Male Loneliness
Male Loneliness
Male Loneliness
Remember the glory that was 90's optimism.
30 years later I thought we would live in a better 90's.
Instead we live in a really shit future that's worse than even the 90s.
I saw someone point out on a reply similar nostalgic message: this is basically the plot of The Matrix.
I don't disagree, but this context is a bit weird given that starship troopers depicts a rosy vision of the future but with fascism.
I know there is a bit Internet belief that starship troopers is fascist but I'm not convinced.
Everyone is equal, free healthcare and education.They have an entry to vote so admittedly not everyone gets a vote. But absolutely anyone can choose to serve their government and by serving you automatically get a vote. Tbh I think there are arguments for that system. Once you get citizenship the system is completely democratic. They have propaganda but it is total war and which democracy hasn't had propaganda during total war?
The book goes into it more and the book is a lot more serious and less campy. Verhoeven did try to twist it as much as possible which lost a lot but he still made a really entertaining movie.
We're communicating instantaneously over a globe spanning computer network. In the early 90s that was not possible for the average joe. It was only in the very tail end of the decade that doing so didn't require a fair amount of money and/or technical knowledge.
The network provides all of the information in every library on the planet to us instantaneously.
Oh, so now this is a novel idea? I tried to do a study on that and was thrown out of the waterpark alltogether for being a pervert and a creep... I was trying to save men with shower-science, you buffoons!
Would you like to know more?
yes please
Happiness is when peepee hard
I'm pro co-ed everything but this is not the reason it should be done lmao
I've never really understood gender segregated public bathrooms. We don't segregate our bathrooms at home and it's not like anyone watches anyone else.
and it's not like anyone watches anyone else.
Unfortunately some people are creeps. The University of Toronto had to partially reverse their all-gender shower policy shortly after implementing it.
It's incompetent and immature morons that continue to push segregation, and realistically the more they fight it the more I have to ask "what did you do"
I desperately want to know more 🧠
Women: Men only think with their penises!
Me: Frankly, I find the idea of a penis that THINKS, offensive!
*Coed, Naked DND?
Do the co-ed showers come with Dina Meyers?