REALLY fucking sucks if that is your name.
Yes some people use the terms as bigotry that happens with everything and shouldn’t be a reason to not use it.
Calling someone gay isn’t instantly bigotry. Context and tone* matters, and yes unfortunately in text tone doesn’t come across, but we do get context.
The word has a definition. Its defined meaning of 'born during this era' is the only none bigoted means of use. Example of another word which is often used as a bigoted insult: "The plant's growth was retarded by the lack of Sun light." See if you can pick out the word so you can defend its use as an insult simply because it is in line with your bigotry.
The word has many definitions, just like retard has multiple definitions. The context they are used changes them making them okay or not.
You’re clumping me together with people who use it incorrectly, you need a mirror to look in to see the bigot in this exchange.
... I did not have "And it is okay when I insult someone by calling them 'gay' depending on the context" on my bingo card for this thread.
Holy fuck
That’s not what they said though. They were clearly meaning that tone and context are the difference between “my sister is gay” [neutral], “my sister is gay” [negative], and even “my sister is gay” [positive].
“The wedding i went to last weekend was gay” could mean two people of the same gender got married or it could mean that someone is mad that a man dressed nice and was involved in the planning of his wedding and you can usually tell based on tone.
Who said insulting? My friend is trying out for drag race so I’m supporting them.
You’re being the bigot here.
I think you're misinterpreting their point. Saying someone is gay isn't an insult unless you mean it to be.
If you say that your homosexual friend is gay, that's not bigotry. Because well they are gay, plus there's nothing wrong with being gay. But if you say someone is gay just because they do something you dislike that is. Because you've used it as a negative term.
A: Bigotry is always wrong and we are expected to try to improve ourselves.
B: Some folk's mileage may vary.
C: Some feel it is OK because they shall suffer no significant push back. Exactly like certain folks that mispronounced the name of a certain country in West Africa and applied to anyone visually similar in tone to the folks that were provided "Involuntary Lifelong Unpaid Internships" from said country, felt fine using it.
Edit: because the other guy is being a tool, I'm changing my example.
Let's put it this way: Can I say "my cousin is gay"? Or is that offensive? Keep in mind he is a man with a husband, they are both homosexual or whatever term you want to use because apparently I can’t describe them as “gay.”
'I have a Black friend' achievement unlocked.
Dude you have to be joking.
And the above is called an example. Don't be a prick. It's also about how the people in the example refer to each other, not that I have permission from them or some shit.
Yup. Karen is as much a bigoted insult as boomer.
You think we were saying “okay boomers” to people barely a few years older than us?
It was always about baby boomers, the entitled generation.
That is exactly who we were saying "OK boomer" to: Baby Boomers.
It was always to Gen X
No it was definitely to Baby Boomers, then it morphed into an insult that you direct at anybody acting like a boomer/giving off Boomer energy (hence calling Gen X/Millenials/any non-boomer out with "ok boomer")