Not the most auspicious start of a new year
Not the most auspicious start of a new year
Not the most auspicious start of a new year
Modern toasters are bullshit. This is what you want.
Modern? I'm pretty sure this one is older than me and I turned 41 the day before yesterday 😄
That being said, the sunbeam looks brilliant and if I could afford one I'd much prefer that to the one I have!
Just make friends with someone who has one!
(Then steal it)
Well, if it is just the knob you can try gluing it back, cut up toothpicks might help. If you are confident with electrics you can replace the potentiometer.
Toasters just really go by time or temperature, except the Sunbeam which actually goes by if the toast is 'toast'.
I never let anything die, I just keep fixing it. Hardly an auspicious start though.
Didn't Technology Connections make a few videos about it?
Edit: ah they're linked
I have a kitchenaid toaster that matches my KitchenAid...I hate it , it manages to burn one edge on either side of every slice of every bread. It beeps before it makes a loud pop to so the beep is annoying and superfluous. It's first setting is warm bread and second is just passed acceptable, 3 is burnt. I've never used the remaining 4 -6 settings. If you put bread in at 2 and then another batch when it is done it will burn the second lot.
Utter piece of shit for the price we paid. You'd get, and in fact I have, a better toaster for a tenth the price doing your grocery shopping.
These days, any purchase you make is a gamble without research. And even with research, it's hard to tell the difference between a reviewed version and the one you're looking at sometimes.
Or something with a knob for heath control, to counter the aging bimetal.
To be fair it looks fucking tired.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's older than me and I turned 41 the day before yesterday 😅
OP's previous toaster :
That toaster looks older than the one I got during the soviet occupation and everything from then looks 30 years older.
According to another comment here, Philips retired that logo in 1968 so yeah, it's OLD 😄
Toasting to the new year?
Trying to, at least 🤷
The sense of scale in this picture is weird, the table kind of looks like carpet and the toaster looks like a larger appliance
That's because I took the photo from a weird angle and cropped it tightly, both to avoid showing how cluttered the rest of my kitchen counter is too clearly 😅
As for the surface looking like carpet, that's just the pattern of the coating 🤷
Now how are you gonna adjust the volume on your toast?
I'm a red-blooded Scandinavian man! I like my cars sensible, quiet and preferably electric and I want my toast loud and diesel-fueled!
That toaster gives me the vibes of my '80s Apple //c
Wouldn't COMPLETELY rule out that the design of 80s Macs were based on that of Philips toasters tbh 😂
Time for a 3D printer …
^this. Even a $200 cheap ass printer can handle printing a knob like this and it'll even keep your toast warm forever if you want 👍
It'll also provide endless hours of fucking around learning a new hobby and limitless conversation options to get people to leave you alone at parties!
Shh! Do you WANT Big Ag to assassinate you? 😬😄
My friends buy 3d printers for thousands of dollars and then they make stuff like a headphone stand that would cost them 10 dollars to buy... :p
You can buy a good printer for $100 (Ender 3) you know. Print 10 things and it pays for itself…
Looks more like a CD burner...
More like a CD Melter if you try that, I bet..
It could have been worse, at least you didn't manage to set your's on fire like I did lol
Yeah, after a bit of swearing trial and error, I managed to reattach it and it works again.
Though I can't say I've tried, I'm almost positive that I can't undo fire 😄
I hope you're alright unlike your toaster, btw
Edit: rectified autocomplete error that led me to claim that I have in fact attempted to undo fire 🤦😂
Out with the old, in with the new...
Nah, I managed to fix it. This baby has apparently been going strong since at least 1968 and it's still got a little left!
I just want to get a toaster that runs netbsd
Still... Could be worse...
To quote the esteemed philosopher Frank Zappa from his seminal work Titties & Beer: that's very, very true!
that is exactly auspicious because it is definitely a sign.. the sign says: you will buy a new toaster this year..
Nah, after some swearing, trial and error, I found out that it was actually am easy fix, so it's up and running again!
Besides, do I look like I have "toaster from this millenium" money? 😛
Auspicious is a nice word.
Thanks, I agree 😁
New year, new toaster