2024 Predictions
2024 Predictions
Half-Life 3 announced. America collapses before its released in 2031
2024 Predictions
Half-Life 3 announced. America collapses before its released in 2031
Irish reunification
Don't forget the Bell Riots
For everyone scratching their heads...
The Biden cat is removed from the WH for attacking people.
There will be pictures of Trump's penis.
Biden falls and is actually hurt.
Zelensky is replaced.
Trump narrowly loses the general election, promises to run again.
Biden falls, fractures his hip, and is removed under the 25th amendment because leaders need strong hips.
Its her turn
A republican candidate for the house or state senate in one of the Dakotas will literally kill their opponent with a gun during a debate and get elected.
A truck full of uranium waste will disappear. The story will be covered by all news agencies for exactly one week and then never be mentioned again. In 2025, a dirty bomb will be set off by "Hamas" in a major population center.
An article will come out revealing that Biden's aides have secretly been testing his food because they're afraid of Kamala Harris poisoning him. This will not affect Kamala's approval rating in either direction.
Someone will be murdered by a white women for picking up litter in a Walmart parking lot because her wine friends told her that it was a secret way for pedophile crime rings to pass messages to eachother.
In that same town there will be a single article written about an underage prostitution ring being run by a bunch of retired state troopers for superbowl games. No one will read it.
There will be a massive civil war on twitter over whether or not black people need to "take a break so that we can focus on antisemitism right now."
Someone will leave cum on Rand Paul's desk in the senate.
get this poster a lathe!
AI fake fools a politician who complains on TV -200
Political assassination anywhere in the world +180
Joe Biden dies +150
A VP becomes president +300
Legal battle for whether Israel pledges trump free speech -100
Israel wins the legal battle +400
A fascist doesn't become president +99999
Bitcoin's price changes by $40,000 +200
Retail real estate prices collapse +300
Retail real estate gets bailed out +600
Any once in a lifetime economic collapse +200
Any once in a lifetime weather event +200
US involvement in an African military conflict +300
please refrain from using yankkkee odds, thank you
Death to America
Any once in a lifetime weather event +200
There will be a few of these
What I should have done for that VP becomes president is Trump wins and then dies for a big 500 odds payout alongside a sizeable Biden dies at any point this year for a 100 payout (which is on there)
Well see a coup or attempted coup in a EU member state.
Some German politician thats anti-us gets merced.
The newly created American army bases in Denmark lead to assassination(s) of one or more "left" organizers in Denmark. Also just regular army base bullshit.
A new disease starts spreading among cattle. The farmers resist all attempts at regulation, China is blamed.
I lose weight, but because of something bad happening.
A priceless piece of art is destroyed.
Lynetteholmen leads to drastic dieoff of the recently introduced cod-population in the Baltic.
China produces a blockbuster akin to RRR.
Merger between steam and some other platform.
We'll start seeing Ukrainian Nazis doing ISIS shit in other European countries.
A priceless piece of art is destroyed
There's an upcomming British show that's supposedly bought controversial art and will have the audience decide if it should be burned.
The Milei regime starts murdering protestors.
A western ship is damaged by Ansarallah
At least one high-profile assassination is attempted by Trump supporters.
Supporters of the losing side of the American election refuses to recognise the result.
The winner of the 2024 US presidential election dies before being able to take office.
At least one more member of Lars Løkke Rasmussen's astroturfed centrist party is forced to resign due to doing something weird, pathetic and/or off-putting.
Lars Løkke Rasmussen himself will be caught red-habded in another corruption scandal, but will not be forced to resign.
The new Danish king, being absolutely dogshit at public speaking, will stumble over his own words and say something incredibly stupid.
At least one coup attempt in Ukraine.
Three or more new sanctions packages against Russia.
Lars Løkke makes me hate the Danish population. "Ej who cares that he embezzled funds? They're all corrupt liars anyway".
This is too real. Get off the Lathe right now.
China produces a blockbuster akin to RRR.
Hoping this one comes true. RRR was tight
We'll start seeing Ukrainian Nazis doing ISIS shit in other European countries.
I hadn't considered this but honestly seems somewhat likely depending on how things pan out.
Trump dies like a month or two before the election
This throws the trump/qanon base into chaos. Some dive deeper into their fantasies, trump isn't dead he faked his death so he could do covert ops and lead the white hats. Others lose their minds and accuse the deep state of assassinating him. There's isolated incidents of stochastic terrorism, but mostly his base is too cowardly and unorganized to do anything, plus they'd rather watch their shows than take any action, so nothing really happens except for a brief increase in funny/sad facebook screenshots.
All the chaos results in Biden being reelected.
Biden dies like the day after he's inaugurated.
