Appreciate all the content though
Appreciate all the content though
Appreciate all the content though
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Sorry. I'm just trying to do something with my time until I go to the Mayo Clinic on the 15th. I can leave though. Some people here seem to want me to...
Edit: Or maybe not the 15th. They lost my appointment. Rescheduled for March 28th. Meanwhile, I'm looking elsewhere.
Nah thanks for the content, and hope all goes well at the clinic! Keep posting if it helps you
It does help me. I won't go into my sad life, but Lemmy makes it better. Thanks!
Do what makes you happy, my dude/dudette. And good luck with the clinic visit!
thanks for contributing to lemmy, but if bettering your life means that you'll post less, by all means do that :)
For whatever it's worth, I like to see you posting.
From what I've seen one dude is salty and everyone else (including myself) is happy to have your contributions! I don't necessarily agree with you on everything you post, but you're respectful and actually back up what you say. I respect that a hell of a lot more than someone who I'm in complete agreement with, but plugs their ears at the first sign of pushback.
Thanks. I hate the Reddit squabbling. I wish people could disagree without insults and I won't take part in it. I also think people should back up their claims. I don't expect everyone to feel the same way I do, I just wish so many people didn't.
Your content is much appreciated. Fuck the haters.
Who does? And why? Lemmy needs content, why wouldn't one appreciate your posts? ^^
You'd have to ask them. I'm definitely not universally loved or anything, but I'm grateful for the appreciation I get.
If you have no haters, you're doing something wrong ;) (Ve)
Probably true!
No one is universally loved. Everyone brave enough to put themselves out there will have people push back and talk trash. If doing what you do brings you some joy, do your best to ignore them and push on.
I'm actually worried about you, and your dry-heaving. Lemmy wouldn't be the same without you so don't die
I appreciate it, but I don't think I'm dying quite yet. And it's definitely not cancer or anything like that. Honestly, despite all that, I feel fine most of the time. Which is part of what makes it so weird.
Random question, but do hot showers help? I noticed a while back that you mentioned weed on some comment or other. I once lived with this family who had a woman in her late 50's who was a chronic (and I mean CHRONIC) user. She was struggling with nausea that was only alieviated by hot showers (idk why she told me this we weren't close). Turns out there's a condition:
I'm afraid there's nothing for them to help with. Hyperemesis is extremely unlikely. I don't vomit, I dry heave. And usually only once a day, soon after I get up. And hyperemesis also involves nausea, which I don't have.
Damn. Well, I hope it's something as simple and easily fixed at least!
It's not. I made a post about it in the health community if you're curious, but I've bummed everyone out enough in this thread!
Notice me senpai :'(
Beg pardon?