How to make two groups of fanboys twitch simultaneously.
How to make two groups of fanboys twitch simultaneously.
How to make two groups of fanboys twitch simultaneously.
Is that fucking thermal paste????
This bucket of thermal paste's never gonna get us past the blockade.
Brother if your thermal paste looks like clay you need to swap it out
I love Dune!
trade must flow
In the 31st century: The Borg have taken over the galaxy, and have discovered wormhole technology that allows them to traverse universes.
A rogue Starfleet captain steals a museum piece and flees through a wormhole, only to encounter a smuggler and his hairy companion. They manage to cripple the Cube that opened the wormhole, but at a cost.
Their ships crippled, they must learn to work together to warn the New Republic of the Borg threat.
The title: Trek Wars.
Just install a big heavy iris door over the other end of the wormhole so that they cant rematerialize in your universe, invasion solved.
For the Federation and New Republic they need to join forces and have a three hour long movie about it.
For SG1 this is a normal Tuesday.
The Borg would be fucked though. Especially once they assimilate the B1 battle droids.
"Uhh wait. Uhh, resistance is futile. Roger Roger."
How does Godzilla fit into this?
If the Enterprise saucer is still its original size then there might be room for him in the Millennium Falcon's cockpit.
Starring Greg Evigan as Billy Drinkcup.
The 3rd party N64 controller that your friend has to use.
Wait, is this the ship from Firefly?
I think it's the one from Battlespace Galactitoads.
No, you're thinking Starfox. Def Starfox.
Now watch it transform into a Decepticon.
Sorry, it only transforms into a GoBot.
That's not the sick burn it once was, now that Hasbro owns them both.
Star Wreck: Deep Space Nein.
What's so controversial about Gandalf's horse Shadowfax? Did he not in fact show us the meaning of haste?
Jokes on you, I love Farscape.
Enterprise Falcon: USS Millenium
It would be better if they attached that to some warp nacelles
Nah, they need a ram scoop
Geordi LaForge looking at the engines with disgust on his face. Bitch you live like this?
Scotty: Aye, it'll take five hours, but I'll make it fly in three.
I like this.
So say we all.
What is the weird extension on the bottom left for?
Is there a Star Trek thing added onto the millennium falcon?
If it is not, then what the fuck is the point of that thing?
To actually answer your question, the base of the ship is from the Enterprise from Star Trek. Both it and the Millennium Falcon have a circular body, though the Falcon's is notably less smooth. Everything else was taken from the Falcon and tossed on it to piss people off.