I unironically believe that Hillary Clinton would strangle Biden to death with her bare hands in the oval office to take his spot.
And then one of her psycho failure acolyte assistants walks in while she's panting over his crumpled corpse and says "Uhhhhh, he's not getting up, is he?"
it's joever
Trump dies before election, wins by write-in because supporters refuse to believe it. Running mate Vince McMahon becomes president.
Republican party actually has navigate this shambles, because they put Meatball Ron on the ballot as they can't nominate a literal corpse but he only got 4% of votes nationwide lol
Every single moment of 2024 is going to be worse than 2023. So imagine 2023 again but worse and normie dipshits getting increasingly belligerent and unhinged when any of this is pointed out.
Cottage cheese-filled pineapples ala Marguerite Patten become a minor trend on Tiktok for a week.
Your parents get an unofficial separation but are too poor to actually move out so instead chalk sales go way up as miserable boomers with brains fucked up my extremist gender ideology dived their houses in two. Children kill themselves to avoid serving as the middlemen messenger who have to tell the other parent about which bills haven't been paid.
Switch 2 is announced and disappoints as it only does the bare-minimum people expect a console to do. Live-action Zelda trailer drops and people who think video game movies are good defend it using their mental health as a shield.
A "mysterious" disease colloquially known as super-COVID exists and kills 1-2% of the population. The current vaccinations that are 12.5-25% effective against it and cost $125 will be used to blame the deaths on individuals' financial irresponsibility.
Mel Gibson denounces NATO and I'm forced to stan and watch the Lethal Weapon films again.
Edit: Bruce Willis' children speak into his barely-conscious brain via an earpiece to tell people to vote for Biden in a commercial.
Look on the upside. It'll be easier then 2025!
George RR Martin finishes writing The Winds of Winter but the sole manuscript is stolen. the thief anonymously sells the book to the highest bidder, who turns out to be Martin Shkreli, buying it for 69 bitcoins. he burns the manuscript live on Twitch
page by page
Maybe hold each one up to the camera once it's 20% gone, and give little glimpses of what was there before it vanishes into ash.
Maybe in 1 year is too soon but building off the Chinese balloon story this year
Made in Mexico Chinese EVs start slowly getting sold in USA before the US can fully roll out new tariffs to stop them. Americans go batshit insane and start destroying any Chinese EV they see on the road. At least 1 person gets shot while inside one
Austria had a bit of a hilarious shitfit recently on the grounds of the EUs "lowest bidder every time means best use of tax money" regulation for public acquisition awarded a fleet contract for EVs to chinese company BYD because turns out they're the lowest bidder and suddenly every fan of big boy adult lean state economic obligation suddenly turned into a protectionist when their rules inevitably lead to pretty much exactly what they want to happen
Palestinian cat goes viral. Israel will try desperately to get an Israeli to get back the narrative which completely backfires with every embarrassing attempt.
Ukraine war will spread to Moldova, crashing the economy of the maldives.
Things continue to get worse
I’ll probably further my transition, come out to more people, start dressing more femme, and maybe even get my hands on some of the good stuff
The Bell Riots will start in September
gonna get into a fistfight thinking it's going to be cool like in yakuza and as it turns out hand to hand combat is not as cool as it is in yakuza
Lies, bicycles function as weapons just as well in real life as they do in Yakuza.
Trumps dies at the debate stage
Biden dies at his funeral
Double K.O.!
Hunter wins!
Russia attempts a large offensive, trying to end the war before spring. The army makes modest gains, then the offensive stalls again. The war continues by January 2025.
The war in Gaza continues being a meat-grinder with heavy Palestinian, mostly civilian losses and a slow pace of the Israeli offensive. Eventually, a ceasefire happens somewhere in late spring and the situation returns to the pre-October status quo.
A new round of unrest in Venezuela happens after the election.
Fascists win a bunch of European elections.
Some new climate-change related catastrophes happen in both the global north and south, causing unrest and migration in the most affected countries.
New temperature records and "hottest month in history" happen several times through the year.
Some old celebrity or person in position of power, say the pope, dies.
Trump gets blocked from the ballot in multiple states, causing him to drop out of the race and not endorse anyone. Kennedy gets over 10% of the vote. If Biden survives, he wins. Nevertheless, the turnout will drop.
The bourgeois economies remain afloat, stagnant and sickly, but no crisis yet.
Right wing terrorism continues to rear its ugly head.
The UK government doesn't survive until the 2025 election. The Tories go further right, but bootleg Tony Blair wins and changes nothing about the current policies of the United Kingdom... except give more money to cops.
China and Russia remain stable.
The left keeps shrinking.
Trump gets blocked from the ballot in multiple states, causing him to drop out of the race and not endorse anyone.
