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After ten years, it's time to stop making videos.

  • I'm really going to miss his videos, but I'm glad he's ending it on a happy note rather than dragging things on when he doesn't want to. Godspeed, Tom.

  • I've been watching Tom for years and now that this video is here it gives me a very bittersweet feeling, it'll be odd not having a new video from him on Mondays. But good on Tom for realizing what's important to him and putting it first, although I do hope that some day he is able to return to YouTube or media. And you never know, depending on how much time he takes off, maybe the next series will be "Tom Scott goes to space"!

  • Sad to see him go, but I'm glad that he's doing it on his own terms and not because he feels forced to. Gonna miss seeing new videos from him. Tom is legitimately one of the best creators YouTube has ever had on their platform.