Somebodies gotta do it I guess.
Somebodies gotta do it I guess.
Somebodies gotta do it I guess.
Typical lower decks job.
Cleaning *** out of the Holodeck's *** filters
Don’t forget to use Pledge on the railing!
I would be super dissapointed to learn that they figured out FTL travel and the ability to simply materialise food and all the other amazing technological feats but still hadn't automated cleaning yet. I godamn hate cleaning.
Data is just a future Roomba.
Ah so that’s why he wanted to make a kid, offload the chores
Vacuum machines starts whirling really loud ... rumbles ... starts smoking ... shuts down
Tears apart the unit and discovers six Captains com badges in the hose
Yes we're looking at you
At least they're not in charge of cleaning out the holodeck, that place has to be pretty rough
Especially after Dr. T’Ana and Shax gets through with it.
Someone wrote log entries for the holodeck technician like 20 years ago... They were quite funny. Can't remember where I saw them.
100% worth the read
Couldn't they just clean the ship using the transporters and air filtration
And his needs are met. He's got a place to live. He's got replicators.
I'd vacuum every damned deck if it gave me a place on a starship where all my needs were met.
100%. I have a nice cushy work from home desk job right now but I've also worked service jobs and manual labor jobs and I would absolutely jump at the chance for a job as janitorial staff on a starship exploring the galaxy for nothing more than accommodations and the amenities of replicators and holodecks aboard said starship exploring the galaxy. Space shitter clogged? I'm all over it for a chance to just be out there with my needs met.
Left someone out.
This is just like the US Navy. Junior enlisted clean constantly.
Swab the deck ye matey
Don't they have the DOTS robots for this?
Thanks for reminding me of yet another reason why Star Trek: Discovery is not canon.
Given that they have the ability to select pretty much whatever material they want with the transporters, I imagine it wouldn't be too hard for them to do a once a day transport for all dust/debris particles directly into space, or some containment unit of their choosing. Same goes for pretty much any other cleaning task.
It is mentioned in that one episode where they have a small village of “back to the land” type people staying in the cargo bay, along with their farm animals that they don’t have to keep sweeping up all the time, the bays will clean themselves. They just have to stop lighting cooking fires.
That actually makes me think, would it theoretically be possible to automate ship repair with transporter technology? All the time they have ships coming in with giant chunks missing.
If you are able to get a high resolution scan of the current state of the vessel, and have the plans to build it, couldn't they set up a specialized transporter to transport the damaged bits away, and transition area that is destroyed, and then replace it with new parts as needed?
Basically do some a similar repair method from Space Engineers, just fancier with transporters.
Is that the Paramount set or is that Star Trek The Experience? A lot of the proportions seem off.
At the very least, the headrests are wrong and the carpet is the wrong color*. Probably the latter.
(* maybe it looks "right" on those novelty VHS recordings you get at the end of the experience?)
This reminds me of the old web series Space Janitors.
I had never heard of this show before but it looks hilarious.