This is so catty and in-character lol
year of the linux desktop
It already is in my heart.
Transnistrian international recognition
New Zealander Civil War breaks out. Peter Jackson is proclaimed dictator for life.
RFK Jr. wins 80% of the popular vote
Everyone gets more insane
Q true identity revealed
I'll still be alone
Q's true identity is whichever CIA agent is in charge of uploading the next Q drop that week.
• Lenin awakens from his century long hibernation
• Alex Jones mocks me by continuing to live
• The unusual amount of Australia-related foreshadowing in my life pays off
Israel sees massive inflation from war time spending. The US will stabilize their currency by discretely buying and selling their currency. They will incentivize the private sector to do direct foreign investment. The US will see another inflation event towards the end of the year.
Fromsoft releases a bad game that everyone hates
America uses a nuke
Bibi publically executed (Israel still exists)
Fake news gets banned along with my account
One of the chapos dies
Brace gets a show on HBO
Biden wins and dies and Hillary (VP) becomes president
Neo nazis shoot down a passenger plane
I was going to say a terrorist attack in Europe funded by Ukrainian neo-nazis.
Dems successfully prevent trump from being a viable candidate and we get to see Jan 6 again, but probably more protracted and even more disorganized. The sicko in me wants to see what the hogs will do.
Fascists win elections and culture wars as usual, liberals become irrelevant, and we stay irrelevant only when someone to blame is being brought up.
Normies really REALLY love their fascism and will stick with it through thick and thin.
Normal people don't love fascism, they just go with the flow. That's what makes them normal -- the lack of strong political convictions that challenge anything in a meaningful way.
Put those same people under any government and give them decent living conditions and they'll be basically what they are now.
Obama: lost at sea
Obama dies in a plane or helicopter crash
My money is on the V-280 Valor. Y'all thought the V22 Ospreys thirst for blood was unquenchable
I’ll believe it only if you say it, Melina.
It’s like 2023, but worse.
Biden and Trump die on the podium, most likely at the same time
X re-renamed to Twitter
Hillary loses to Trump's vice president pick
turtles are declared an antisemitic dogwhistle
botched coup attempts
Russia makes small, but noticeable gains against Ukraine by the end of the year.
Sanctions are declared, backfire
German government fails and they have to do early elections, CDU gets into power, SPD becomes their junior partner, afd uses their 20 something percent to get through shitty laws whenever the SPD won't vote for them
von der Leyen decrees shoot on sight on EU borders, critics will say it doesn't go far enough
An additional pandemic
More Gazan children are murdered, somebody (most likely Fetterman) explains why that's a good thing and extremely humanitarian
Vaush explodes and takes out Haz somehow
German government fails and they have to do early elections, CDU gets into power, SPD becomes their junior partner, afd uses their 20 something percent to get through shitty laws whenever the SPD won't vote for them
The FDP's vote on the traffic light coalition actually ended with a narrow majority against dissolving the government, so it seems it will not collapse yet. The rest seems about right, except for the assumption the SPD won't vote for the worst laws "with stomach pains" (as is often mocked).
Jimmy Carter dies right before hitting 100
Kamala gets to be acting President for a day while Biden has his appendix removed
CNN gets duped by some shaky cam deepfake vid of a politician saying a slur in a private meeting
Pixar announces a movie NOT themed around humanized objects/concepts
GTA VI gets its release date announced then immediately gets its first delay
New Jack Swing Revival
Temu gets taken down because of espionage fears
Elon retweets a ride-or-die soyjak-making groyper
Hot Topic goes bankrupt
Somehow Desantis becomes president because the world hates me.
U.K bans all pronouns, accidentally makes entire country legally non-binary.
Hillary Clinton tells centrist republicans to Nintendo Switch 2 voting blue
Another ship gets stuck in a canal
Crash Bandicoot movie voiced by Chris Pratt
It's going to be the hottest one in recorded history
Until 2025
And 2026? Have I got a bad bet for ya
i will play a fun video game at some point probably i dunno
America collapses
everything's gonna be fine
Death to America
First half will be a good year of jrpgs and then a new surge of covid
2024 fanfiction:
1 Trump goes to jail
2)Trump wins because he is in jail, and then pardons himself and everyone from jan 6
2a) PSL candidates win more votes than any communist or socialist has ever won in US history, but still lose handily (oof). Media never mentions it anyway.
3)Biden dies of natural causes shortly before Election Day. Media pretends it is a great tragedy, but literally nobody cares. He still loses to Trump in jail.
3a) Kamala is literally a deer in a headlights, immediately defers to Antony Blinken and John Bolton for advice. Decides to bomb a random country.
