Another great advert from Threads. Not really looking like my kind of place.
Another great advert from Threads. Not really looking like my kind of place.
Another great advert from Threads. Not really looking like my kind of place.
Looks like a couple of white supremacists from here would feel more at home there though (hey lurkers - from kbin we can see you upvoting the racist blowing their dog whistle, you can't hide).. can see me upvoting furry porn?
Oh... Oh no.
Wait, what? Since when is Kbin racist?
In all fairness, it's a true statement. Just probably abused by people with certain agendas.
"it's okay to be white" was crafted by 4chan as a "triggering the libs" phrase. The entire point is to be fully racist and rally under the phrase so that the people calling you racist for genuine reasons appear to be saying that it is not in fact ok to be white. Anyone saying this phrase is a white supremacist trying to trip you into "agreeing" with them that a white genocide exists and is happening, and to convince bystanders (youtube teens at the beginning of the alt-right pipeline) that the left is against white people, ergo if you're white you should become a Nazi.
I know this because it happened to me. "It's ok to be white" is prime ben shapiro owns feminists with facts and logic video material.
The issue isn't the statement itself. It's the implication that white people are being victimized that folks are taking umbrage with.
Its a malicious statement. It makes the reader assume that there are people that dont think being white is okay. Statements like its okay to be black or lgbtq or anything else it works because there is a lot of discrimination against them.
There's definitely people that think that!
Appears to be an african american lady telling everyone they’re fine to be what they are.
Both were on the same day
Frankly I can find better reasons to mute that account, it’s a constant stream of lists, memes, etc… but racism doesn’t appear to be one of them.
edit: just like to congratulate OP on rage baiting lemmy by failing to investigate the account for context. It matters.
That a black lady didn't hear the dogwhistles doesn't mean it wasn't there.
Or even if she did, and had just fallen for the propaganda.
If, as a random example, a famous black celebrity were to wear a shirt saying "White Lives Matter" would you have the same reaction?
Yeah, real subtle....
I don't get it.
so far, the only threads ads i ever see are when users post them in anger about seeing threads ads
Do you have any sort of dns filtering going on?
Do you have any sort of dns filtering going on?
IG shows Threads posts in that preview panel based on what the algorithm tells the user engages with. I get shown comedians and motorsport stuff. If people interact with Nasis content (incl. reposting Nazi stuff commenting how bad it is), all the algorithm sees is "Oh, engagement". The more engagement they get, the more their posts surface. Report and block.
My threads ads are either corporate posts or some random lady posting how a black Santa statue at her mall is the most offended she's ever been in her life.
Meta trying hard to metastasize.
Is threads trying to ragebait people into downloading it? Because that's what it seems like...
people still use instagram ?
Most out of touch question ever lol
Yea but it's mostly horny people. I have noticed it's a go to for people to sext. As a woman I often get asked by horny men if I have "Snapchat or Instagram"
It's OK to be anything expect someone like her.
Remember I'll be keeping an eye on here.
That shark-eyed guy really spent a week in solitary? Maybe with a camera, though, perhaps that would help. Otherwise I'm amazed he managed.
The comments here are proving toxic af and I am out drinking so I can't really deal with them rn.
If such a mundane statement bothers you, it says more about you than the person who said it.
Imma leave this here since they put it quite nicely.
Also, just read their username and you'll see it's clearly exactly what we all think it is.
Oh honey, you just said even more about yourself.