4)Trump dies of natural causes within weeks of Biden dying, VP-elect Tom Cotton calls for bombing of Iran, China, and alliance with Russia. Moscow refuses.
5)Democrats suffer biggest defeat in a generation, but media and politicians refuse to admit it has to do with Palestine. Ignore issue and claim it had to do with border/taxes/left overreach/poor campaigning/debates. Media/pundits decides people wanted to bomb Iran and Biden was too soft.
6)Ansarallah movement sinks US warship
7)Liberals start putting yellow ribbons on their cars and calling for national unification in support of the US soldiers against Yemen, even if they don't like Trump (or his VP Cotton)
8)Israel invades Lebanon, immediately bombs every hospital.
9)Liberals support move to "eliminate Hezbollah and bring democracy to Lebanon"
10 Leaked sex tape of Milei with the 6th generation clone of his dog that talks to him. Media is impressed by the level of romance and passion.
2a) PSL candidates win more votes than any communist or socialist has ever won in US history
Eugene V. Debs got 6,0% for the Socialist Party of America in 1912 - The media would highly likely definitely mention it, and the anticommunist propaganda would be a sight to behold.
A Democrat winning the college without the popular vote would be the end of the constitutional government as we know it. The GOP's voting base could not digest it. Republican party leadership would be ready and willing to ride the resulting wave of discontent through and over the existing political structures.
Israeli false flag against a US warship.
Turkey finally makes a move, butries the hatchet with Syria in solidarity with Palestine, exits NATO in plan to unite the Arab world and recreate the Ottoman Empire to contain Israel.
Sanctions of choice will drive costs up double digits.
Economic conditions continue to get drastically worse as technical hyperinflation hits western countries, but the leaders keep insisting everything is fine
Citi bank major scandal.
Eurovision interrupted by pro Palestinian activists - repeatedly.
begins banning opposition parties. breaks on live tv in a way that is unsalvageable. Assange is a free man.In tradition with the ongoing collapse of the UK, Richi Sunak gets booted.
Lots of bad weather in general. Also solar flares and floods, how bad? Fuck if I know you asked for predictions. Meili's probably going to step back into a position in his own cabinet once he's felt someone dare insult him for being a murderer fuckup. US politics will be a trainwreck per usual, election bullshit won't stop even into next year again.
Russia and Ukraine begin negotiations.
Leaked sex tape of Biden and Trump together.
China begins reunification process with Taiwan.
Another European country elects a fascist.
I begin process of getting a gf
Argentinians start to realize shit's fucked
I begin process of getting a gf
Hell Yeah brother, good luck
Polish right wing starts to vocally call for 'stabilization interventions' in western Ukraine in thin pretext for a repeat of 1919-21, paramilitary factions like Lwów Battalion and Kresy Battalion begin to form
China acts as mediator for a ceasefire in Gaza, it looks to be successful until a USS Liberty-alike incident escalates the Hezbollah front
Trump has a major health scare but is miraculously fine within a month
Milei requests direct US military assistance against 'communist rebels' that don't exist
Trump confirms the existence of Israel's nukes by mocking their capability in his 'we have the best nukes' speech
Hillary divorces Bill over the Epstein revelations, and successfully primaries Biden before losing the federal election to Trump as the RODHAM/BLINKEN ticket because some of her faithless electors in states that Trump was barred from running in flip votes to him for the sake of the people's right to choose their fascist dictator
An F-35 experiences a mechanical failure and crashes over Yemen, US media goes crazy about the threat of China, Russian and Iran getting access to the wreckage
Polish right wing starts to vocally call for 'stabilization interventions' in western Ukraine in thin pretext for a repeat of 1919-21, paramilitary factions like Lwów Battalion and Kresy Battalion begin to form
I am so fucking sick of hearing this to repetition on this website.
The libs won the election last year. The chance of this happening and having government backing is very low, while adventurists are just gonna get owned very fast (Poland has a very low gun ownership rate, even for European standards). Should the government of Ukraine be close to collapse and NATO send troops to "stabilize the situation" or whatever, it's likelier - but most likely without any territorial exchange. What does Polish Capital need with war-torn, economically weak land, when it can just buy off whatever it needs and pay peanuts to the workforce of a country adopting neoliberal dogma of ever-lesser regulation to regain economic growth?
And, like I keep saying like a broken record, revanchist nationalism is fringe even among the far-right.
Biden pardons Trump for something.
Oh god lmao. I could see this happening.
I continue being a piece of garbage
Right wing government in portugal
US goes full on mask off, cast away what little trappings and illusions it had of its silly baby lib democracy pandering, and possibly seriously starts Balkanizing beyond that red-blue thing. Even the most ostrich head in sand former US-educated petite-bourgeois PMC historian would admit 'yep, 2024 is when it all went down for real'.